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11 of the Best Herbs to Grow Indoors at Home

So you’ve been thinking of best herbs to grow indoors at your home. That’s a fantastic idea as a pot of herbal plant can provide some ingredients for cooking and home remedies. On that case, make some room near your windows or shaded patio to ensure there is space for growing herbs.

There are numerous herbs that are ideal to plant and grow indoors. These are not just plants to be displayed that create a small home garden.

They also provide health benefits for you and your family. You do not need a lot of tools or money to do this as well. But you must provide lots of water and some sunlight to let these herbs grow faster and produce good quality harvest.

Below is a list of the best and beneficial herbs you can grow inside your house.

11 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors

1. Basil

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Basil

Basil is a leafy green herb that is originated from Africa and Asia. There are several varieties of this to choose from, which are sweet basil, Greek or bush basil, Thai basil, cinnamon basil and lettuce basil. All types of herbs are a member of the mint family but each has a unique flavor.

This herb is very well known in many parts of the world, primarily because of their aromatic flavor and health properties. It contains vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, K, calcium, iron and magnesium, which are good in supplanting your diet and treat certain ailments.

2. Chervil

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Chervil

Chervil is also known as garden chervil or French parsley. It is one of those herbs to grow indoors during summer. However, it needs less sunlight because it is delicate. The leaves are green in color and curly in appearance.

It is an ideal mild seasoning or mixture with other herbs for dishes like soups and salads for its good flavor. This is even used in making sauce. As a matter of fact, it tastes like anise and tarragon that are best added to eggs. It has strong flavor and a good substitute for parsley.

3. Chives

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Chives

Chives are among the herbs to grow indoors that ironically need sunlight. This grass looking herb thrives well with enough water too. It is actually similar to garlic and onion.

But this has longer green stems with milder pungent flavor and cute round purple flowers. You can easily grow this plant in cool indoor areas. It takes only a few weeks before you can harvest it. To ensure its continuous growth, it must be trimmed regularly.

Fresh chives are often used as garnish to any vegetable salad as well as soups, dressings or dips and salads. To make it more delicious, this herb must be mixed with cheese or butter.

4. Oregano

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Oregano

Oregano plant is commonly used as medicines in some countries. This is another green leafy plant that is mainly used to garnish dishes and extracted for herbal medicines, teas and juices.

Like some herbs to grow indoors, this relies on sunlight. But it must be placed inside so that it will live much longer. The ideal place is near the window so that it can get enough light from the sun.

Once it has grown and matured, grab some stems and pluck off leaves ready to use. Aside from fresh leaves, dried ones can also be a great option, especially if you want to keep them stock for a long time.

5. Thyme

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Thyme

Thyme is the same as oregano when it comes to sunlight dependence. It also needs sufficient water and its soil must be prevented from getting too dry. This plant is very robust and thrives well in indoor places.

It has small light green leaves with thin stems. Like most herbs to grow indoors, this has varieties including lemon thyme, woody thyme, and elfin thyme. It can be great filler for any indoor garden.

This herb’s leaves are often used as additional ingredient to favorite dishes. Fresh ones are much better to add to vegetable salads, grilled meat, and other favorite home meals.

6. Rosemary

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Rosemary

In order to keep your kitchen smell amazing or at least add fresh scent, place some rosemary nearby. This is one of the herbs to grow indoors not only to provide a good fragrance, but also to supply additional ingredient to meals and make teas. Therefore, it is one of the best herbs for indoor garden.

This herb needs enough sunshine with moderate amount of water for best production. It is a part of the mint family. It has needle looking leaves and very woody. It also produces blue, purple, pink or white flowers.

This culinary condiment has many nutrients beneficial to health. You may get the leaves out of its stems t fresh from your plant, and add to soups, roasted meat, and vegetables.

7. Mint

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Mint

Mint is one of the common herbs to grow indoors. Also known as menthe, this thrives well in wet or moist environments and can easily spread in the ground.

But surprisingly, it can be planted indoors. It has a very refreshing taste that makes your mouth clean and feel fresh. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.

And thus, it surely makes your teeth and gums healthier. You can chew its leaves and then keep them in your mouth for some time as it helps prevent bad breath.

This herb is commonly added in some salads and refreshing drinks, especially mojito. Its strong aroma scent makes it one of the best herbs to grow indoors.

8. Parsley

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Parsley

Parsley is so much more than a garnish. It’s a nutritional packed herb as it consists of vitamin C, iron, fiber, and calcium. This makes it one of the best herbs to grow indoors as you have a supplement to get those vitamins and minerals. Simply, add those small leaves to your meals or drinks.

This herb plant grows best in a deep pot. It needs plenty of sunlight, which is the secret to a faster growth.

9. Sage

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Sage

Sage is a good herb to grow indoors in your house too. This perennial native herb from Europe needs dry soil with enough sunlight.

Its grayish green colored leaves make it easily identifiable and unique, while it has a strong aromatic scent. This herbal plant has earthy and strong aroma and must be used in little amounts.

In addition, it contains lots of essential health substances. Also a member of the mint family, this is otherwise known as common sage or garden sage.

Sage is commonly used as a natural cleaning material and pesticide. It is also widely used as oil, which helps ease inflammation and provide nutrients.

10. Lemon Balm

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Lemon Balm

Both lemon balm and mint have similar appearances and color, and typically used in the same ways. The former is definitely one of the best herbs to grow indoors, especially winter.

But this plant may be placed outside during spring and summer. Being a member of the mint family, it is also called balm mint or common balm.

As it name suggests, this herb has lemon scent. Its leaves contains lemon mil aroma. It has been used to improve moods.

It is also used as herbal medicine to treat indigestion, prevent insomnia, and relieve stress. Not only that, it can also be used as an additional ingredient to food and drinks.

This consists of numerous benefits, which make this herb a good option to sow and keep at home.

11. Cilantro/Coriander

Best Herbs to Grow Indoors Cilantro Coriander

Cilantro is unique when it comes to its taste and smell. Its leaves look like the same as parsley but in flat form. Its roots can be added to some common dishes, while both leaves and seeds are often used as spice or seasoning.

As one of the herbs to grow indoors, this plant must get enough sunlight. To add that, regularly water and keep the soil moist.

Where Can I Grow Herbs For Indoors?

The best place for herbs to grow indoors is anywhere with access to natural light. In most cases, it is must be south-facing windows in which the brightest light and most hours of sun appear, this include the first weeks of winter or last weeks of frost.

Good choices for this location are plants that come from tropical or semi-tropical climates, like basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme.

Windows facing east and west receive the brightest light of the sun. This usually occurs about six hours in the morning or afternoon. The best herbs include chervil, chives, mint and parsley.

Under or full-spectrum grow lights are ideal for most types of herbs. Place your plant with a foot distance of the bulbs.

It’s best that you follow the instructions provided regarding the use of power or battery operated lights. Turn the lights on for 12 to 16 hours a day and only adjust if required.

How to Grow Herbs?

For herbs to grow indoors, it’s best to purchase plants that haven’t been growing outside. The change of bringing them inside your home or greenhouse can cause trauma, which may eventually affect its growth and production.

Keep in mind that winter is a perfect resting phase for herbs and plants in general. But if taken care of indoors, there are herbs that may grow even in cooler temperatures.

Regardless, minimize the amount of water to use so they don’t become too moist. Instead, have a regular trimming or clipping to promote growth.