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Does Aspirin Help Plants Grow? – This is an Unbelievable Truth

Some people have asked me the same question I’ve wondered myself – does aspirin help plants grow? During my first months of gardening, I have heard about aspirin in plants but was a little skeptical.

I did some research, read articles from trusted sources, tested and voila, I got the answers. You probably want the same so read on to find out.

Does Aspirin Help Plants Grow

Does Aspirin Help Plants Grow?

Aspirin have known to soothe certain conditions experienced by humans. If it’s beneficial to the health of a living person, why can’t be in plants, which are also considered as living organisms.

This medicine contains acetylsalicylic acid, a active ingredient derived from salicylic acid, which is present in some trees, most especially the willow bark tree. This again leaves us to the question does aspirin help plants grow.

Based on scientific research studies, plants normally produce their own salicylic acid. Isn’t amazing that most medicines including aspirin come from plants? So it sensibly explains that using aspirin should be able to work in plants, right?

Well, it definitely is as this acid enables plants to overcome minor challenges, such as dryness, insect attacks and diseases. It basically helps improve their immune system, which is the same primary function when taken by humans.

Furthermore, dilute aspirin in water and it increases the speed of germination. It also accelerates its capability to resist pests and diseases. Ultimately, this makes plants grow much faster and healthier.

After cutting, plants normally die after a couple of days. Sometimes, mixing aspiring in water in the vase can lengthen its life. That’s because salicylic acid blocks the release of a particular hormone in plants that forces death.

Side Effects

Now that we’ve answered the important question (does aspirin help plants grow), there raises another one. You may also want to know if there’s any potential disadvantage of using aspirin in plants. Unfortunately, there is but only a minor matter.

If exposed with too much aspirin, the leaves may develop brown spots or some parts of the plant may appear like it’s burned out.

If that happens, you can easily fix the problem by removing that part and discontinue using aspirin for the meantime.

Make sure that you also remove weeds and unnecessary small plants or grasses growing around the plants. No matter how effective aspirin is if there are other external problems such as tiny bugs in soil and weeds, plants may not fully develop and grow fast.

Right Application

It is strongly encouraged to properly use aspirin in plants. Commonly, gardeners mix the tablet in water used to pour in the base and soil of the plants. The correct timing is what you have to keep in mind. The best way to do it is to use a spray bottle and apply early in the morning.

That’s because helpful insects like bees that act as pollinators usually visit plants when the sun has come out. It’s alright to spray after sunset or late afternoon also.

Remember that no all types of plants patronize the effects of aspirin. It is typically working in plants belong to nightshade family. These include tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants.


If you are still not sure if aspirin works, why not test it yourself? Or maybe you are not certain if it works with certain plants you own. Don’t worry because a small trial won’t do any harm.

First off, prepare some materials and tools. These are the following: a handful of aspirin tablets, a drinking glass, hot water, room temperature water, 2 plant pots, seeds, soil with fertilizer, ruler, pen, paper and sunlight.

The next step is to label each pot as “aspirin water” and the other “plain water”. Put in soil and plant seeds in each. Cover and place in an area where there’s sunlight.

Toss two aspirin tablets in a drinking glass. Add hot water to allow to melt, then boiling water and stir until the tablets are completely dissolved. Set aside to cool at room temperature.

Water the seeds in the pot with label “aspirin water” with the aspirin water. Gently pour and try not to overwater it.

Pour plain water in the pot labeled as “plain water”. Do this regularly and observe which plant grows faster. Measure with the ruler and take down notes for preference.


Does aspirin help plants grow, of course. It is amazing how a tiny tablet can help boost the growth of certain plants.

Recommended Products

1. Zicome 6 Pack Plastic Plant Pots

2. GoodSense Aspirin Tablets (325mg, 500 Count)

3. Soft ‘N Style Fine Mist Spray Bottle (8 oz)