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Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata (8 Caring and 4 Propagating Tips)

Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata is an herbaceous evergreen plant that has become quite popular in the last few years due to its uniquely variegated leaves.

It is also known as the Elephant ear plant because of its huge leaves. The combination of colors embedded on a large surface area of leaves produces a sensational sight that you will never forget.

These plants produce excellent flowers and fruits that further enhance the overall beauty of the plant. If you are searching for a plant that provides an overall package that includes all the qualities of an outstanding plant, choose Alocasia Macrorrhiza.

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Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata – via Etsy

Characteristics of Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata

Understanding your plants’ nature is one of the most important steps most plant lovers forget before purchasing one for their garden.

Some of the plants are beautiful from the outside, but it fades if not taken care of properly, so make sure that you know your plants’ characteristics and requirements before you start growing them.


The foliage of this plant has a creamy green color with white variegation. The variegation on the leaves is the main highlight of the plant that makes it one of the most highly demanded plants. The size and pattern of the leaves are quite similar to the elephant ears with white margins and prominent veins.


The flowers of the plant are produced in a green color spathe that changes to pale yellow with time. They are attractive and fragrant that can instantly uplift your mood, so keep the plant under good environmental conditions that allow it to show its true nature.

Height and width

These plants can grow up to 12 to 15 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide, so make sure that you have enough space in your room or garden to allow them to grow freely.

The size of the plant makes it more attractive to the eye, so let them grow naturally without too much altering in their shape to have a real experience of what these plants are capable of.

Evergreen nature

The foliage of the plant retains its beautiful colors throughout the year. Most plants lose their colors as soon as they step out of their growing season when they are active, but these plants ensure that you enjoy their mesmerizing foliage even in the winter season.


They can be toxic to your children and pets. Please keep your plants at a height where your pets and children cannot reach the sensitive plant foliage.

We advise you to train your pets not to consume the plant’s leaf at any cost. If you notice them suffering from irritation or severe pain in their throat due to leaf consumption, consult a doctor as soon as possible for timely treatment.

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Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata – via Esty

Caring tips for Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata

These plants are quite easy to care for, but keeping them in an environment where they feel at home allows them to flourish and thrive with astonishing colors.


We recommend you place your plant where bright, indirect sunlight hits the beautiful foliage to meet all its lighting demands. Please avoid placing your plant under direct sunlight as it can cause the leaves to burn.


Well-drained soil is always a good choice for most plants, but make sure that you keep the soil moist. Most people nowadays damage their plants by overwatering them while trying to keep the soil moist, so please check if the excess water has dried before watering the plant again. Try to keep the soil’s pH level from 5.6 to 7.0 for best results.


Water the plant more often in summer than winter. These plants become inactive when the temperatures fall below their resistance level, so make sure that you water them only when it is required to protect the roots from root rot.


Keep the temperature level from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. These plants prefer warm and humid temperatures to grow ideally. Please do not keep the plant under 50 degrees Fahrenheit as it will stunt its growth.


A high humidity level is ideal for these plants, so maintain a good stable level of humidity by misting the plant. A humidifier to increase the moisture level in the air is always also an option, but we recommend placing the plant on pebbles and water to keep the humidity level stable.


Feed the plant with a balanced diluted fertilizer once every two weeks in the growing season. Once the winter season arrives and the plant becomes inactive, cut back on feeding and let the plant rest until it becomes active again after a few months.


Pruning can help the plant to maintain a good shape and encourage growth. It can also be used to remove any infected leaves that can damage the overall growth of the plant. Please remove yellow or black-spotted leaves as they may be infected by fungal disease.

Pests and other diseases

These plants are good against pests. You would not see a lot of mealybugs or spider mites near your plant, but if you do, make sure that you get rid of them with warm soapy water spray.

Propagating Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata

You can propagate your plant by seed, stem cuttings, or rhizomes division method. The rhizome division method produces the best results, so here are a few tips that can help you execute the process properly.

  • Take the plant out of its current soil and look for the tubers below the ground.
  • Divide the long tubers and clean the soil around them.
  • Prepare a good soil mixture for the tubers to grow.
  • Plant the tubers about 12 inches below the soil and provide them with plenty of water in the growth stage.


Alocasia Macrorrhiza Variegata is one of the most iconic plants that every plant lover dreams to grow in his garden. The variegation and size of the leaves make it the fan’s favorite, so keep it healthy and strong by following all the tips provided in this guide.