Do orange trees have thorns? The answer to this is yes. For sure, there are other questions you want answers to. Without further ado, let’s get into a brief explanation.
Why do lemon trees have thorns? Are the fruits easy to pick even with thorns? A lemon tree is a type of citrus tree that bears lemon fruits throughout the year. The fruit is among the favorite and commonly used in the kitchen for a lot of things.
Raccoons are one of the naughtiest and clever animals that gardeners face. They are not only fast runners and great climbers, but also smart creatures. They are nocturnal, which makes them difficult to deal with. So what should you do on how to keep raccoons out of garden?
Chickens are among the animals that every gardener must deal with in terms of protecting their plants. Some have farms that include the production of dairy products. Others are disrupted by neighbor’s chickens. In this article, we’re going to discuss how to keep chickens out of garden in both situations.
Strawberries are among the favorite fruits due to their juicy and delicious flavor. It would be a great idea to have your own strawberry field. When the harvest time comes around, picking them is very fun, I tell you. The question now is how to ripen strawberries or when’s the best time to harvest them?
Unwanted Visitors Mice, some keep them as pets, but most either find them annoying or completely hateful. Whichever group you’re in, you’ll agree that mice will always need a form of control or containment. More importantly, controlling pests such as mice becomes a priority when you have food and produce to protect. Hence, gardeners often …
Compared to other pests, crows are a little hard to work on. They come around as a group of families rather than individual birds for self feeding. In other words, you are most likely going to deal with more than just a single black bird. Good thing, we’ll learn some easy ways on how to …
The process involved on how to kill cactus is entirely different than most removal methods. Obviously, this plant has spikes so being extra careful must bear in mind. Nevertheless, removing cactus to ensure the plants you want to keep and maintain the beauty of your garden is not a problem. Let’s learn some ways on …
If you’re searching for basic ways on how to get rid of nutsedge, look no further! This article focuses on the two nutsedge removal options. And if this is your first time to deal with this kind of weed, these suggestions are basic.
Would you fancy keeping your lawn neat, clean, and trimmed, with a tool stronger than a reel mower but without the heft, fumes, and gas-mixing of a z-turn? For people with the green thumb, an electric lawn mower might just be the most attractive option!
With the use of potassium bicarbonate powdery mildew on plants are removed. This is a great solution that helps eliminate traces of this powder and brings back the good health of your plants. Let’s learn more about powdery mildew and how potassium bicarbonate works.
Like most plants, there are definitely sky pencil holly problems. This type of broadleaf, evergreen shrub is susceptible to certain diseases. Although grows from 4 to 10 feet high, it can easily turn brown and potentially die if the infestation is great.
Bird of paradise plant indoor is an excellent choice. What makes it even more interesting is that it can be placed inside a house. Even in patio or outdoor landscape, this provides attraction. It’s definitely a beautiful flower you can add to make your residential home a cosier and environmentally-friendly place.
So you’ve been recently seeing tiny white bugs in soil. What are they actually? How much damage can they bring to plants?
Few things annoy and trouble gardeners as much as weeds. These invasive, and quick-growing pests can quickly consume the nutrients in your soil and choke the life out of your turf and garden. Although to adequately combat this resilient foe, I had to thoroughly learn about weeds, their different types, and kinds, as well as …
How to get rid of pokeweed is not as simple as pulling it out. This doesn’t mean that it’s a very difficult task either. If done thoroughly, the removal process isn’t only successful but also guarantees safety on the plants you want to grow and keep.
Some people claim that spring is the best time to prune spirea. Others say during summer. Which is true? When to prune spirea exactly?
Are you a fan of overgrown, unkempt grass? Neither am I. As gardeners, keeping our lawns neat and tidy is one of our top priorities. Also, well-maintained turf speaks volumes about the person that keeps them that way.
So there’s a debate that circulates to the mind of most beginners – will roundup kill trees? To answer that question, let’s learn what roundup is, how safe or dangerous it is and if there’s even a single benefit of using it.
If you are planning to grow or just curious, this article post focuses on how to pick a dragon fruit and the best time to harvest – now about how to grow it. We’re also going to feature some basic facts about this famous tropical fruit.