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How To Make Snake Plant Grow Faster – 6 Genius Tips

If your Snake Plant hasn’t grown in a while, you might be wondering what’s wrong. While they are not exceptionally fast-growing houseplants, they should eventually produce new leaves and stretch higher.

This article will educate you on how to make snake plant grow faster and assist you in making the necessary adjustments to restore its health.

The snake plant features yellow and green lines extending up the middle of its variegated leaves. Despite their toughness, the leaves frequently grow straight up, and the plant develops a slow-growing stem with white, sweet-smelling blooms.

Depending on the conditions, this variety of Sansevieria can reach a height of 3 feet. According to some sources, it can reach a height of five feet!

When you initially bring a plant home, it will need some time to acclimate. Snake Plants are often produced in ideal conditions by the grower, and the home environment is unlikely to be as ideal.

There’s a good chance your Snake Plant may cease to grow for a month or two while it adjusts to the new environment. If your plant appears to be in good health and you’re providing all of the necessary care, wait for a little, and you should notice fresh growth before long.

How To Make Snake Plant Grow Faster
Snake Plant – via Wikimedia

How To Make Snake Plant Grow Faster 

Lack of light or water is the most typical reason for a Snake Plant’s failure to grow. Overwatering, bugs, and illness can all stunt the growth of your Snake Plant.

Check for symptoms of stress in your plant, boost lighting, and assess the plant’s water requirements every few days. If you’d like to discover everything regarding how to make the snake plant grow faster, go no further than this article.

Choose a Right Sized Pot 

The pot you choose can make a tremendous difference in your snake plant’s growth rate. The most frequent reason for a Snake Plant not growing is that it has been planted in a too-small pot.

In the wild, they grow very slowly compared to many houseplants, so ensure you have selected a proper-sized pot. Look for a pot that is at least twice the diameter of the plant’s root ball.

Snake Plants flourish in a soil-less mixture of peat moss and sand, so find a new home for your snake plant if it has been growing in regular potting soil. Drainage holes are an important aspect of any container, as plants like these can drown in over-hydrated soil. 

Pick the Right Location

In addition, the plant wants bright but indirect light. It will do best near a window where it can get six to eight hours of sunlight each day without being in direct sun. Should your snake plant be pale and struggling with brown leaf tips, you’ve given it too little light!

Repot the Snake Plant and Keep it Slightly Root Bound 

By root bound, we mean some of the roots should be poking out of the bottom and the top. If your Snake Plant is too small for its pot or you have been struggling with a brown thumb, repot it. This will refresh its soil and ensure that all its roots stay nice and moist – without being soggy.

When re-potting, do not place the plant in a pot any smaller than its current container. Snake plants prefer to be root-bound slightly, so make sure it remains in an appropriately sized container when you repot it.

Some snake plants will only produce new leaves after being root-bound – once their roots have filled up the entire pot.

Make sure you water your plant more in spring and summer than you do in fall and winter, but don’t allow the soil to become bone dry. Immerse the entire root ball in water before moving it from its old container to a new one. In addition, ensure sufficient drainage for excess water to escape.

How To Make Snake Plant Grow Faster 2
Snake Plant – via Wikimedia

Feed the Plant in Spring and summer

It would be best to fertilize in the spring and summer for the best results. However, do not feed your plant when it is dormant, typically from fall to early spring.

When they are not actively growing, snake plants utilize all of their energy to produce a new stem and leaves, so give them a week’s worth of break in between feedings.

Consider Using a Fertilizer with micronutrients and micronutrients

Also, you can use a liquid houseplant fertilizer that is balanced or high in potassium, such as 20-20-20 (you may also see this listed as 10-10-10 on the labels of some brands). You can use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer, such as Osmocote Flower and Vegetable Smart-Release Plant Food. 

Be Careful with the Snake Plant’s Watering Needs

If you want to learn how to make the snake plant grow faster, now would be a good time to pay attention! The snake plant is primitive and primitive plants prefer a dry environment.

The snake plant will not be happy in soil that is always moist; the roots of the snake plant will rot. Generally, plants like these want to be kept on the dry side.

When they are on the dry side, they will grow faster than bogged down in the water. If it’s struggling to survive, find a spot to get just enough moisture for survival.

Snake plants appreciate an occasional shower or two in summer, but they should never be left standing in water for long periods. Water the plant enough so that water runs out of the pot’s bottom drain holes, but stop watering when you notice a bit of moisture in the drainage dish.

If your snake plant lives in a window that gets bright light, it can use more frequent and less abundant watering than low light. When the soil is dry so that it pulls away from the sides of your pot, you need to water your Snake Plant. When in doubt, wait until the plant wilts noticeably before watering again.

Pruning or Trimming your Snake Plant

This will help speed growth and improve the plant’s overall health. Pruning or trimming a snake plant is simple; you can simply snip off all of the top leaves in a shorter stem if they begin to turn yellow. The goal of pruning your snake plants is to create a more bushy and dense growth.

Snake plants propagate themselves by producing new offsets divided and potted elsewhere. You can also grow a snake plant from a clipping, as they root easily and develop into full-sized plants in a short time. 

Final Remarks

This article has covered all you need to know about how to make snake plants grow faster. Sansevieria, often known as the snake plant, is one of the most beautiful plants on the planet.

This lovely plant’s tall, elegant leaves make it a popular option among homeowners and decorators. A Sansevieria can be found in almost every workplace environment with plants.

When you learn how to make the snake plant grow faster, you encourage your plant’s fast growth. The growth of snake plants depends on many factors like the type of soil, plant size, watering, fertilization, and indoor air conditions.

If you combine the right kind of care and keep your plant healthy, it will reward you by producing more leaves faster than usual.