In well-groomed areas, you can often see the soil around the plants covered with sawdust, straw, or other materials. The best one is mulch for the garden that plays a significant role in planting plants and preparing them for winter. They help control soil erosion and weeds, retain moisture, protect plant roots and soil from …
Fertilizer and Soil
You must have heard of the term “mulch.” Mulch is a type of material that reserves soil water, inhibits weeds, and protects against temperature fluctuations, especially in snowy areas. It also nourishes soil biology as it decomposes, assisting in the formation of healthy, living soil. Of course, to have your plants healthy, you need good …
Gardening cannot be successful without mulch – often viewed as an aesthetic material, and a covering of mulch may indeed improve the appearance of your garden beds. Beauty, on the other hand, is only a bonus. Mulch’s advantages extend far beyond its look. So, what is mulch used for? Please scroll through the end of …
Winter is one of the toughest times for our lawns, and ensuring that they get through this season without any difficulties is important. Luckily, we’ve got a fertilizer designed specifically with your needs in mind- a winterizer! A winterizer fertilizer is a late fall fertilizer designed to help lawns store more food for the cold …
A garden is not a successful endeavor without good soil. A healthy, thriving plant starts with the right kind of nutrients, pH balance, and adequate water in its soil to give life force throughout its roots. There are many types of soil in our gardens, i.e., clay, silt, and sand. Each type has its peculiarities …
If you need a greener and denser lawn with few weeds, the best organic lawn fertilizers are suitable for you. These fertilizers are made of natural ingredients, which do not contain harmful chemicals, providing outstanding results. They provide the necessary nutrients to the soil and improve its structure of the soil. Also, they assist in …
Your soil is the most important factor for growing healthy and thriving plants. Clay soil contains at least 50% of clay particles, and this soil type can be difficult to dig. It’s so firmly packed into small grains that you might not even notice any dirt moving around back there. However, 50% of clay particles …
Soil pH becomes the main factor for the growth and germination of different plant species. This is due to the alkalinity or acidity level in the soil that affects the availability of nutrients necessary for plant growth. Even though many plants do well at a pH of 6-7, others, such as thyme, vegetables, flowers, and …
Milorganite is the organic fertilizer obtained from recycled sewage. It contains 85% organic matter that helps nurture and nourish the vegetation in the gardens and lawns by feeding the soil’s microbes. It is manufactured by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District, producing this fertilizer for many years.
Most garden lovers can agree that clay soil is the worst type of soil. It can be difficult to cultivate due to its properties, and attempting to amend the soil can be problematic. Depending on the situation, you may not have space, energy, or time to try and till the soil to improve it. Fortunately, …
Anytime you are landscaping, gardening, or having construction projects around your home, you will likely need to purchase dirt. Typically, dirt is the landscaping material that contains clay soil, topsoil, dry and the loose sand aggregate, gravel and rocks. Also, it has a moisture content. Depending on how you’re planning to use it, you can …
The alkalinity or acidity of a substance is usually measured using pH units on a scale of 0 to 14. When the pH level is about 7, it is described as neutral. When it goes below 7, it is described as acidity, and when it goes above 7, it is described as alkalinity. Generally, the …
Many homeowners find it challenging to maintain a healthy lawn because of incompetent expertise with the fertilizer. Despite time and capacity constraints, meeting your lawn’s needs and making your life easier is worthwhile. Different fertilizers provide a lawn growth benefit. It is essential to know the right product that kills weeds. The best solution is …
Milorganite is a well-known fertilizer that can be successfully used on residential lawns or other lawns like golf courses. Many believe that this is the best lawn care product you can find today. In addition, it is a safe organic product. Typically, it is not the new fertilizer, which has been released in the market; …
The topsoil, like any other dirt, is used in many landscaping applications around the property. It can be used for landscaping or to fill the holes. In this case, you are supposed to understand how much you need to transport using the vehicle. Many soil suppliers can arrange for you to deliver to your home, …
If you want to maintain the playground, you must have an ideal ground cover. Mulches for playground become the best, which visually complement the leisure options for children and adults. Their realistic and natural appearance makes the playground fresh and green. There has high-quality material, which mimics the natural grass appearance and eliminates a need …
The rooting hormones are a mixture of plant hormones that can stimulate plant cutting growth. They allow you to clone the new plants from the fresh cutting to ensure the cloned plants grow vigorously and quickly while protecting them from diseases, pests, and fungus. These hormones work very well with succulent plants, especially if you …
Weed and Feed Do you want your lawn to look lush and perfectly manicured? When I moved to my new home, having the perfect lawn was on top of my list. However, despite all my efforts, the results remained disappointing. A neighbor suggested that I use weed & feed products to help control the weeds and, at …
Rose Plants and Coffee Grounds Do you have a corner for rose plants in your garden? Or, are you planning to plant some rose bushes? After all, who does not like roses? Their sweet fragrance and riot of colors can make anyone a romantic. There are many tips for growing great flowering rose bushes and …
Fertilizers For Pastures Do you find that your cattle still seem hungry after hours of grazing? Are they looking unhealthy? The answer could be in the quality and quantity of grass they are ingesting. Many people are wary of using fertilizers on pasture lands, fearing the effect on cattle and horses. However, you will need …