Bee balm or Bergamot is a beautiful, fragrant herb that attracts bees and other pollinators to the garden. Propagating Bee balm is a great way to share this beautiful flowering plant with friends or expand your collection. This post will show you how to propagate Bee balm in a comprehensive and step-by-step manner. Learning how …
Sunflowers are a lovely addition to any garden, and they are well-known and enduring garden flowers distinguished by their tall, eye-catching stems and huge, colourful heads. But after their blooming season, many gardeners are unsure what to do with dead sunflower heads.
Hydrangea is a beautiful plant that glamorizes the look of any garden with its radiant colors and charismatic appearance. While they are easy to plant and do not usually need extensive care to thrive, they sometimes do not adjust to their surroundings and express their dislike of the environmental conditions by wilting.
If you are a garden enthusiast in Florida, you must be wondering, when do Bougainvillea bloom in Florida? Wanna know? Click above!
If you live in the north and want to know when to plant dahlias in NC, this article is just for you. Click above to see the answer!
Are you worried why your oleander is not blooming? By reading the above article you’ll know exactly what to do to fix the problem!
Are you excited but don’t know when are hops ready to harvest? We’ve got the answer! Click above to know when are hops ready to harvest and what to do next!
Learn Their Secrets “A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars” said Victor Hugo. Indeed, the beauty of a garden and flowers to surround you can very much envelope everything we know and love.
Wondering when to plant tulips in Georgia? Wanna know the big secret? The above article contains all you need to know about planting tulips!
Admittedly, the first time I heard of the peperomia caperata, I thought it was akind of medical condition like heterochromia iridis. Imagine my surprise when I met the unique and intensely-colored tropical plant, the Emerald Ripple.
Despite their name featuring lilies, daylilies are not true lilies. They are popular perennials used as edging and borders because of their attractive flowers. Daylilies tolerate droughts and moist soil and thrive in high temperatures. However, they are not resistant to specific issues and may need help. It is, therefore, not rare to hear the …
You don’t have a spacious garden? No problem! You can opt for small indoor plants. Indoor plants are essential at homes for various reasons. They can bring nature inside the four walls. They can purify the air and reduce chemicals to keep your home toxic-free and environmentally friendly. Of course, they add more life and …
Mandevilla, also known as rock trumpet, is a tropical flowering vine native to Mexico, Central America, South America, and West Indies. With its bright red flowers, the plant provides a treat to the eyes. If you are reading this article, chances are you already own a rock trumpet plant. You cherish and wish to learn …
Everyone loves orchids. There is just something serene about the delicate pattern and fragrance of orchids. They are soothing to the eyes and other raspatory senses, exporting us to a feeling of utmost euphoria. Too bad they only bloom for a short period, giving us only a little time to enjoy the joy they bring …
With many options in the market, it can be difficult for regular customers to choose the best orchid books. Customers can get confused with a huge market plus the wrong products that don’t serve the intention.
Morning glories can be the perfect addition to your beautiful garden if you want a pop of color in it. The term morning glory refers to over a thousand species that produce colorful trumpet-shaped flowers. No matter which variety you are planting, it is known for its beautiful flowers. Although morning glories are pretty low …
Coral Charm and Coral Sunset are two of the most highly sought-after peonies due to their long-lasting blooms, vibrant colors, and charming petal shapes. They are also two of the most popular peonies in the world, with their delicate coloring and graceful petals. Coral Charm and Coral Sunset Peony appear to be quite similar to …
Dahlia is a species of tuberous perennial flowers that come in many gorgeous colors. The native land of dahlia is Mexico and Central America; however, it is cultivated worldwide for the mesmerizing flowers. Dahlia has thick starchy roots called tubes that sprout to grow new dahlia plants. Learn how to pre-sprout dahlia tubers to encourage …
The winters are over and now the spring season is approaching. Nothing makes a gardener happier than the spring season when their wait ends and now they can see their flowers bloom. But is this not the case with you? Rather than being excited, you’re worried about your iris plant? If this is the case …
Sunflowers are garden-friendly and easy to grow flowers. Most gardeners enjoy planting sunflowers due to their daisy-looking features, broad leaves, and vibrant yellow color. Adding to their physical features, they have a rough hairy stem and are an annual herb. Although sunflowers are adaptable and easy to grow, still they are susceptible to around thirty …