If you have a dog, knowing how to get rid of whipworms out of your yard is crucial. It can be difficult to come up with a solution for getting these worms out of the yard.
These parasites dwell in the soil and can withstand the harshest winters and summers. If not treated properly, they can be passed from one dog to the next. Even if you treat all of your dogs and other pets, the worms will re-infect them as long as they are in the yard.
The bad news is that if you don’t get rid of the worms, they can live for years. The good news, you have a solution in the form of this article. In this article, we will tell you about 8 easy ways on how to get whipworms out of yard
Whipworms are parasitic worms that live in foxes, dogs, and coyotes’ intestines. When the whipworm eggs are ingested by your dog from an infected dog’s excrement, he gets a whipworm infection.
A dog licking its paws following the strolling on whipworm-infested dirt is the most prevalent cause of this.
Whipworm eggs are ingested and hatch within your dog’s digestive tract, where the mature worms burrow into the intestinal lining, causing pain, anaemia, bloody diarrhoea, and, in severe cases, death.
During this stage, whipworms produce eggs, which are then sent out in your dog’s stool, re-infecting the soil with far more whipworms.

How To Get Whipworms Out Of Yard?
You may get rid of whipworms in your home using a variety of approaches. The majority of them are simple to implement and do not necessitate a lot of effort.
1. Maintain a Clean Yard
- The excrement of an infected dog releases new whipworm eggs into the earth.
- Whipworm eggs must also develop for 2 weeks to 4 weeks after travelling through the intestinal tract before they can infect you if you consume them.
- Cleaning your dog’s faeces from the yard early and often prevents whipworm eggs from reaching the soil and maturing into dangerous parasites.
- Although this method will not kill existing whipworm eggs in your yard, it will surely prevent new eggs from infected animals from entering the soil, lowering whipworm egg counts.
- When dealing with a whipworm infestation, it’s critical to clean up after your dog as soon as possible.
2. Disinfect the Paved Surfaces
- Whipworms live in the topsoil of your home in many circumstances, but there’s a chance they’ve made their way into your paved areas as well.
- Stone walkways, concrete, bricks, and driveways are examples of such regions.
- Spray these places with bleach to kill the eggs.
- This topical therapy will kill whipworm eggs.
3. Make Use of Lime
If you’re looking for a way to get rid of whipworms, one word will suffice: Lime.
- Being a natural ingredient, lime can be added to your soil to dry up and kill whipworm eggs.
- It is also suitable for use on grass and with dogs.
- Apply lime using a spreader to the soil.
- For every 1,000 sq-feet of the yard, apply 40-50 pounds of lime.
- It will be enough to kill any whipworm eggs in the soil.
Instructions to Follow
- It’s vital to note that lime should be kept dry for approximately two weeks to be efficient at killing whipworm eggs.
- To effectively kill whipworms, avoid watering your grass for two weeks after applying lime.
- The lime will not kill whipworms in your yard if it is watered in, if it rains, or if the ground is muddy.
- Use this strategy only when the weather is dry.
4. Remove the Topsoil
Whipworm eggs are found in the topsoil, where animals can easily consume them. As a result, removing the top 6 inches of topsoil is a surefire approach to unload whipworms from your yard.
- This is a drastic measure that isn’t appropriate for huge yards.
- It’s a good idea to start with the areas where your dog spends a lot of time.
- Fill the gap with new soil and grass, then plant it on top.
- If the area is too large, however, removing all of the topsoils may be challenging.
- In this situation, agitate the soil with a garden tiller before applying chemicals to it.
- You may be confident you’ve obliterated the whipworm infestation by removing old topsoil, trucking in new dirt, and reseeding your grass.
5. Prevent Whipworms by Paving Areas
- Whipworm eggs are exceedingly tough to eradicate after they have infested your yard’s soil.
- On the other hand, Paved areas are much easier to sanitise with bleach and contain significantly fewer whipworm eggs.
- If you’ve given your all but still failed to eradicate a whipworm infestation, paving high-traffic areas is the greatest strategy to minimise or reduce your dog’s exposure to whipworm-infested ground.
6. Use Diatomaceous Earth
- Whipworms can be controlled by spreading diatomaceous earth on your lawn.
- Spreading it once a month will help prevent these parasites from reproducing and multiplying.
- When this product is wet, it absorbs moisture and becomes sticky.
7. Get Your Dog Treated for Whipworms
- Consult your veterinarian for the best treatment options if your dog has been diagnosed with whipworm.
- Whipworm treatment for infected dogs is a multi-step process, but your dog must be free of a dangerous parasite.
- Begin a worm-prevention medication programme after your dog has been treated for an active whipworm illness.
- Keep in mind that many dewormers and worm preventatives won’t help you avoid whipworm.
- Whipworm infection can be avoided by using a wormer that stops it.
- Follow the treatment instructions exactly.
- Because whipworms are so difficult to eradicate from a yard, this is the most effective technique to ensure that your dog does not become infected again following treatment.
8. Put A Fence Around Your Property
- Whipworms mostly harm dogs and foxes; therefore, keeping other animals out of your yard is the easiest method to prevent your canines from becoming infected.
- These dogs can come over and leave their waste in your yard, which may include parasites.
- Install a strong fence to keep the dogs out of your house because they could be parasite carriers.
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Final Remarks
Whipworms are a severe parasitic worm that affects dogs all over the world. The intestines of dogs and cats are home to these small animals.
If you own a dog, you already know how hazardous these worms can be to your companion. Everyone would like to have a healthy dog in their home rather than a skinny, sick dog.
The easiest way to deal with a whipworm infestation is to protect your dog with a dewormer that is efficient against whipworms.
Often, this is the only option. Putting your dog on a dewormer plan that prevents illness gives you the best chance of keeping him safe.
If you’re dead set on killing the whipworm eggs in the soil, a two-week dry application of agricultural lime (around 40–50 lbs per 1,000 sq-feet) will suffice.
Another approach to killing whipworms in the soil is to remove 6 inches of topsoil or pave over sick soil. Fencing the area around your yard and using Diatomaceous Earth can also do wonders.