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How to Propagate Peace Lily – 4 Quick & Easy Steps!

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Peace lilies are among the most popular houseplants and the most well-known species of Spathiphyllum.

They are native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia but are now grown in many other parts of the world.

The Peace lily plant is sometimes viewed as a symbol of peace because its unique white flowers embody the white flag—the symbol of peace! Keeping this plant around can be very rewarding, so you should know how to propagate Peace lily.

Peace lilies are also popular because of their ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

Once you have this delicate flower at home, you’d want to add more, and propagation is the best way to do so.

This guide has all you need to know on how to propagate Peace lily.

Let’s get into it!

How to Propagate Peace Lily
How to propagate Peace lily? – Image via Reddit.

Reasons to Propagate a Peace lily Plant!

The reason to propagate a plant is to make more plants of the same kind. Also, propagating plants is a way of ensuring that they will not go extinct.

  • The beauty of the Peace lily plant compels you to create additional plants for your garden or share them with your loved ones.
  • Moreover, Peace lilies must be propagated at least twice a year to keep them from getting too leggy and spindly.
  • This plant takes years to germinate from seed, so propagation is the hack to save you time as well.
  • Last but not least, you will have a wonderful spread of Peace lilies through propagation for free.

You must be anxious to know how to propagate Peace lily, so let’s start.

Things You’ll Need!


  • A mature Peace lily plant
  • Sharp scissors or gardening knife
  • Gardening gloves
  • New plant pots

Now, let’s move toward the steps.

How to Propagate Peace Lily?

Peace lilies are loved by many for their peace, purity, and healing properties.

There are many ways to propagate peace lilies, but the division method works well for a Peace lily.

Why division?

A Peace lily is a plant that always grows from the root system, and a mature plant produces various baby clumps. This plant doesn’t seem to grow from a stalk or trunk; therefore, you cannot propagate it by cuttings.

Division is the only needed and reliable method for Peace lilies to propagate.

Here are the steps:

1. Identify the Mother Plant

Remember not to take baby clumps to propagate Peace lily; you won’t be successful. A mother plant is needed for propagation. It is the largest plant between numerous baby clumps. After identifying it, check the number of crowns it has.

2. Divide or Repot?

You’ll need to decide whether you should divide your plant or not.

  • If there are 5–7 stalks or crowns, you are good to go with division.
  • If your Peace lily plant has only one crown, it can’t be divided—transplant it in a bigger container or garden bed to get multiples of its kind on a vast area.
  • The best time to divide peace Lilly is spring or summer.

However, you can propagate the indoor Peace lilies any time of the year since things are under your control.

3. Prepare Your Pot

Before planting, you need to prepare the pot.

Make sure the pot has holes for drainage so that water can drain out easily—this prevents waterlogging and root rot.

  • First, fill your pot with soil or potting mix, which you can purchase at any garden center.

It will help if you make sure that your growing media has the following characteristics:

  • Choose a potting mix specifically designed for plants, not garden beds or fields.
  • The soil should be free from pests or bacterial infestations; using store-bought potting mix instead of your garden soil is best to prevent these issues.
  • It should be well-draining and shouldn’t hinder root growth.
  • The water-retaining capacity of soil should also be good.
  • It should also have a pH balance close to neutral, which is 7 on the pH scale.
  • You can also make your mix by combining equal parts of topsoil and compost or peat moss mixed with sand or perlite for drainage and aeration.

Once you have selected a suitable pot with a potting mix, fill the pot with this growing media.

Saturate it before planting the cluster of peace lilies.

Your pot is ready!

4. Root Out Peace lily

Now you must root out as many crowns of Peace lily as you want to propagate (ensuring they are mature enough).

  • Hold the pot with one hand and the Peace lily cluster in the other, and gently pull the plant.
  • It will come out in the process, but if it doesn’t, it is root bound.
  • Don’t worry; exert a little more effort and slightly squeeze it.
  • Use a sharp shovel if the plant is severely root-bound, or you are to take it from the garden bed. Insert it in the ground, circling the plant, and separating the root ball.

Here you have your division of Peace lily ready to be planted.

5. Split the Cluster

The next step involves splitting the Peace lily stalk into smaller sections.

  • Dust the soil from the roots to closely examine the connections.
  • The connections will be entangled, but ensure you detach from the point where the roots are not damaged.
  • You can use your hands to get this job done or use a pair of sharp gardening shears.
  • Each stalk should have some roots and leaves to grow properly.
  • The sections should not be so small.
  • If the plant is big, take 5–6 sections; otherwise, splitting a smaller plant into two sections would suffice.

For our final step…

6. Plant Your Division

The last step in propagating the Peace lily plant is to put the division into the pot you prepared in the first step. You can directly place it into the potting media. Just insert the division a few inches into the potting mix, and you’re done!

Peace Lily | How to Propagate + Repotting + Care Guide – Youtube

That’s all!


The Peace lily plant is a beautiful flowering plant commonly used for decorative purposes.

Peace lilies can be propagated by dividing the plant into sections and planting them in a well-drained, aerated growing media. This guide on how to propagate peace lilies will fill your garden and indoor pots with these blooming beauties.

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