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Aloe vera, also commonly referred to as Barbados Aloe or Medicinal Aloe, has become increasingly popular over the last century, and for a good reason. In the past, the plant was known for its topical benefits, which included wound healing and its use in keeping our skins protected and moisturized. Today, aloe vera is still …

Read More about Why Are My Aloe Leaves Squishy – Here Are 2 Main Reasons

Limes are hybrid fruits, which implies that they’re made from the fusion of two different citrus fruits, namely the Citrus Latifolia and Citrus aurantifolia trees. So technically, these fruits do have seeds. Not all of them, however. The most commonly sold type of Lime in the US is the Persian Lime and the Bearss, both …

Read More about Why Don’t Limes Have Seeds? The Ultimate Answer

Chainsaws are complex machines, and figuring out ‘why won’t my chainsaw start‘ can be a long, drawn-out procedure. Even worse, figuring out why your chainsaw won’t start is made even harder by the fact that even the smallest thing can cause your once perfectly fine chainsaw to transform into nothing more than a large paperweight.

Read More about Why Won’t My Chainsaw Start? 6 Things You Should Check

Better known as Mexican husk tomatoes, tormatillos are related to regular tomatoes, but their fruits are extremely different. Tomartillos have been grown in Mexican cultures for centuries and were also essential aspects of the Aztec and Mayan cultures. Usually, you’ll find tomatillos retailing in a green shade, but note that they can be purple, red, …

Read More about Why Are My Tomatillos Splitting? It’s Not What You Think

Why is my bamboo stem turning yellow? First of all, cool down! I know it can be quite nerve-racking to see your bamboo plants turning yellow, but I’m here to help you get to the root of the issue. What makes me so confident I can help you out with your case? Well, the fact …

Read More about Why Is My Bamboo Stem Turning Yellow? – 6 Causes, Treatments, And Prevention Tips

Camellia plants are grouped into four distinct categories based on the time of year that they flower. These categories include the early season (September to November), early mid-season (November to December), mid-season (December to February), and late season (February to March.) With that in mind, the answer to your question, “Why won’t my camellia flower” …

Read More about Why Won’t My Camellia Flower? Causes & Risk Factors

Jade Plants are best known for their deep, vibrant green shade as well as their association with prosperity and luck in many cultures around the world. So if yours have started changing their shade, it makes total sense you’ve been left wondering, “Why is my jade plant turning red?” or even whether or not its …

Read More about Why Is My Jade Plant Turning Red? – It May Be One Of These 4 Things

If you like spicy food, chances are you love using lots of jalapenos to spice up your food. Better yet, perhaps you love them just as much as (or more than) I do, and that’s why you decided to go ahead and grow your own because you had room in your garden area. Whatever the …

Read More about Why Are My Jalapenos Turning Red? – It’s Quite Simple

It is tempting to imagine when planting a row of your spring radishes that they’ll be ready and in perfect shape, wholly uniform in size & shape, and free from blemishes when harvest season roll in. if you’ve been a plant parent for a while, though, you know that this is not usually the case.

Read More about Why Are My Radishes Splitting – 6 Common Causes!

Watching your cucumbers develop is, without a doubt, one of the best things you can get to experience as a plant parent. So it makes sense why you’re so saddened to see that instead of your cucumbers turning out long, some, if not all, of them have turned up short and round.

Read More about Why Are My Cucumbers Growing Round Instead Of Long? 3 Things You Should Fix

Humidifiers can be essential comfort tools in any home. Unfortunately, they can also be quite disgusting, explaining why today you’ve been left wondering, “Why does my humidifier smell?” Without the regular cleaning and maintenance it requires, your humidifier will quickly transform into a vicious, festering cesspool of mold and bacteria. None of these entail the …

Read More about Why Does My Humidifier Smell? 5 Causes & What To Do

Mother Nature is full of colors, but not most people sit back to question how the different things in nature got the colors they got or whether they’re essential at all. For instance, we have a pink and red sunset, a blue ocean, bright blue skies on sunny days, and of course, green grass. Perhaps …

Read More about Why Is Grass Green? – It’s All In The Perception

Once you’ve put your grass seed in the ground, the period it takes them to sprout and germinate can feel like watching a pot. As the common saying states, it never boils, and if you make certain mistakes during your planting seasons, the seeds can keep you in suspense for weeks. That is several weeks …

Read More about Why Won’t My Grass Seed Germinate? (+ Solutions)

If a uniform, dark green lawn is what you’re aiming for (as most homeowners are), I understand your frustration if some portions of your lawn have started turning into a lighter shade of shade of green or even yellow. Even worse, you might’ve tried all the tricks in your book to rectify the situation, but …

Read More about Why Is My Grass Different Shades of Green? 8 Reasons To Have In Mind

So, you probably thought you were a green thumb because you’ve been tending to your own plants for a while now. Everything seemed normal for a while until you noticed the leaves on some of your plants were beginning to turn pale and almost white. What could have gone wrong? Why Are My Plants Leaves …

Read More about Why Are My Plants Leaves Turning White? 3 Reasons And Solutions

Parthenocissus Inserta is a woody vine that originated from North America in the west of southern Manitoba and the U.S., from Montana to Maine west and east of Missouri, and south of New Jersey. It supports itself by twining the tendrils around anything available or just by inserting into crevices.

Read More about Parthenocissus Inserta (8 Caring Tips and 3 Propagating Methods)

The Philodendron Serpens is a beautiful indoor plant which belongs to the Araceae family. It is popular among plant lovers due to its toughness, low maintenance, and beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Its distinctive feature is the massive and heart-shaped leaves with long aerial roots.

Read More about Philodendron Serpens (7 Things To Keep In Mind For Better Caring)

Peperomia Verticillata is a compact plant that belongs to the Peperomia family. It consists of several strong and upright shoots where its leaflets are dense, oval, and short-petiolate. The plant grows in whorls of 4 to 5 pieces. Likewise, every piece has arcuate veins. Its leaves and stems are pubescent with grayish hairs.  If Peperomia Verticillata lacks …

Read More about Peperomia Verticillata – 6 Caring Tips & 3 propagating Methods