While some individuals would want you to believe that there is a magic list of garden tools that each and every gardener should possess, the truth is, gardening tools come in all sizes, shapes, and features. Over the years, these tools have gone through significant evolution courtesy of changes in technology. Garden tools have grown …
Hoang Quang
A mulch is a basic requirement in gardening for various purposes. It doesn’t only create a neat, even layer appearance, but also reduce the loss of water from the soil. In addition to that, it helps build a barrier against weeds that start to grow and potentially destroy or harm your plants. It basically stimulates …
Curry is one of the popular spices in the world due to their flavor and aroma allowing anyone to prepare delicious dishes. Despite the easy accessibility of leaves and powder at local stores, having your own supply is much better. That leads us to the question how to grow curry leaves at your own backyard …
Otherwise known as winter squash, butternut squash is a vegetable similar to other types of squashes in terms of appearance, texture and flavor. It tastes sweet and is loaded with nutrients. This is one natural source of additional vitamin B3 (niacin), fiber, beta carotene (converts into vitamin A), iron, potassium and complex carbohydrates.
How long does watermelon last after harvested from its vine or sliced and refrigerated? This is probably a good question for first time planters of the fruit.
Broccoli is one of the favorite and very familiar vegetables eaten in the world. It is delicious and healthy as it is loaded with nutrients from B vitamins to vitamin C. vitamins E to K, folate (folic acid) to potassium, calcium to iron, among others. Amazingly, you can eat this raw or slightly steamed and …
Is this the first time you’ve heard about Jude the obscure rose? You may have seen a few but not sure of the name. Though with little familiarity, this post is focused on basic facts regarding this beautiful rose flower.
Are gourds edible? Are they not poisonous? There are people who may be wondering if all types of gourds are totally safe to eat. To answer that, we have to understand what gourds are and what the chances are of them being unsafe.
Whether stuffed or baked, spaghetti squash is not only a delicious vegetable but a nutritious one. This should be found in your vegetable garden. If you already have some, you are probably on the waiting period. That rewarding time wherein you pick the fruit of the plant!
The answer to the question why do plants need water may be obvious. Even grade school kids can provide a definitive answer. But there are underlying layers that can explain the importance of water for plants.
If you have your own lawn mower then you need to maintain the same. Lawn mowers basically trim or prune the garden grasses and these machines move through the garden surface, and collect the clutters from the garden or lawn. So after operating these lawn mowers for longer period, you may find some difficulty in …
A trusty wheelbarrow is one of the first things any respectable gardener will need once you upgrade from anything smaller than pot. Fortunately, unlike the wheelbarrows of yesteryear, we’ll have more than just old hulking steel models that are encrusted with concrete from its last job. And for the discriminating gardener, only the best wheelbarrow …
It may be only a few weeks ago when you started planting tomatoes. Or that you are planning to grow this fruit* for the very first time. Either way, there is one important fact you need to know – the presence of worms. Yes, expect the obvious that can happen from time to time. But …
Nicknamed as “fruit of the angels” by the Italian explorer and colonizer Christopher Columbus, papaya is a popular herb in tropical areas, most specifically Southeast Asia. It can only grow in warm areas as it cannot tolerate cold or freezing temperatures. These days, you can plant some in zones 10 to 12 in the US …
Kiwi is a term that refers to both a type of fruit and a native from New Zealand. Does that mean this fruit comes from New Zealand? Or is it originated from a different country? If so, where does kiwi come from?
For those wanting the look of a clean, neat, striped and manicured lawn, then mowers are an absolute must. However, when the wide cutting widths of zero-turn mowers are overkill for your relatively small yard, then you might fare better with an efficient push-reel mower. Not only will you get a more compact mower that …
Planting for the first time may be very exciting but transplanting seedlings can be more rewarding. However, keep in mind that most gardeners do this once the plant starts really growing. A lot of seedlings are kept indoor or a greenhouse.
Have you ever wondered where do carrot seeds come from? I bet you just start pondering on that thought. Or if you’ve been curious, you’ve come to right place!
Carrots are not only popular to rabbits, but many people including children love it. It’s rich in lycopene and beta carotene, among other essential nutrients. Whether raw or cooked, this orange colored vegetable must be in your regular diet.
From soups to sautéed dishes, dill is used as seasoning and/or flavor. You can make a lot of appetizers, main courses and even snacks. It is that versatile in the kitchen. In addition, this is also used for medicinal purposes. That’s why having several dills at home can become handy at times.