Cilantro has been grown in our gardens for quite a long time, and some greenery lovers also grow it in city apartments. Its lower parts have petioles, while the upper ones sit directly on the stems and are distinguished by a more elongated shape.
The stem of the cilantro is straight, which can reach a height of 40 to 70 cm. When the flowering time comes, an umbrella appears at the top, and then small white-pink flowers. Seeds are pretty large, from 2 to 8 mm.
Cilantro is not only tasty but also a very healthy herb. It is used as a spice for various dishes: meat, vegetables, sauces, raw, and salads. The plant has a pronounced pleasant aroma that cannot be confused with anything.
The plant contains a large amount of vitamins and ascorbic acid. The beneficial properties are widely used in folk medicine, perfumery, and cosmetology. Essentially, cilantro can be grown beautifully on a windowsill or a balcony. The important thing is to know how long it takes to grow.
How Long Does Cilantro Take to Grow?
From the time cilantro seeds are sown, the leaves can be harvested within 3 to 4 weeks. The harvesting of seeds can be done about 45 days from the time of planting.
If cilantro seeds fall to the ground, small plants can appear throughout the period and the subsequent spring. And if you begin with a mature, fully rooted plant, you can start harvesting it for ten days. After two weeks, cilantro will have enough time to get used to the new garden.
How to Grow Cilantro
1. Seed preparation
Well-ripened large cilantro grains are selected for sowing. For the cultivation of seeds to be carried out efficiently, the seed material should be dark brown and easily removed.
Unripe material has an unpleasant odor, sometimes associated with bed bug secretions. For the seeds to germinate faster after planting, they must be no older than two years of age.
2. Garden bed preparation
The garden bed is prepared in the fall. It is formed on a high and bright place in the suburban area. In dark and damp areas, cilantro may get wet before ripening.
During digging, the soil is loosened well, flavored with organic fertilizers and ash. For splendor, a certain amount of sand is introduced into the ground. In the spring, the ridge is only dug up.
3. Sowing
Before sowing, disinfect the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and a small amount of urea is added. Sow cilantro seeds by spacing them to ensure quality growth.
On one site during the warm period, you can collect several crops of greenery. With each sowing, superphosphate is added to the soil.
4. Temperature
Cilantro is a cold-resistant plant but has a negative attitude to heat. Therefore, the optimal temperature for growing in room conditions will be +14 to +20 ⁰С. In this case, it is necessary to moisten the cilantro by spraying the bush once a week.
5. Watering
Cilantro requires moist soil to grow and develop properly. The first 1 to 1.5 months need to be moistened with a spray bottle. This is to avoid blurring the cilantro roots.
In the future, gently water the soil near the coriander roots. Water should not come into contact with the leaves. Carefully monitor that the plant does not dry out because it is hard to tolerate such stresses.
6. Lighting
Light is necessary for proper development because cilantro does not stretch but only gives lush greenery if it has enough light. It needs light for between 6 and 10 hours a day. If there is a lack of it, window sills are equipped with unique lamps.
7. Fertilizing
Insufficiently fertile soil for cilantro is fertilized in the fall. Regardless of the cultivation method before winter, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to one square meter before processing.
According to the instructions for use, you can use complex fertilizers that include nitroammophos, diammophos, superphosphate, potassium chloride, and others. These instructions are indicated on each package.
8. Thinning
It is recommended to remove excess cilantro plants. This is necessary so that the remaining sprouts feel free and form more green mass instead of thin leaves.
When removing extra cilantro plants, you should be careful. You do not need to pull out unnecessary sprouts with the roots. They are carefully cut with a knife or scissors.
Damage to the root system of the remaining plants will slow down the growth and development of the bush. Typically, thinning the cilantro in time will allow the remaining seedlings to develop more green mass.
Harvesting and Storage
It is not enough to grow cilantro, but you still need to collect and prepare it properly. How is the crop harvested and stored?
- Greens
Cut the greens with a sharp knife as soon as they reach a height of 15 to 20 cm. There are two methods of cutting: 1 cm below ground level and incomplete cutting of a third of the greenery leaving shoots of 3 to 5 cm.
In the first case, cilantro does not grow anymore, and the garden bed sown again. In the second, the plant will give greens 2 to 3 more times. For long-term storage, cilantro leaves are dried or frozen.
- Seeds
Harvesting of seeds is carried out when the fruits start ripe a little more than half. When 60% of the umbrellas turn brown, the plants are cut and hung to dry. A newspaper is laid under them to collect seeds.
After two weeks, the inflorescences are rubbed with their hands, and the materials collected in the newspaper are sorted out, eliminating the litter. They are stored in a dry glass container with a lid. Self-collected cilantro seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.
Cilantro is a helpful plant that can++not only be eaten but also cures many diseases. And so that it is always at hand, you can plant it every year in your garden.
The plant is unpretentious but loves fertile and light soil, as well as sun and regular watering. To do this, you need to know how long it takes to grow. Essentially, cilantro seeds takes about 45 days from when it was planted to when it is harvested.