There’s just more than learning the specific steps on how to grow thyme from cutting. It is important to be familiar with the growing process.
How to fully know and understand the entire being of the plant is vital. This can also help you fully assess yourself if it’s the right choice. Doing this does not only make you a mature gardener but also a much responsible owner.
I. Introduction to Thyme

Thyme is a kind of herb that has a thin, medium-length stem with a woody texture in it. It comes with dozens of small, cute, oval-shaped, and gray-green leaves.
It also has beautiful, eye-catching flowers that make it a bit attractive for a short time. This herbal plant grows to a minimum height of 6 inches that can increase up to 12 to 18 inches.
Sure, thyme may not offer that much brilliance in the eyes of people. It does not contain vibrant and eye-relaxing colors such as roses, sunflowers, and hydrangeas. However, this wonderful herb can be beautiful and useful in its way.
A. Origin
One of the essential pieces of information that you need to learn on how to grow thyme from cutting is to know its origin, which is in the Mediterranean regions. Wild thymes can be seen abundantly in Middle Eastern countries, such as Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.
This plant is botanically known as “Thymus Vulgaris”. People around the world are familiar with this herb by its simple name “thymes”. This simpler identification makes it easier for people to remember.
B. Climate & Temperature
Knowing the origins of thyme may give you an idea of what type of climate or the best temperature it needs to survive. Yes, you get it right if you’ve guessed warm temperate and dry climate.
These conditions help reach the herb’s full potential and optimum growth. This clearly explains the herb’s high presence in the Levant regions for their warm and relatively dry climate.
Furthermore, it is best if you plant it in areas where it could get a constant temperature of 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (20-30 degrees Celsius). You consider this climate factor as an important requirement to have healthy thymes and a bounty harvest.
C. Soil
Part of learning how to grow thyme from cutting is choosing the right soil. It is one of the key steps to accomplishing your goal to have this type of herb in your home garden. It’s a specific need to survive long, healthily, and abundantly.
Thymes do love areas that contain a mixture of sand, potting soil, peat moss, and perlite. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to have this exact mixture. Maybe 2 to 3 kinds of soil are enough. It is still highly advised to follow this list of soil mixes to ensure a healthy and thriving thyme plant.
II. Nutrients and Benefits of Thyme
Learning how to grow thyme from cutting is a fulfilling thing that you can achieve. Being able to care for this successfully can give you a huge amount of benefits.
A. High in Vitamin C
This herb is packed with vitamin C that when consumed it can help boost your immune system. This eventually keeps you away from harmful sicknesses. In short, it’s undeniably good for your overall health.
B. High in Potassium
The high amount of potassium present in this herb can cause your cells to be much healthier than ever. Again, this helps result in healthier well-being.
C. High in Manganese
The presence of manganese makes it equally vital to one’s health. This mineral aids in bone strength and development. It can also help lessen the chances of blood clotting.
D. Aromatic
Thymes offer a lovely aroma that can capture anyone’s sense of smell in just literally one full sniff. Moreover, the scent is similar to a pinch of clove with a little bit of mint. Its wonderful fragrance can be easily loved by anyone.
E. Anti-Inflammatory
One of the health benefits of thyme is its anti-inflammatory effect. With the right amount, this herb can essentially help relieve muscle pain, menstrual cramps, stomach ache, and other forms of inflammation.
F. Anti-Bacterial
You can also count on thyme in preventing or treating bacterial diseases. This is used as a home remedy for colds, flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, ear infections, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections (UTI).
III. How To Grow Thyme from Cutting?

How to grow thyme from cutting is a real deal you need to be taken on a serious note Some important things to consider are usually basic and easy.
As already mentioned, the type of soil and climate have to be included in the growing process. Here are more brief but detailed steps to successfully grow thymes.
A. Use a Well-Drained Pot
There’s no strict measure as to what pot to use, whether small or big, made of clay or plastic material, etc. But for thymes to breathe freely and grow properly it is suggested that you use a well-drained pot.
You may also grow directly on the ground of your garden if you intend to plant bigger than a regular-sized pot.
B. Plant Cuttings
Seeds can be used to initially grow this herb but this option causes a hard time because of its slow and uneven germination. What experts would advise is to grow pre-planted thymes, which you can buy at any local garden or get from someone you know.
Read More: 10 Easiest Perennial to Grow from Seed for Novice Gardeners
C. Give Sunlight
Thymes love full sunlight contact. Be sure to plant in a spot where it can get a lot of light. For indoors, situate it near windows or balconies.
D. Water the Soil
Watering is very easy and expected, but always remember to pour water directly into the soil. Be sure to monitor its soil because as soon as it’s dry, then it’s time for you to rehydrate it. Do this at least once a day but do not overwater it.
E. Propagate
Part of how to grow thyme successfully is propagation. You can propagate your plant by cuttings. Give at least 12 to 24 inches apart from each other.
This aids in promoting equal nutrients that result in a healthy group of thymes. You can also grow thymes near cabbages or tomatoes as they complement each other very well.
Take care of this herb plant depends on its survival, growth, and abundance. Be sure that you do everything necessary to keep it alive. Once the flowers bloom, you may harvest by cutting a section that you can use for various purposes.
IV. Uses of Thymes
As a herb, thyme has a lot of medicinal and culinary uses. These can be very beneficial to many people, including your family.
A. Medicinal Uses
Let us first discuss the medicinal uses of thyme. Thymes are commonly used in the form of oil, serum, or extract to treat certain conditions. For better effects, it can be mixed with other herbs to aid some diseases.
B. Culinary Uses
Thymes can also be a good addition to some of your favorite, mouth-watering dishes like cooked vegetables and braised meat. This is also sprinkled as a final topping on fish dishes or the main seasoning of roasted chicken and turkey. It truly adds a new flavor to any dish you can present on the table.
Bonus Facts
Thymes have been using worldwide for decades. In ancient times, this awesome herb has been super beneficial in different ways.
For example, people in Egypt used thymes as one of the main ingredients for embalming dead people. In Greece, thymes were added to the water for bathing and burned to create a form of incense, which was used as a religious offering on their sacred temples.
Following this guide on how to grow thyme from cutting can make you feel good and proud of yourself. The more you would enjoy everything once you get a harvest for medicinal motive, culinary use, or other reasons.
Be sure that you have fun at the end of the day so that each stem spreads and grows well. It’s a passion and a responsibility to grow a tiny plant, like this herb.
You must not underestimate the whole process even if it’s manageable and easy. If you can maintain it, every effort, sweat, and time you put into this won’t go to waste.