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Anthurium Regale – 6 Caring Tips and 3 Propagating Methods

Anthurium Regale is a wonderful houseplant. It belongs to the Araceae family. This plant delights its owners with bright colors even when cold, gloomy, and damp outside.

If properly cared for, the plant will bloom all year round. Moreover, anthurium regale comes with attractive decorative leaves, which have a variety of shapes.

There are heart-shaped, spatulate, rounded, and dissected leaves. The leaves turn with the sun in the homeland and in the tropical rainforest. 

Anthurium regale can grow between 5 and 8 feet tall with good care. Also, the leaves can grow to about 4 feet in size if there is proper humidity and sunlight.

Anthurium Regale
“New leaf on an Anthurium regale growing nicely.” via Reddit

Caring tips for anthurium regale

1.       Lighting

Proper and sufficient lighting for anthurium regale is important in proper plant care. Direct rays can burn the leaves, which will spoil the plant’s appearance.

To provide a tropical guest with a comfortable stay in the House, window sills facing west or east are suitable. In winter, the plant can be placed on the window on the south side.

If the sun actively illuminates the room, it is better to install a flowerpot with anthurium regale at a distance of a meter from the window so that the sun’s rays do not harm the plant.

An insufficient amount of light adversely affects it. The plant stops flowering and begins to wither, which becomes noticeable by the deformation of the leaves. In this case, the flower needs to pick up another place. 

2.       Temperature

Anthurium regale perfectly adapts to room temperature. In its natural environment, it grows in the tropics.

In the warm season, the optimum temperature will be 20-25 °C. 16-18 °C will be enough in winter, but the plant must be protected from warm radiators. Drafts and sudden temperature changes can cause the death of a flower. 

3.       Air humidity

The birthplace of anthurium regale is tropical rainforests, so the plant needs to create a special microclimate in the apartment. Dry air in the room will not suit it.

It is better to get a humidifier or use other proven methods. For example, put a flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay. In this case, excess moisture should not fall into the pot.

For anthurium regale to feel comfortable, its air must be periodically sprayed. Water can’t fall on the leaves; otherwise, they will be covered with white limescale. Because of this, the plant loses its attractiveness.

Anthurium Regale 2
“Anthurium regale leaf vs my hand” via Reddit

4.       Watering rules 

Anthurium regale is quite demanding on watering, for it requires abundant watering. Excessive moisture and drying of the soil will harm the plant.

After watering, check the pallet. If there is water left in it, it must be poured out. The flower is watered as the topsoil dries up. Watering is increased at high temperatures in the room, and at low temperatures, it should be reduced.

In summer, the plant is watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter, once will be enough. Water for irrigation should be warm and soft. Since anthurium regale grows mainly in acidic substrates, the leaves turn yellow from lime water. 

5.       Top dressing

Caring anthurium regale should include periodic top dressing. To stimulate flowering in summer, fertilizers with high potassium and phosphorus are used.

In winter, if the plant does not bloom, stop feeding. If it blooms, you can feed according to the established scheme. Fertilizer is applied every 2-3 weeks. Also, the plant is very responsive to organic feeding. You can use chicken manure or mullein infusion – no more than once a month. 

6.       Transfer

For the plant to grow well and please with its flowering, it must be constantly replanted, adding a fresh earthen mixture to the pot. The soil in the pot should be light, nutritious, and well breathable.

It is more expedient to use purchased soil intended for aroid. Essentially, it is very important to place the drainage at the bottom of the pot. A small and narrow pot helps to stimulate the flowering of anthurium regale. In a large and wide pot, drainages are more often formed.

Propagation methods

a)      Propagation by seeds

The seeds are sown in a pot, not sprinkled with earth, and covered with a transparent lid. This method is the most time-consuming and lengthy and is rarely practiced at home. 

b)      Propagation by division

Side shoots with roots are separated from the bush and transplanted into a flowerpot with suitable soil when propagated by division.

c)       Propagation by cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, the stems with a length of at least 15–20 cm are used. The leaves planted in separate containers (plastic cups) are filled with vermiculite to a depth of about 5 cm. After about a month, the cuttings will have roots, and they can be planted in individual flowerpots.

Diseases and pests

Yellowed leaves indicate an insufficiently high temperature in the room where the plant lives. Also, it can indicate insufficient lighting in the room, lack of nutrients, and too large a flowerpot. In this case, it is better to transfer the flower to a warmer room, temporarily reducing the humidity of the air.

A common disease of anthurium regale is also downy mildew. In this case, the affected plant has yellowing and twisting of the leaves and a decrease in their size.

In addition to diseases, the plant can be affected by pests such as aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is enough to wash the leaves with warm water regularly.

If the infection has already occurred, treatment with a soapy solution or insecticide will eliminate the pest. 

Anthurium regale is also prone to fungal and infectious diseases. As you can see, these plants require attention, but caring for them is not very difficult or time-consuming for a houseplant lover.

A little attention and care shown to this plant will turn into great pleasure from contemplating the result of your efforts. 


Anthurium regale is a beautiful plant that has broad and elegant leaves. It is well-known for its beauty and is the preferred indoor flower by people who love to add easily-to-maintain tropical plants to their homestead. 

Essentially, if you follow the above caring tips, anthurium regale will be green and healthy.