The lavender plant is easy to grow and requires little maintenance. It is one of the best plants to grow indoors because it looks nice and smells good, too. In this article, we aim at providing information on how to grow lavender in Texas.
Lavender bushes produce gray-green leaves with a refreshing, sweet-herbal aroma, as well as gorgeous, plentiful blooms with the same scent. The leaves and blooms of this plant are both edible, making it a must-have for any herb garden.
Lavender plants produce purple blossoms most of the time, but you can also get lavender plants with white or pink flowers.

A Guide on How To Grow Lavender In Texas
You can purchase a lavender plant at your local gardening center, or you can grow one from seed. If you choose to purchase a plant, it is best to buy the lavender in late winter or early spring so that it has time to establish itself before the hot Texas summer arrives.
It looks best if it is planted in an area with full sunlight and good air circulation.
Step 1: Prepare the Soil
- Choose soil with good drainage and a mildly alkaline pH.
- Lavender plants frequently succumb to root rot as a result of damp soil.
- Consider winter drainage in areas where lavender is winter hardy.
- Lavender can be easily killed by soils that retain water in the winter.
- Many gardeners improve drainage by planting lavender in 12 to 24 inch tall raised soil mounds. This provides the acute drainage that lavender necessitates and assists in circumstances where the natural soil is clay-based and does not drain well.
- To improve drainage, mix small limestone fines or sharp sand into the soil.
- Mix some limestone gravel or crushed oyster shell into planting holes to make alkaline soil.
- You may even dig a little more planting hole and fill it with limestone gravel for 2/3 of the bottom space. This aids drainage in thick soils while also providing an alkaline condition for root growth.
- You can put lime, bone meal, and compost in planting holes to get an alkaline pH and jump-start development.
- Using equal quantities of those items, aim for a total of around a half-cup.
Step 2: Spacing
- Allow enough space between lavender plants to allow for flowering.
- Plants should be spaced very far apart as they will grow tall.
- To thrive, lavender necessitates excellent air circulation.
Step 3: Transplanting (Method 1)
- Instead of starting from seed, most gardeners use lavender transplants. The majority of lavender is grown through cuttings, ensuring that the plant retains its parent’s features. That is why most gardeners prefer to use transplants rather than seeds when planting.
- Dig a hole deep enough for the plant’s roots and nestle the plant into position, snugging soil around it when planting lavender transplants.
- Lavender should be planted no deeper in the soil than in its nursery pot.
- Plant lavender with light pruning, eliminating all growing tips.
- The plant will branch out as a result of this.
- Use the same procedure year after year as fresh growth emerges.
- Continue to water until the plants exhibit consistent new growth.
Step 3: Planting Seeds (Method 2)
- If you want to plant lavender from seed, be sure to find seeds that are native to Texas. It is important to start them indoors in late winter and transplant the plants outdoors in early spring when the soil has thawed and warmer temperatures.
- Get a pot and fill it with sterilized soil.
- Moisten the soil and let it absorb all of the water before sowing the lavender seeds.
- Press the soil down gently to create a flat surface for an even distribution of seed.
- Sow your lavender seeds about 1/8-inch deep and cover them with a thin layer of sand.
- Be sure to keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate.
- Place the pot in a warm and sunny area (southern exposure is ideal).
- A heated greenhouse works well for this, as does a home with lots of natural light.
- Water your seeds frequently, but don’t allow the soil to dry out.
- Once the seeds germinate, you can transplant them into your garden just as your lavender starts to bloom.
- Plant your lavender transplants about a foot apart from one another.
- Allow between 36 to 48 inches of space on all sides of the plant so that it has room to grow.

How to Grow Lavender in Texas: Care Tips
Good Quality Soil with Balanced pH Level
Lavender needs well-draining soil, so if your soil is heavy or tends to be damp, then you should mix in some sand. The plant also likes alkaline soil, so if your soil is too acidic, add some lime to raise the pH level.
Lavender likes to grow in slightly alkaline soil with a pH level between 6.5 and 8.0, but it can also live in any soil if it doesn’t stay constantly wet.
Proper Watering
The lavender plant needs an average amount of water. Ensure that the soil remains moist but not wet, and water it weekly if there is no rainfall.
Water lavender when the soil becomes dry to about an inch deep. To ensure even water distribution, water is at the plant’s base rather than on the leaves. Watering deeply will encourage deep root growth to help lavender survive dry periods.
Proper Use of Fertilizer
Applying a fertilizer suitable for flowering plants once a month while the plant is blooming will help promote more flowers. When it becomes dormant, reduce water and fertilizer.
If your garden isn’t very fertile, you can fertilize the soil before planting the lavender. Continue to water throughout the growing season and fertilize about once a month with a general-purpose fertilizer.
Fertilizing every few weeks is not recommended, particularly in the spring months when plants are growing in the hot Texas sun.
Proper Temperature
Note that lavender does not like extremely cold weather; an ideal temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature dips below that, you will need to protect your lavender plant.
Although many varieties of lavender are native to Texas, they may not be cold-hardy. If you live in an area with a winter, having lavender on the patio or bringing some indoors is a good idea. You can also mulch around the plants to help protect them from cold weather.
Proper Spacing and Pruning
Be sure not to crowd lavender as it does best with lots of air circulation and sufficient space. Prune your lavender once it starts to grow. Prune back new growth by half – remove the tips of the shoots.
This will encourage branching and create a bushier plant, which will eventually start producing blooms.
Save from Diseases and Pests
Keep your lavender healthy by checking for any signs of disease or pests. This includes leaf-eating insects, aphids, powdery mildew, and spider mites.
Treat any signs of disease or pests immediately to avoid spreading them. Lavender is typically hearty and pest resistant, but it can become affected by disease or pests if it becomes stressed.
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Final Remarks
If you are looking for a way to relax your mind, body, and soul, then take some time to learn how to grow lavender in Texas. Lavender is one of the easiest flowers to grow and requires very little care.
As you now know how to grow Lavender in Texas, you can easily grow lavender in your yard for brilliant flowers, delicious fragrance, and a feast for pollinators – all from a low-maintenance plant.
Lavender is not a difficult plant to grow. Once you’ve mastered the basics of planting in the right spot and trimming regularly, you’ll be well on your way to having a beautiful, productive perennial.