The Split Leaf Philodendron is one of the most popular house plants in North America. It’s easy to grow, even tolerating neglect or less than optimal conditions, and offers a variety of interesting forms, sizes and color patterns.
Most are sold as single leaves with multiple leaflets attached to a single stem. The stems naturally grow upright but tend to arch as the plant matures. This tropical plant grows vigorously. In this article, we will discuss how to propagate Split Leaf Philodendron.
The Split Leaf Philodendron produces aerial roots (velamen), which help support it against heavy rains, especially those plants with multiple leaflets.
The leaves tend to be shiny and leathery-looking, making them a great accent plant in nearly any house room. Some plants even offer interesting colors or variegation.
In its native habitat of the rain forests of South America, this species is epiphytic and can grow on trees with their long root-like stems climbing into the upper canopy of the forest, where they collect moisture from fog and mist.
As a house plant, it prefers bright indirect light or some morning sun but is very adaptable and can survive low light levels.

A Guide on How To Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron
Leaf propagation is not as difficult as it might sound and can save you lots of money if you enjoy growing house plants. This method works on all split-leaf philodendrons, including pelargoniums.
But this is not the only way to propagate philodendrons, so if leaf propagation sounds too difficult or uninteresting, you can always take stem cuttings later in the year. The Leaf Cut Method of Plant Propagation has been used for centuries.
How To Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron Via Rooted Cuttings
Rooted cuttings are fairly easy to do if you want the new plant identical to the parent. For best results, use a rooting hormone.
- Beneath aerial roots, cut 6-inch portions from healthy split-leaf philodendron stems.
- Cut the stems at an angle so that the cut edge faces the plant’s interior. Aerial roots look like dull thorns and grow close to the leaf node.
- On a paper plate or a paper towel, sprinkle rooting hormone.
- In the rooting hormone, immerse the bottom 2 inches of the stem cutting. Remove any extra powder by tapping the stem.
- Soak potting soil in water and thoroughly mix it in, allowing the water to enter the soil.
- The soil texture should be wet but not soaked. Squeeze it out before filling a growing tray if you get water on your hands when handling the soil.
- With a dibble or pencil, make many holes in the earth. The holes should be spaced apart so that the cuttings do not come into contact.
- Tuck the cutting into the soil’s holes and push down the soil around it.
- The lid should be placed on top of the growth tray.
- If you don’t have a lid, make a cover out of the clear plastic wrap.
- To make a miniature greenhouse, wrap the plastic around the tray from the bottom to the top. Use tape to secure the plastic at the top.
- Place the growth tray in a warm, well-lit area. Every day, inspect the stem cuttings for mold or illness.
- Remove any contaminated clippings.
- Continue to keep an eye on the cuttings until roots appear.
- Once the roots have formed, carefully uncover the growth tray.
- Pull the stem lightly and check for resistance to look for roots.
- Once the new split-leaf philodendrons form a healthy root ball, they are transplanted into separate containers.
How To Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron Via Air Layering
- Air layering is one of the easiest methods to propagate philodendrons. When you air layer a plant, you create new roots by wrapping a ball of damp sphagnum moss around the stem.
- Soak the sphagnum moss for about an hour in clean water. The wetness produces a moist environment for the new roots to grow in.
- Without cutting the stem, cut it at an upward angle slightly below a leaf node.
- A leaf node is the part of the stem where a leaf develops. With a pin or a wooden skewer, wedge the cut open.
- Over both sides of the incision, apply the rooting hormone. Remove any extra hormone powder by tapping the stem.
- Sphagnum moss should be wrung out and packed into the cut and all around the stem. Wrap plastic wrap around the cut and tape it shut.
- As the new roots grow, they will form within this ball and eventually, you can cut the stem that is being layered off and pot up the new air layer. You can do this to propagate just about any philodendron, but it’s best done on smaller plants.
How To Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron Via Leaf Cuttings
- The leaf is held by the top end of the petiole (or stem), and a sharp knife is cut off on an angle parallel to the petiole.
- The leaf will heal faster if you use a sterilized blade to make the cut and clean it with alcohol after cutting each leaf section.
- The leaf is then placed on its side, with the cut section touching a moist rooting medium.
- The top of the petiole is snapped off and the leaf placed in a warm, bright location.
- The leaf will quickly develop roots and can be potted into soil or water with little disturbance to the new plant.
- If you remove all the leaflets, this is called a petiole leaf cutting. You can even leave some leaflets intact and place the cutting in water like a water Keiki (baby plant).
- In 30-45 days, gently pull the cutting out from the soil to check for roots. Resistance to movement indicates that the slashing has taken hold.
- Nurture the split-leaf philodendron in its roots pot for a year before transplanting it to a larger pot or a permanent location outside.
- Place the potted cutting near a window or in a shaded area outside. Maintain the soil moisture at all times. Spray the cutting twice a day to keep the leaves moist.
How To Propagate Split Leaf Philodendron by Seeds
- In the spring, sow the seed towards the top of the potting mix.
- Water thoroughly and put in a propagator or plastic bag till germination happens.
- Keep your seedlings at a constant temperature of 66-75 degrees Fahrenheit (19-24C).
- Lift the plastic bag and take the seedlings out from the propagator once they appear.
- Once they have 2 sets of leaves, put them into individual pots.
>> Related Post: How to Propagate a Philodendron Birkin: 3 Ways Guide
Final Remarks
Now you are ready to propagate split-leaf philodendrons in four different ways. The split-leaf philodendron is a gorgeous houseplant that is easy to grow and care for, yet it is not the same as the monstera/swiss cheese plant.
Cultivating this house plant is simple as long as you remember the water, humidity, and light requirements.
Philodendrons are popular houseplants that don’t take much care, but you must know how to give them the best possible care. Furthermore, regardless of the kind you choose, these plants are instantly recognizable.
Not to forget that there are numerous variations to choose from, allowing you to find the one that perfectly represents your current requirements.
If given the correct conditions, philodendrons will grow and spread; maybe a little trimming here and there might be required to keep the plant at a reasonable size.