Dragon tail plant, often called Epipremnum pinnatum, is a climbing plant with herbaceous growth habits. They can grow quite large, with their leaves covering almost everything with their greenery.
They are best used with hanging baskets and moss poles, where they get a chance to showcase their striking foliage colors.
The leaves of these plants change shape as they grow mature. Their color becomes more and more intense with time, so don’t worry if you notice the green color getting darker.
Variegation of the leaves can also be seen in these vigorous climbers, but make sure that you do not confuse them with their relatives, Satin Pothos. They contain silvery leaves with white spots that are pretty similar to your dragon tail plant.
Characteristics of Dragon Tail Plant
To provide you with all the relevant information about your plant, we have listed a few basic characteristics that would help you understand them better.
The leaves of the plants have green color with white, crème, or yellow variegations. Variegation is in the form of stripes that are randomly spread all over the leaves. Some leaves have more variegations than others, but they combine to form an outstanding contrast of multiple colors.
The flowers of these plants are green or white in color. These plants have piston-shaped flowers that are not ornamentally significant, so you can cut them off as soon as they appear.
Removing the flowers also allow the plant to focus on its foliage growth, which is the main highlight of your plant. Moreover, the flowers only appear when the plant is at least 4 feet tall in the wild.
Keep in mind that they produce flowers quite rarely indoors as a regular houseplant.
Height and width
If you allow these plants to grow freely, they can reach up to a height of 33 feet. Allow the plant to climb or hang to feel at home. They look more attractive to the eye when provided with a moss pole to cover with their foliage.
These plants belong to the Araceae family. Their origins are in Australia, South East Asia, and other pacific lands near them. They are famous for enhancing the beauty of your office room or bedroom with their climbing habit.
They are highly poisonous, so please keep your children and pets away from the plant’s foliage. Consuming the leaves can cause pain and irritation in the mouth. In severe cases, the poison swells the whole mouth and throat, which can make breathing extremely difficult.
The foliage of the plant remains evergreen despite changing weather conditions. The leaves of the plants will never lose their color, showing their durability and strength against fluctuating temperatures.
Caring tips for Dragon Tail Plant
Once you are well aware of your plant’s growth habits, it is time to provide them with all the right conditions to grow healthy. Here are some of the most important requirements of these plants that must be fulfilled for solid growth.
Place your plant near a window where its foliage can receive filtered sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn, so keep them protected with either a shade or medium to make sunlight less harsh.
Moreover, these plants thrive in bright lighting conditions but can still survive under medium to low light.
These plants can adjust in a lot of different soil mixes, so don’t think twice before providing your plant with your regular potting mix. It will thrive even in your standard potting soil.
These plants prefer watering only when the upper layer of their soil is dry. These plants can survive dry soils for a short period, so you do not need to give all your attention to them alone while caring.
The water requirements drop as soon as they enter cold environments. We advise you to timely check the soil condition before watering your plant.
Please keep them in a warm environment with temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Bring the plant indoors when the temperature falls below 60 degrees, as it can stunt the plant’s growth.
Like most tropical plants, they enjoy high humidity levels to flourish. Increasing humidity is not that difficult if you know the correct methods. Place pebble tray with water under your plant and let it sit on the pebbles. The process will increase the moisture level in the air.
Feed them with foliate plant fertilizer once every two weeks. The growing time is between March and August, which is ideal for feeding the plant to boost its growth and get the best out of it. Please don’t fertilize your plant in winter.
Pruning can improve the overall growth of the plant. These plants can be pruned anytime as it would cause no harm to them. You can remove the tendrils to make the plant look healthier and happier.
Pests and other diseases
If you notice your plant leaves dropping from the stems, make sure that you recheck the lighting conditions as it is mainly caused due to low lighting.
Root rot is another disease that can be caused by overwatering, so revise your watering schedule to fix the issue.
Propagating Dragon Tail Plant
They can be propagated by cutting individual shoots of the plant. Some tips to properly remove and plant the shoots are as follows.
- Remove the individual shoots with the help of a sterile knife or scissors.
- Place the cut in water and wait for the new roots to develop from the cut.
- You can use the rooting hormone to reduce the time taken to develop the roots.
- Plant the roots in well-drained soil for best results.
The dragon tail plant has one of the most striking foliage patterns that are quite difficult to find these days. These herbaceous climbing plants can be placed anywhere inside your room or garden, but make sure that all their lighting, watering, temperature, and humidity requirements are met.