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11 Incredible Dwarf Fruit Trees that will Add Value to Your Garden

The advent of modern innovations brought a lot of changes to gardening techniques. One of those innovations is the ability to utilize small spaces to grow your fruits and vegetables.

Today, gardeners can maximize the little space in their gardens by growing dwarf fruit trees. Dwarf fruit trees generally refer to trees under 20 Feet.

Their small size means you can easily grow and prune them. In addition, you can plant some of them in pots where they add color to the view of your garden and often beautify your yard with their attractive scents.

In this article, we will discuss the various dwarf fruit trees you can use in your gardens. The ideal conditions necessary to nurse them will also be explained.

You will find unique varieties of fruits on the list. No matter the size of your garden or the nature of your weather, you will surely find one that is perfect for you!

11 Incredible Dwarf Fruit Trees

1. Apple Trees

Apple Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pxhere

The dwarf apple (Malus domestica) tree is popular with many gardeners. Its popularity is mainly due to the ability of the variety to survive pests, the major problem of apples.

Before the Cameron select dwarf apple fruits became popular, planting apple trees was a huge problem. But with it, you can be assured your apple trees will survive!

You will not only be impressed with the sweetness, but the beauty of its flowers will also delight you. It is both a combination of beauty and fleshy food.

Growing Conditions:

The ideal growing conditions for this apple tree are full sun and good drainage. Its USDA hardiness zones are three to six.

Its colorful fruits are usually ripe by September with a yummy, sweet and crispy taste. You will have to look for an apple of another type to pollinate Cameron Select.

Although they are pretty resistant to insects and pests, you will still need to watch out! You can’t be too careful. Can you?

2. Cherry Trees

Cherry Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pxhere

A good variety of cherry trees for homeowners is the Stella. The Stella cultivar, unlike other common cherry trees, can self-pollinate.

They are often about 8-10 feet tall and characteristically produce dark red, crispy and juicy fruits when mature. You can expect to start harvesting your fruits about two years after planting.

You’ll mostly find ripe cherries between April and August each year. If you grow cherry fruits in your garden, I believe it will be one of your most cherished properties in a short time.

Growing Conditions:

The ideal growing condition for this cherry tree is a sunny environment with good drainage. Its USDA hardiness zones are five to nine, while the optimum pH levels are between 6.0-6.8.

The optimum spacing should be about 5-10 feet apart.

3. Peach Trees

Peach Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pixabay

Nothing announces the summer like the feeling of eating into a ripe, yummy peach. Belle of the Georgia is a dwarf variety of peach that does amazingly well in the sunny summer, producing bounteous yields of color white fruits that turn to a rose color when ripe.

It can grow up to 8-10 feet at maturity, producing attractive, crispy and sweet fruits. This kind is self-pollinating, so you don’t have to look for another peach before pollination occurs. Just plant the trees and watch them mature to the fantastic and bountiful fruit trees!

Growing Conditions:

The ideal growing conditions for this cherry tree are good moisture and weather, where the temperature during winter exceeds 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  It rarely survives where the conditions arebelow zero degrees Fahrenheit.

Its USDA hardiness zones are within the range of five to nine, while the optimum pH levels are between 6.0-7.0.

4. Plum Trees

Plum Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pxhere

The Johnson Plum is a common variety of plum trees that has become a friend of most gardeners. However, apart from the Johnson Plum, several other cultivars of plum trees bear eatable fruit.

For example, the dwarf Natal plum is a variety that grows up to 8 feet and grows best in warmer climates. However, beach plum (Prunus maritima) is a unique cultivar that grows better in colder seasons than most others.

So, no matter the weather or climate, there is always a variety of plum trees that will suit your yard!

Growing Conditions:

Generally, most plum trees require adequate moisture and drainage.

In addition, the Johnson Plum grows best in zones five tonine, usually to a maximum height of 10 feet. The fruit is typically red, juicy and gives a lasting sweet sensation to your taste buds.

It is also self-pollinating. If you are in the polar regions, the plum is the one for you! It is a 6-foot shrub that survives mainly in the areas of this what you called Atlantic Ocean.

5. Banana Trees

Banana Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pixabay

Bananas are not trees in the real sense of it. They are herbs with a perennial life cycle. To keep them producing fruits every year, they have to be cut after harvest.

They then sprout next year again. Bananas are called the largest herbs in the planet earth, but space-conscious potential growers should not let that bother them. There are other smaller varieties of banana (Musa spp.) that are better suited to smaller spaces.

Growing Conditions:

When mature, some bananas like the cavendish may grow up to 8 to 10 feet tall. It get bigger in USDA hardiness zones nine to ten.

This fruit is smaller than its larger cousins, but it compensates for that in being extremely sweet and nourishing. The big, tropical leaves beautify the garden and it can be grown some indoors in pots. Banana plants can generally self-pollinate; so, relax and watch them produce yummy fruits for you!

6. Lemon Trees

Lemon Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pxhere

If you need a lemon tree to beautify your garden, you can bet on the Meyer variety. In addition to the beauty, they produce round, unique fruits and a slightly sweet taste. You will definitely enjoy having this tree in your garden.

Growing Conditions:

The ideal growing conditions for this tree are full sun and good drainage. Its USDA zones are between nine and ten. At Maturity, Meyer Lemons can grow up to six to ten feet tall. They are typically self-fertile, producing attractive white flowers.

The tree grows best in USDA zones nine to ten but may perform well in nursery pots during winter. Just take the pot to a warmer place during winter.

7. Orange Trees

Orange Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees

Orange trees of the Calamondin is a citrus cultivar that performs well when potted. If you have a small space and you want to plant oranges, then this tree is one for you.

The beautiful yellow fruits are a delight to every owner. You and your family will definitely enjoy having this amazing tree in your backyard or garden. It is easy to grow and prune, producing its fruits in 1-3 years after planting.

Growing Conditions:

The ideal growing conditions for this tree are full sun and good drainage. Its USDA hardiness zones are nine to ten. At maturity, dwarf Calamondin can reach 6 to 10 feet tall. They are typically self-pollinating with attractive white flowers.

This tree grows best in USDA zones nine to ten but may also perform well as a potted plant in colder zones. Just take the pot to a warmer place during the colder months.

8. Tangerine Trees

If you want a lovely taste of citrus fruits, you might want to check tangerines out. It is known for its flavored fruit, and the back is much easier to remove.

Tangerines are always ready for you, whether you need a quick fruit to eat or fresh juice to make. Most people who have gardens containing tangerines often grow to love the trees more than most of the other fruit trees.

Growing Conditions:

Like most citrus fruits, tangerines perform well in environments with full sunlight and good drainage. On average, they can be much bigger up to about 25 feet when mature, but you can prune them to 10 feet without affecting their productivity.

9. Fig Trees

Fig Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pxhere

Growing fig trees is relatively easy. With their attractive leaves and tiny green fruits, they are a delight to every gardener.

Celestial is one of the dwarf variety that produces small yummy fruits. This cultivar can reach about 10 feet tall, but you can control its height by pruning.

Growing Conditions:

Most varieties of figs are self-fertile. Also, the best place to grow them is the nursery pots. During winter, they can then be easily moved indoors.

Figs grow all year round in the USDA zones eight to eleven. It requires chilling, which exactly means it needs to be in an environment with a temperature below 45 F for about 15-20 days before it yields fruit. Characteristically, you need to grow figs in pots because their roots need tight spaces to grow well.

10. Pomegranate Trees

Pomegranate is a plant that has been variously called a shrub or a tree. The reason is, they can vary in height between being 3 feet and shrub-like to about 20 feet tree.

Pomegranate is called the seeded apple because it is the seed that is eaten. As you would have also thought, the taste is unique. If you want a distinct and crunchy taste, then pomegranate seeds got you covered.

Growing Conditions:

You need to ensure that your proposed garden has good sun exposure and drainage. Because without full sunlight, pomegranate trees rarely do well.

So, you might want to plant them in pots and take them inside during the winter period for a starter. Also, they are self-fertile and perform best at USDA zones seven to ten. The dwarf versions are typically about 8-10 feet tall and are a delight to every gardener.

11. Almond Trees

Almond Trees Dwarf Fruit Trees
via Pixabay

Almond trees are another beautiful tree to add color and flesh to your garden. With their bright and fragrant flowers, they can light up any garden you plant them in.

If the beauty of the flowers is added to the tasty quality of the fruits, there are fewer fruits that are more rewarding than almond trees. One variety that you should consider planting is none other than this Garden Prince, a short tree that can reach up ten to twelve feet tall.

It can self-pollinate, meaning you may not need to get more than one piece. Almonds typically ripen around the last quarter of the year. What that means is you will have an abundance of fruits that will last you towards the end of the year.

Growing Conditions:

Almond trees grow best if the garden has good sun exposure and drainage. Without full sunlight, the trees rarely do well. So, the best bet is to plant them in nursery pots initially.

It will afford you the opportunity of moving the pots inside during winter. These are self-pollinating and perform best at USDA zones 7 to 10. The dwarf versions are typically about 8-10 feet tall and are a delight to every gardener.

They grow better in warm climates. Even though the dwarf varieties are more resistant to harsh conditions, they often grow poorly above USDA zone 8.


If you are looking for dwarf fruit trees for your garden, you will be impressed by the myriad of varieties available. If you want beautiful flowers in addition to fleshy fruits to beautify your yard, lemon and orange trees (numbers 6 and 7) will amaze you.

They all produce fleshy fruits, but if you are looking for a sweet flavor for your juice, apple, cherry, peach bananas, lemon and tangerine (numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8), are there for you.

If you want fruit trees that are strong and resistant to insects and pests, apple and peach trees (numbers 1 and 2) are your best bet.

If you are looking for fruit trees that are low in maintenance, then any of the listed trees fit the requirement. They have been carefully selected to include mainly the most resilient fruit tree varieties.