Amydrium is a vining plant that belongs to the Araceae family. They are one of the most eye-catching plants because of more than a couple of varieties of its variegated version available in the market. The colors pop up even more as the leaves move towards maturity.
They are also called spiderman monstera because of their climbing habit, which is different from any other climbing plant you will see today. We highly recommend choosing this plant if you are looking for a climbing plant that provides beauty and elegance with minimal care requirements.

Characteristics of Amydrium
Amydrium is not like any other climbing plant, as they are called Spiderman monsteras for a reason. Their unique stem can be seen climbing the moss pole like a spider covering its prey inside its web.
The dark green leaves keep their attractive colors across all the seasons. An essence of grey, silver, and blue can also be seen in the variegated versions of this plant. You can notice an improvement in the color of its leaves once it completely grows into its mature form.
These plants can grow up to 20m high, so make sure that you have enough space in your room for them to spread out to fill the whole area.
They are fast-growing plants that extend their stems in any direction, so make sure that you allow them to grow to their desired height by providing the stem the right path to move.
Amydrium is native to indo-china to Papua New Guinea. They were first seen growing on the trunks of big trees in the rainforests of Borneo. The tropical nature of the plant can be seen in its large leaves and thin stems designed for climbing.
Air purifying
These plants can purify the air by converting the carbon dioxide in the air into oxygen. They can also remove all the toxins from the air you are breathing to improve your health by providing you with fresh oxygen without toxic chemicals.
The plants can be toxic to humans and pets if they are consumed. Ensure that the plant’s leaves are at a height where your pet and children cannot reach It. If you notice your pet behaving abnormally or not eating food properly, make sure that you check if it has swallowed a leaf from the plant.
Climbing nature
The trait that makes these plants one of the most demanding medium genus plants is their unique climbing nature. We advise you to use a moss pole with this plant to help the stem climb in a specified direction without straying from its climbing path.

Amydrium caring tips
Amydrium’s care difficulty level is moderate, as they can be easily grown in normal home conditions. However, ensure that you provide this plant with all the basic necessities to see it flourish and thrive on filling up your empty room with its colorful foliage in no time.
We recommend using soil with a high amount of organic matter mixed in it. You can use a mixture of coarse grade perlite, orchid bark, and peat moss or cactus mix to make an ideal substrate for the plant to grow. Please use an even amount of ingredients for the soil mixture to make it more stable.
Water requirements for this plant are quite low, as watering them once a week would be enough for the plant to grow at its full growth speed. Overwatering can cause root rot, so make sure that you do not water the plant more than it requires.
The plant’s leaves will face downwards to show that they require more water. However, yellowish leaves indicate that they are treated with unnecessary continuous watering.
The USDA zone of these plants is 11 to 13. They require a temperature ranging between 19 to 29 degrees Celcius for their ideal growth.
A light level of 10000 to 20000 lux is ideal for these plants to grow, so place it in medium to bright indirect sunlight to ensure that the plant does not show leggy growth. They can tolerate bright sunlight too, but the leaves will start to burn if they are kept in it for more than 4 hours.
These plants prefer to grow in tropical conditions with humidity above 60 percent, but they can also thrive at maximum speeds in average housing conditions with 50 to 60 percent humidity. Mist these plants occasionally to increase the moisture in the air.
Pest and other diseases
Wash the leaves with insecticidal soap if you find any pests such as mealybugs, aphids, spider mites, or thrips attached to the plant.
Keep the plant clean by wiping off all the debris or dust on its stem or foliage. You can also use water for cleaning purposes, but make sure that you don’t overwater it, as it can leave the plant susceptible to diseases instead of protecting it.
Use a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength and feed the plant once a month in its growing season.
Remove any extra stem that extends itself in the air in an unappealing direction. Irregular growth of the plant can also be controlled by pruning once every week or two.
Propagating Tips for Amydrium
An ideal method to propagate your Amydrium is by using the stem cutting method. A few steps need to be followed to execute the whole process properly.
- Choose and cut 10 to 15 cm long stem from your plant
- Make sure that you leave a few leaves intact
- Place the cutting in the humus-rich soil mix.
- Water it as per the requirement to ensure that it stays hydrated
After completing the propagation process, make sure that you give rooting some time, as it can take about two weeks. The new growth can be seen in about 4 weeks if propagated and taken care of properly.
Amydrium does not ask a lot of attention from its owners. They can live days without water and continue to grow vigorously. We have provided you with a complete guide on how you can improve your plant’s health to make it grow with astonishing colors.