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Amydrium Zippelianum – 5 Important Caring Tips!

Amydrium zippelianum is the herbaceous evergreen plant. It is a climbing species with a stem about 4 m long and 2 to 3.5 cm diameter. Amydrium zippelianum has strong aerial roots found at the nodes about 0.4 cm in diameter.

The leaves are bright green and distichously alternate, ovate and rotund and simple. It is cordate at the base and acuminate to acute at the apex. Its flowers are bisexual and have no corolla with a fleshy berry fruit that is orange to whitish-green. Also, the fruit has one to two seeds.

Amydrium zippelianum
Amydrium zippelianum – via Etsy

Care tips for Amydrium Zippelianum

1.       Lighting

Amydrium zippelianum needs a well-lit location. At the same time, the plant must be shaded from direct sunlight at home. Good illumination of the entire plant in winter is no less important than in summer.

So, it is advisable to use artificial lighting lamps, bringing daylight hours to 10-12 hours. Moreover, the best effect is achieved by simultaneously lighting the plant above and from the sides.

2.       Watering

The plant does not tolerate hard water with excess calcium. Before watering, it is better to defend it for several days. Soft and warm water is ideal for watering the plant.

Water the Amydrium zippelianum as the topsoil dries up. Do not allow the earthen to dry out, as this can lead to the death of the plant. But excess moisture is also undesirable. This plant is best kept in a cool place in winter, reducing watering frequency.

3.       Temperature

It is important to provide the Amydrium zippelianum with the necessary coolness constantly. In the summer months, the temperature should be set at 29 °C; in winter, 18 °C is enough. 

Some experts in the frost period recommend lowering the temperature to 15 degrees. The plant pot can be rearranged there if you have a glazed balcony.

4.       Fertilizer

Amydrium zippelianum is fed with the usual mineral complex fertilizer, but the instructions indicate the dose. The fertilizer intended for this plant is completely suitable. 

Fertilize the Amydrium zippelianum every two weeks after thoroughly watering the plant with water.  In winter and late autumn, top fertilizer is not applied.

5.       Air humidity

Amydrium zippelianum does not tolerate dry air. The leaves begin to drop with great dryness, especially during the heating season. 

Amydrium zippelianum must be constantly sprayed when the air is very warm and dry to prevent this from happening. This can be done two or even three times a day, stopping this procedure only in cold wintering.

To increase at least a little moisture in the air around the plant, you can put moss on the tray and constantly moisten it. Sphagnum can cover the ground in a pot and always be wet. 

6.       Top dressing

The top dressing should be carried out every 14 days throughout the entire period of active plant growth. Experts recommend using reduced doses of mineral fertilizers with the low calcium content. 

The fact is that calcium harms the plant’s chemical composition. In addition, it is necessary to feed the araucaria once a month with organic fertilizers. The best option is mullein. In autumn and winter, it is not needed to provide Amydrium zippelianum.

7.       Transplant

The plant develops quite slowly, so it does not need frequent transplants. It is only necessary to transplant it when its roots grow through the drainage holes. This usually happens every three or four years. It is easy to guess that you need to transplant a tree into a deeper and more voluminous pot.

In transplanting Amydrium zippelianum at home, it is necessary to use a loose and porous soil mixture. It is necessary to mix equal parts of garden soil, peat, and sand for its preparation. 

You can also add one tablespoon of bone meal. It is required to start transplanting by laying out a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Amydrium zippelianum 2
Amydrium zippelianum – via Etsy

Propagation methods

i. Propagation by seeds

Seeds are planted immediately after harvest because they are not meant to be stored long. In addition to the soil described above, a mixture of peat, sand, and crushed charcoal can plant seeds.

After planting, the soil surface is moistened and covered with a small layer of moss, periodically removed for ventilation. Germination time can take place between 2 weeks and two months.

ii. Propagation by cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, take the upper, half-lignified branches. They are cut in the spring below the whorl and placed in the shade for 24 hours. After the cut’s expiration, the place of the cut is cleaned of the resinous substance and sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Then you can treat with a root formation stimulator. The cuttings are planted in separate containers with sand and covered with glass jars or plastic bottles. It is necessary to ventilate and moisten the cuttings regularly. The rooting process can take up to 5 months.

Pests and diseases

Amydrium zippelianum can be attacked by pests like aphids. On the leaves, white droplets appear, which are secreted by these pests. The leaves dry out and crumble, and their surface becomes sticky. 

The pest can be removed manually or washed with a solution of laundry soap. It is important here because the soapy liquid does not fall on the ground, negatively affecting the root system. 

Sawfly larvae eat young shoots, and the branches begin to dry out. To combat it, insecticidal preparations such as Actellik are suitable.

Also, scale insects are dangerous to Amydrium zippelianum, as they are detrimental to leaves, turning them into dry leaves.  Wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution or use Aktellik.

Young shoots can turn yellow and dry. The reason is dry air. It is recommended to spray the plant daily and increase the humidity in the room. Likewise, the leaves fall off due to a lack of moisture in the soil or the air. To solve this, watering is increased, and the plant is sprayed.


Amydrium zippelianum is a beautiful plant with dark green leaves. Every leaf is formed far apart on the vining stem. The plant likes bright and indirect light, and with good care, it can grow very healthy.