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How to Deadhead Foxgloves? | 7 Easy Steps!

Deadheading is the process of removing spent flowers from a plant. It helps to encourage new growth and prolong the blooming season.

Learning how to deadhead Foxgloves makes it easy to extend the flower’s bloom season longer into the fall. Deadheading is a simple gardening task that can dramatically impact the appearance of your plants.

Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) are a beautiful addition to any garden, but they can quickly become overgrown and leggy if they’re not deadheaded regularly.

This blog post will show you how to deadhead Foxgloves in just a few simple steps.

You’ll also find out when to do it and the benefits of deadheading Foxgloves.

So, without killing more time, let’s begin!

How to Deadhead Foxgloves
How to deadhead Foxgloves? – Image via Nik.

What Is Deadheading?

Deadheading is the process of removing spent flowers from a plant.

It encourages the plant to produce more flowers and keeps it looking tidy.

Foxgloves are a biennial plant, which means they live for two years. In their first year, they produce roots, stems, and leaves; in their second year, they produce fruits, flowers, and seeds. After flowering, the plants die back, and new plants sprout up from the seeds.

You can prevent this by deadheading.

When to Deadhead Foxgloves?

Foxgloves are a beautiful addition to any garden.

It’s important to deadhead Foxgloves regularly to keep them looking their best.

Foxgloves bloom in late spring and early summer. After the blooms fade, the plants will start to produce seed pods. These pods can be left on the plant if you want them to self-seed or removed to tidy up the plant.

Once the seed pods have started to form, it’s time to begin deadheading the plant.

It involves removing the faded blooms and seed pods from the stem.

You can deadhead Foxgloves anytime during their flowering season, from mid-spring to early summer.

Consider deadheading when you see the following signs:

  • The Foxglove is losing petals.
  • When the flower starts to sag and is no longer attractive.
  • The Foxglove fades and loses vibrancy.
  • The insects chew your flowers, or the winds make them look withered.

Deadheading less vibrant blooms on multi-stemmed plants provide enough room for other Foxgloves to grow.

With that said, let’s see how to deadhead Foxgloves.

How to Deadhead Foxgloves?

If your Foxgloves look a bit sad, don’t worry; they can quickly be brought back to life with a little deadheading.

Follow these simple steps, and you will get new and fresh Foxgloves in no time; let’s start!

1. Gather Your Tools

You’ll need the following tools.

  • Gardening mask (If you are allergic to pollen)
  • Basket or Bag (To collect snipped flowers)
  • Garden shears or Anvil pruners (To snip off the blossoms)
  • Gardening gloves (To keep your hands safe from any injury)

It is best to sanitize your tools using isopropyl alcohol or a household cleaner like pine sol. Apply these solutions to your gardening tools and let them air dry. Sanitized tools extend the life of your new shoots and protect them from bacteria or other infections.

2. Find the First Set of Leaves

Now that you have gathered your tools, it’s time to deadhead your Foxgloves. It is advisable to work your way down the stem and see the first set of leaves there. It is the point where you’ll need to cut.

3. Make a Fine Cut

Grab the stem you selected from its base and make a 45-degree angled cut below the blooms. A sharp, sterilized pruning shear will get this job done efficiently.

Make sure to cut back the stem to the next set of leaves or buds, leaving about twelve inches of stem. It will encourage new growth and more blooms.

4. Cut Straggly Stems

Next, cut back any long, rambling stems. Cut them to about 10 cm (4 inches) above the ground. You can also remove any yellowing or dying leaves at this time.

Finally, give your plants a light trim, taking care not to cut into the green parts. It will encourage new growth and more flowers.

5. Repeat the Process

You should know that Foxglove stalks form at separate times, so regular deadheading is essential to keep your plant healthy and growing.

6. Reseeding

Deadheading prevents your plant from reseeding. If you want more Foxglove blooms next season, leave a few flower spikes on the plant. They’ll produce and disperse seeds during the second flush of blooms.

You can continue deadheading the plant once it’s done with reseeding.

7. Discarding Spikes

Gather the snipped Sunflower heads in the basket if you have no further use.

Remember that the discarded sections will start to sprout if you toss them in the compost. Go with that if you want a whole new field of Foxglove; otherwise, discard the snipped spikes in your gardening bucket or trash bin.

And that’s it!

Just seven easy steps, and your Foxgloves will look amazing again in no time!

Benefits of Deadheading Foxgloves

Here are the benefits of deadheading Foxgloves:

More Blooms

Removing the spent flowers (deadheading) allows the plant to put its energy into producing new flowers instead of making seeds. It means more blooms for you to enjoy.

Tidy Plants

Foxgloves can get leggy and untidy looking as they age. Deadheading will help keep them looking neat.

Prevent Overseeding

As Foxgloves are prolific seeders, not deadheading them can result in their overrunning through your entire garden.

Extend Plant’s Life

Cutting Foxgloves heads and letting the new ones grow to extend your plant’s life.

Deter Insects

Seeds are the reason that various bugs and insects are attracted to your garden, creating a nuisance for you. Deadheading makes plants less attractive to insects.

That’s all for today.

However, if you don’t want to deadhead your Foxgloves, and want to save or sow seeds for the next season, here’s a video guide for you:

Foxgloves / Saving & Sowing Seed NOW for next year’s blooms / Homegrown Garden – YouTube


Thanks to its variety of colors and prominent green foliage, Foxglove is a beautiful addition to your home garden.

However, you must make a hard choice and keep deadheading the plant to get more appealing blooms. As you can see, deadheading Foxgloves is a simple process that doesn’t take much time or effort.

By following these seven steps on how to deadhead Foxgloves, you’ll have beautiful blooms all year long.

So, get out there and enjoy your beautiful flowers.

We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comment section below.
