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12 of the Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers

What are the best fruit trees to grow in containers and pots? This is the main question we’re going to answer through this article.

Trees that bear fruits are very beneficial to gardeners, homeowners and vendors. Whether you harvest fruits for personal consumption or a more commercial profit, growing fruit trees is an ideal and practical option.

Self-Fertile vs Self-Sterile

Don’t just settle for the best fruit trees to grow in containers. They can be categorized as self-fertile or self-sterile.

Self-fertile trees do not depend on another variety or other plants for pollination, while self-sterile ones need a different variety in order to pollinate and ultimately bear good fruits. Nevertheless, they both need pollinators, which include bees and other common insects.

There are both advantages and cons of managing the best fruit trees to grow in containers. Throughout the growing period, you may experience hassles, obstacles, problems and frustrations.

This is not to discourage you but to give you expectation and must learn different ways to prevent or lessen them from happening.

At the end of this post, you’ll learn additional tips and insights on how to grow fruit trees.

12 Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers

1. Apple

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Apple 1

Apples are surprisingly one of the best fruit trees to grow in containers. That is if you choose any of the varieties that are grafted onto dwarf rootstocks.

These are very suited to grow in post and containers. Among the great choices are those coded as M7, M26, G202 as well as crab apple trees.

An apple tree is most likely to survive in cold climate conditions. But some varieties can tolerate milder climates. If you live in a tropical area or the seasons do not include fall and winter, it’s not recommended to grow apples.

2. Blueberry

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Blueberry

Like apples, a blueberry tree needs a cold temperature. It is not a tropical fruit, but among the berries and the best fruit trees to grow in containers too.

This plant is not picky when it comes to soil as long as it has a slightly lower pH level. It is a self-sterile type of tree so other varieties of blueberries should be mixed in a container.

It is also important to give some space in between plants for roots to grow.

3. Cherry

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Cherry

Cherries can be sweet or sour. The sweet varieties prefer full sun, and the sour ones need some shade. Either way, this is another plant considered among the best fruit trees to grow in containers.

There are dwarf sizes you can easily sow in a medium to large pot.

This small red fruit producing tree has shallow roots. It is essential that it is watered regularly and sufficiently. The one advantage is that it doesn’t require one or more varieties since it is self-fertile.

4. Currant

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Currant

Another self-fertile tree that you can easily grow in a container is currant. You may choose from any of the varieties, which are differentiated through colors including red, black and white.

You can absolutely try all varieties and plant in separate containers.

5. Fig

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Fig

Yes, fig trees are included among the best fruit trees to grow in containers. Hardy or tender, the basics to consider in selecting the right variety include the mature growth size and maintenance requirements of the tree. For best fruit production, practice root pruning, in which trimming back the roots.

6. Gooseberry

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Gooseberry 2

One of the easiest, best fruit trees to grow in containers at first then replant to the ground is a gooseberry. This self-fertile plant relies on tropical conditions and plenty of sun, although some varieties, which may be also self-sterile, may tolerate partial shade.

It also thrives well if there are some granular and organic fertilizers added as these help with the nourishment it needs.

7. Peach, Nectarine, Apricot

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Peach Nectarine Apricot

The dwarf varieties of peaches, apricots and nectarines are ideal fruit trees you can grow in containers and pots.These are normally self-fertile but can be sown with another variety or more.

Growing one of these trees is fairly easy but it requires repotting every 2 or 3 years. During flower bloom, place your tree plant in an area where bees and other pollinators can access it.

8. Pear

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Pear 1

Pears are cross-pollinators, which mean they grow best with at least two varieties or other compatible plants close by. It’s practical to have them sown in containers or pots first as it is an early bloomer.

Keeping the flowers protected from winter fleece and the frost can help save your plant, which is easy to place indoors if the plant is in a pot.

9. Plum

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Plum

You can grow plum and enjoy the harvest every year in your own backyard. This is another option among the best fruit trees to grow in containers. It is a self-fertile tree that requires minimal to no pruning.

Typically, this grows from 6 feet to 8 feet even up to 10 feet, but is still manageable in a large pot. The soil must be well drained but watered regularly.

10. Raspberry and Blackberry

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Raspberry and Blackberry

Both blackberries and raspberries have similar features, which make them twins when it comes to growing and taking care of them. In that case, these self-fertile tree plants can be grown in a container or a pot.

As a matter of fact, both are shrubs that bear good fruits in summer and autumn. It is recommended to choose varieties without thorns as they are less vigorous to grow.

11. Strawberry

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Strawberry 1

We’re exclusively talking about the best fruit trees to grow in containers, but a strawberry plant makes an exception. For sure, you’d be eager to grow strawberries in your home garden since this fruit is a favorite among family members.

Ever-bearing or perpetual, you can choose any variety that works best for your personal preference. Generally, planting it in a container makes it easy for gardeners to manage.

12. Tropical Fruits

Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Lemons
Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Mango
Best Fruit Trees To Grow In Containers Olive

Citrus and tropical trees are also best fruit trees to grow in containers or pots in the early stage. These include oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, pomegranates, mangoes, guavas, olives, bananas, coconuts and even pineapples.

These are usually the easiest to grow and maintain as well, and the fruit production is abundant. 

Benefits and Disadvantages of Growing Trees in Containers

Advantages of fruit plants grown in a container include soil control, portability as you can move from one place to another, minimal space requirement, protection against pesticides and weather elements. While you may concentrate on the good sides of this, there is no denial of the existence of some cons.

These refer to the yearly repotting, regular watering, fertilizing and pruning, as well as the short span of growing them since once they become too large for pots they have to be transplanted to a more permanent ground area.

General Tips in Growing Fruit Trees and Shrubs in Containers

  • 1. Choosing the plant is the most initial step. This involves additional considerations, of course. From the list of best fruit trees to grow in containers, your selection should have shortlisted.
  • 2. Knowing the soil type is a must. This primarily depends on the plants and this is the key to its successful growth and abundant fruit production.
  • 3. Getting the right containers should not be a difficult or a daunting task. You can easily identify the right size of pots to use for the plants you choose. The larger the trees grow in a few weeks, the larger the container. Make sure to also use pots that have good quality materials – thickness, durability and design.
  • 4. Familiarizing the plant’s need is important. This is the part where most attention should be given. You may choose a fruit bearing tree that is easy to maintain or requires minimal care. While that is the most practical option, there are still a few essential management work necessary that you have to keep in mind.

For instance, if the plant needs little and indirect sun, be sure to always steer clear from any light, otherwise it can delay its growth or cause a poor production of fruits, which eventually give you more issues or worse die before it provides any fruits.

When it comes to management, these generally include watering, pruning or trimming, repotting and replanting and harvesting.

Are you now ready to start finalizing your decision regarding the best fruit trees to grow in containers? Hope so, as this is a fun and rewarding activity!