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Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium: How To Tell Them Apart?

Anthurium crystallinum and Anthurium Clarinervium are two of the most popular indoor houseplants. Both of these plants will astound you with their appealing appearance and wonderful nature. 

It isn’t easy to look away from these plants. However, if you are unaware of the considerable distinctions between these plants, you may mistake them for one another. Furthermore, the identical appearance and behavior of these plants may cause some confusion.

In today’s article on Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium, we will provide you with what you need to know about these plants!

Overview Of Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium

1. What is Anthurium Crystallinum?

Anthurium crystallinum is a tropical-looking epiphytic perennial plant. The plant gets the name from its gorgeous, oval-shaped, velvety, and highly veined foliage.

Because it is frost fragile, it is best grown inside and put in a position of partial shade with well-draining soil for optimal growth.

Anthurium Crystallinum is a popular houseplant grown for its foliage rather than its flowers. The leaves are dark green (occasionally tinted with red-purple) with noticeable white veins. It has plain green-yellow inflorescences encircled by green spathes that lead to white-purple berry fruit.

The Anthurium genus is often grown in tropical gardens, and they are regarded as houseplants or sensitive patio plants in temperate climates around the world.

Anthurium Crystallinum Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium
Anthurium Crystallinum via Flickr

2. What is Anthurium Clarinervium?

Anthurium Clarinervium is a Mexican perennial that grows in rocky settings with shady limestone outcroppings or karst. The plant is commonly mistaken as epiphytic, but it does not grow in trees and is appropriately referred to as a lithophyte or an epipetric plant.

On a darker green backdrop, the plant is praised for its enormous, heart-shaped leaf with beautiful pale green, gold, or silver-toned concentric veins. The underside of the leaf is uniformly light green.

Anthurium clarinervium remains compact compared to the size of its leaves. When potted, they grow to be around two feet tall and three feet broad, with eight to ten inches long leaves. Their strong roots are meant to give stability in shallow soil squeezed between stones.

Anthurium Clarinervium Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium
Anthurium clarinervium windowsill via Flickr

5 Common Things Between Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium

1. Soil Requirements

Both of these Anthuriums have pretty much similar soil requirements. The soil must be well-drained as the first condition. These are the jungle conditions that these plants require to grow. Their roots develop in the top layer of soil, where water isn’t trapped, or they adhere to the bark of massive trees.

2. Size

These two plants are roughly the same size. They can be taller in nature, but they are usually no taller than 30 inches in the room. In fact, they can grow to be 15 to 20 inches wide.

3. Watering

Both varieties of plants need the same amount of watering. However, they demand more water when actively growing from spring till autumn. Moreover, they should be watered once or twice a week during this time. But I If it’s a hot summer, you might need to water three times a week.

4. Lighting requirements

These plants grow in the shadow of massive trees and thus do not receive direct sunlight. This, however, does not indicate that you should place them in complete darkness. The Anthurium could photosynthesize due to the canopy of tropical trees.

You should never set Anthurium Crystallinum or Anthurium Clarinervium in direct sunlight to ensure the best light balance. That is, don’t put it in front of a window that faces south.

It is best if it is placed on the sunny side of a window. It can also be put in front of an east or west-facing window. The most crucial thing is to give the plants at least six hours of indirect light per day.

5. Feeding 

They both require the same feeding way. After transplanting, the first thing you should do is fertilize the plants. Be careful not to overfertilize! The fertilizer must have twice as much phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Phosphorus will help the plant grow a robust root system.

Then, every 45 to 60 days from Spring to the end of Summer, apply a small amount of fertilizer for the plants. There is certainly no need to fertilize the plant during the winter.

4 Major Differences Between Anthurium Crystallinum Vs Clarinervium

1. Leaves

The first difference is that Anthurium crystallinum has thinner leaves that are more easily damaged. Anthurium clarinervium, on the other hand, has thicker (leathery) leaves that are more robust. Therefore, the silver vein pattern of Anthurium crystallinum is more complex than Clarinervium.

The leaves on both of these Anthuriums are heart-shaped but it is more noticeable on Anthurium clarinervium. Anthurium crystallinum, on the other hand, has more elongated leaves.

Anthurium crystallinum’s leaves are a little brighter, while Anthurium clarinervium’s leaves are a bit darker. So it is clearer to see the pattern on Anthurium crystallinum.

2. Grow rates

Anthurium crystallinum grows much faster than Anthurium clarinervium despite their same size and under similar conditions.

Anthurium crystallinum has more buds and aerial roots, as well. Therefore, it is denser and multiplies more quickly. This means that if you want a plant that grows and can be replicated quickly, Anthurium crystallinum is your go-to choice.

Anthurium clarinervium’s slow growth and propagation have significant implications. This plant is a little harder to obtain for your collection. It is also more expensive than Anthurium crystallinum in most cases.

3. Berries’ color

Anthurium crystallinum berries start out white, but as they age, they turn purple. Similarly, mature Anthurium clarinervium berries are orange.

Moreover, anthurium clarinervium berries are larger due to the presence of many seeds. Anthurium crystallinum berries, on the other hand, have only one seed.

4. Reproduction

Finally, Anthurium clarinervium blooms more frequently and with larger flowers. In other words, it produces more seeds than Anthurium crystallinum. This is the reason for the species’ delayed growth.

Anthurium crystallinum reproduces vegetatively, while Anthurium clarinervium reproduces generatively.

2 Common Problems Of Anthurium Crystallinum And Clarinervium (With Solutions)

1. Yellow leaves

If the leaves of your Anthurium plant become yellow, it is stressed. In most cases, this indicates that your plant is suffering from moisture or water stress.

You’re either overwatering or underwatering your plant.

Assess the plant’s soil. The soil should not get soaked. You should water the plant less or stop watering if you are overwatering it.

When plant owners notice yellowing leaves, the first thing they believe is that the plant needs more water.

However, this seems to be quite a mistake. Overwatering might reduce the amount of oxygen available to the root system.

Water essentially replaces the oxygen spaces in the soil. As a result, the leaves are usually the first parts of the plant to show signs of turning yellow.

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2. Brown leaves

If anthurium plants don’t have enough humidity, their tips tend to turn brown.

The most important thing to understand about tropical plants is that their original habitats must be replicated. Otherwise, they won’t thrive the way you want them to.

An Anthurium plant with dull leaves and veins means that it isn’t getting enough light to grow. Furthermore, slow or stunted growth is another primary symptom of a lack of light in your plant.

When a plant doesn’t receive enough light, it is unable to complete the photosynthesis process. In other words, the Anthurium plant cannot produce all of its nutrients.

You must be cautious when fixing the problem because you don’t want to put direct light on your plant.

When it’s dark outside, the ideal place to put it is in a window. However, keep your plan away from the south and west-facing windows.

Stick to windows that face north or east. It will be exposed to sunlight, but not directly.


1. Are Anthurium Crystallinum climbers?

This plant is a vine that climbs. Unlike the other species on this list, the leaves of Anthuriums do not grow to be exceptionally huge. Instead, they are small leaves, only reaching a maximum length of five inches.

2. Why is Anthurium Warocqueanum so expensive?

These tropical houseplants are valued for their lush and gorgeous appearance, and this, combined with their rarity, makes them more expensive than some other plants.

3. What is the rarest Anthurium?

Anthurium crystallinum is a remarkable beauty that sticks out from other foliage houseplants due to its large, velvety green leaves and crisp white venation. This is a unique find that is in high demand among collectors.


The above guide on Anthurium Crystallinum vs Clarinervium compares several plants, highlighting the differences and similarities. We can see that Anthurium Crystallinum and Clarinervium are magnificent plants to grow, and their beauty will increase the value of your garden.

These plants are visually pleasing and require little maintenance and care. You may cultivate these Anthuriums if you provide them with the proper growing conditions.

Visit our website daily for more guidelines and tips to level up your garden with various plants and flowers!