ALOCASIA LONGILOBA is a subtropical/tropical plant that belongs to the family of Araceae. According to Wikipedia, there are 80 out of 97 acceptable species found under the word Alocasia. T
his plant is essential for me because it can be used as home décor, as an indoor purifier, and in Oceania and the Asian Tropics, it grows as a crop plant where there is a food shortage.
Please read this article till the end because I will share amazing information about ALOCASIA LONGILOBA that will surprise you.

Everything You Need To Know about Alocasia Longiloba
1. Origin
#1 Discovery
According to UK Houseplants, the Alocasia Longilobine was discovered in South-East Asia in the mid-1800s by Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel.
As we see the leaves of this plant from the top, it looks like a V shape elongated lobes. For this reason, Friedrich used Longilobus as its name, and it is a Latin word.
2.Requirements for proper growth of this plant
#1 Light requirements
To grow this plant, indirect bright light is a very suitable option for proper propagation. For this purpose, place the pot in which this plant is planted in the way of sunlight during morning and evening hours.
This plant will fade its color, or brown patches appear on the plant in the presence of direct sunlight. It can bear a temperature of about 120C to 300C.
#2 Location requirements
This plant requires significantly less space in your house. You can put this plant at any corner, on any table. But one thing should be kept in mind that washing its leaves every week to remove dust will increase the energy capturing capacity of the plant for proper propagation.
Also, the plants that are placed inside the home should be brought near the window during the morning and evening for sunlight capturing.

#3 Water requirements
This step is crucial for proper propagation because under-water or over-water conditions can have an adverse effect on growth. The plant will have stunted growth, yellowish leaves, and brown patches due to less water given to plants.
Also, the plant will have stem collapsed; the plant died situation and yellowish leaves in case of more water given than requirement.
In order to avoid these issues, I will tell you when to add water and how to access the situation. First of all, you should look at the soil.
Add water to it when it is one-third dry. It means you have to utilize your strong imagination abilities to examine the soil.
#4 Humidity requirements
The south-East Asian region is a high humid area, so; this plant requires high humidity to grow and survive. To create a humid environment near the plant, spray water on both sides of the leaves once a week in summer and twice in winter.
Important Tip: When you see brown patches on the surface of the leaves, it can be a sign of a low humid environment.
#5 Fertilizer requirement
Purchase the fertilizer having a label as “For Houseplant” and use it to enrich its soil. Fertilizer should add in diluted form to increase its efficiency. Give fertilizer to plant after every six weeks during spring and summer, and give after every four weeks during winter and autumn.
Important Tip: Don’t add solid fertilizer before the supply of water to plants because it will damage the roots of the plant.
3. Common Issues Faced by ALOCASIA LONGILOBA
#1 Stunted Growth
When you delay water supply to these plants, the plant will have stunted growth. It means the leaves will not develop properly. Delay for a more extended period of time results in thedecaying of plants from roots.
#2 Yellow Leaves
Yellow leaves appear on the lower part of the plant, and it is a sign of excess water given to plants for a more extended period of time. Excessive water in the pot over moisturizes the soil in the pot, which results in the decaying of plants from the root.
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#3 Mould Development on soil
Mould develops due to two reasons. The first one is excessive use of water to feed plants, and the second one is too little light for photosynthesis.
Usually, it is not harmful, but gardeners recommend removing it to avoid the risk of plant disease. The removal process includes soil removal up to 2inch and replacing it with Household Compost.
Important Tip: When you examine the plant and soil, and it seems that mold appears on the soil and the lower leaves are yellow, it is a sign of root rot.
#4 Plant Wilt
This condition develops due to many reasons. The plant placed inside the home, far away from the window, doesn’t have access to sunlight will have to face a situation called “Plant-Confusion.” This confusion results in the plant to wilt.
Environmental shock is another reason that contributes to wilt. It is a situation that shocks the plant due to the transfer of plant from one pot to another or from nursery to the home.
I will discuss in detail the steps to avoid environmental shock later. Read till the end.
#1 Use for home décor
Alocasia longiloba, due to its more giant V-shaped leaves used as natural home décor. Wastage of money is not a good option if you have any plant belonging to the Araceae family.
- I planted this plant in my home and placed it in the TV lounge, dining area, and behind the outer door.
- Its big leaves attract everyone. I usually put some décor lights in the pots that give a charming look whenever I plan a candlelight dinner.
- I placed this plant in a little pot on either side of the LCD.
#2 Use as Natural air purifier
We all know that plants have the ability to start a photosynthesis process when light from the sun falls on them. This process will help to supply oxygen and reduce the level of carbon dioxide from the environment.
- The plants that I placed in my home help to eliminate the toxic gases and provide fresh oxygen to my family member. I advise all of you to plant these plants inside your home for these long-lasting benefits.
- Formaldehyde is produced by many things placed inside home-like paints, paper products, and bed foam, etc. These plants help to eliminate formaldehyde from the indoor atmosphere, according to the report developed by NASA.
- As I mentioned earlier, these plants can grow in high humid places. These plants will help in tackling the dryness of air because they can control the humidity of any area where it is placed.
#3 Require less space to be placed
Plants belong to the Araceae family, usually placed inside a home or shady areas.
Most of you think that these plants acquire a large area if placed inside your dining area or TV lounge, so your information is not correct. These plants are of compact size, and you can place them anywhere in your home easily.
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5. How to grow these plants
There are two methods to grow these plants.
#1 Grow by seed
It is a conventional process used to grow any plant. I will tell you the steps that I took to grow this plant in my home.
- I purchased the seed of this plant from a plant store.
- I took an empty pot available in my house and put a mixture of soil and organic matter in equal proportion.
- I dig small holes in the mixture and add seeds to them and close the holes.
- Then, I added some water to it and put it near a window where the pot could take indirect sunlight during morning and evening.
- After a few days, the stems started to come out of the soil.
Important tip #1: As you know that this plant will destroy by giving excessive water, so take a pot that has a good draining capacity.
Important tip #2: You have seen many times that pots are usually filled with a number of these leaves. To make a lush pot full of leaves, you have to burry seeds in the pot at a distance of 2-2.5 inches apart.
#2 Grow by stem cutting
It is another essential method of growing this type of plant.
- I took a water bottle which I purchased from a store. I added water to it.
- Then, I put a stem of this plant in water and hand that bottle on a wall near a window.
- After some days, the roots started to grow from these stems.
- Then, I took the pot and added soil and compost mixture, and placed this stem in it.
- It became a perfect natural décor for my home.
Important tip: Most of you want to grow the plant by this method. For this purpose, the stem of the plant should have a length of 4-7 inches and be cut below the node point.
6. Tips to avoid transplant shock during repot process
Transplant shock is the situation faced by the plants when they shift from one pot to other due to any reason. It is associated with the care and handling of the existing plant.
- Transplant shock is easy to avoid, and it takes two steps only.
- You must give water to pot in which the plant is already placed before 24 hrs. The soil should be soaked well.
- You should avoid touching the roots of the plant.
There are two types of transplant shock.
#1 Mild Shock
The symptoms of a mild shock include little grey or yellow color of foliage, slow growth of the plant and loss of flowers, etc. To overcome this shock, you should add the desired amount of water, place the pot near the window for indirect sunlight, etc.
Important tip: I have seen most people try to unearth the plant from the plant. This is not the solution. It will result in severe shock.
#2 Severe Shock
The symptoms of a severe shock include stunted growth, high grey or yellow color of the foliage and wilting of leaves, etc. The chance of recovery from this type of shock is very minimum. You have two options either to wait for new growth or consider immediate propagation.
7. Pest and Diseases
There is a number of pests that can hide in these types of plants. It includes mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and scales, etc. You can find them in the undersides and holes of the leaves. Don’t forget to spray these plants to get rid of these insects that can cause damage to these plants.
Apart from pests, diseases like red leaf-spot, botrytis, southern blight, powdery mildew, and root rot.
8. Toxicity
Plants belonging to the family of Araceae contain calcium oxalate crystal that is very poisonous. Nausea, vomit, and loss of appetite can be the symptoms if you eat this plant. You should consult your doctor immediately after eating.
Important suggestion: You should keep these plants at a place away from the reach of children and pets. It can be fatal for them.
Important Point: This plant is used as a source of food where there is a shortage of food. They boil these plants at a high temperature which removes the poisonous calcium oxalate from them.
In the end, I want to say that I have tried very hard through research and personal experience to create awareness in your minds about this topic. It hopes you enjoyed it. I advise you all to plant this in your home as I did due to its unique features.
Don’t forget to share these amazing facts with your friends, family members, and relatives.