A Monstera deliciosa, also known as a Swiss cheese plant, is easy to care for and grow very big. When cared for properly, this plant can measure up to 10 feet in height.
The Monstera deliciosa cannot tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, usually thought of as the minimum temperature at which any houseplant should be kept.
If you want your Monstera deliciosa plant to reach its full potential size, then it will need frequent repotting. In this article, we will discuss how to repot a Monstera.
The tropical philodendron is a well-known houseplant. This beauty is a large-leaved, easy-to-grow plant with distinctive leaf splits.
To guarantee appropriate soil nourishment and space for the quickly developing plant, it must be repotted every few years. In most home interiors, tropical Monstera plants thrive.
The plants are thick-stemmed vines that rely on other vegetation in the environment for support and generate extended roots from the stem to complement it.
Monstera houseplants may require staking, yet their trunks still develop firm roots. Repotting cheese plants might be difficult as a result of this.
What to Look For When Repotting a Monstera
When looking for an appropriate container to repot your Monstera, look for one that is at least two times bigger than the old pot in which the plant was previously housed.
The soil must be of good quality and contain fertilizer or compost. Because of its vigorous growth, it is best to plant Monstera deliciosa in an oblong-shaped pot.
Swiss cheese plants also require moist soil and a high level of humidity. A moss-covered or wooden stake inserted into the centre of the container will offer the extra support that the aerial roots require. When cheese plants are young, they are repotted every year to develop and renew the soil.
Things You’ll Need
- Slightly larger Planter Pot with drainage holes
- Garden Trowel
- Plant Stake/Support
- Potting Soil
- Watering Can
- Pruning Shears
How To Repot A Monstera
If you wish to repot your Monstera deliciosa but are unsure about how to do it, don’t fret. The following is a step by step guide on how to repot a Monstera:
1. Choose a pot with enough drainage holes and enough depth to fit a thick stake in it. Fill the bottom third of the pot with soil and lightly place the stake in the centre.
Repotting mature and tall cheese plants will necessitate the assistance of a second pair of hands to support the higher parts during the potting operation.
2. Remove the Monstera from its existing pot gently. If root-bound, loosen the dense roots circling the soil orb with care.
If the roots are extremely glued to the container, carefully wiggle a garden trowel along the sides. Remove the Monstera deliciosa from its old pot by turning it upside down.
Tap the pot’s rim on a surface to get rid of all the loose soil. Clean up any mess made during this process using a damp cloth.
4. Brush off any excess dirt that may remain on top of your plant. Prune away dead or dying leaves and branches.
Use this opportunity to prune the roots of your Monstera deliciosa as it is also a good time for such activity. Cut through any rotted or damaged roots that you come across using sharp, sterilized shears or knife
5. Place the slightly smaller pot into the larger one and fill the space in between with damp soil. Brush off any excess dirt that may fall onto the leaves and branches of your plant.
6. Place the plant’s base in the container so that the actual soil line is slightly below the new line. Fill in the area around the bottom roots and any aerial roots that extend into the soil. Use plant ties to secure the stem to the stake after firming up the potting soil around it.
7. Water well after repotting to help settle the roots. Keep Monstera deliciosa away from direct sunlight when you first bring it in and acclimatize it for a couple of weeks before exposing it to brighter light
8. After the Monstera deliciosa is almost dried out, water it well again. Now you are good to go and care for your plant according to the standard procedures outlined below:
- An air-filled, lightweight organic potting mix is the finest potting soil for Monstera plants. These plants don’t perform well in the backyard’s damp clay soil.
- They prefer soil that is well-drained and tropical.
- Monstera potting soil typically includes bark, coco coir, or peat for general bulk, as well as lava rock and perlite to entangle air pockets in the mix to provide soil aeration.
- Finally, organic fertilizer is found mostly in high-quality potting soil blends.
- These combinations and other high-quality derivatives containing similar elements should be suitable for Monstera.
- Add a small amount of more porous lava rock or perlite if desired.
- Check to see if the new planter pot drains effectively after repotting. Any extra water in the saucer should be poured off as the plant acclimates to its new planter; water it regularly, possibly 1-2 times a week in most cases.
- The Monstera deliciosas’ main demands are humidity, warmth and plenty of sunlight exposure. You must keep all three of these factors in mind to grow a Monstera deliciosa successfully.
- In the weeks following repotting, don’t fertilize your Monstera.
- Your potting mix most likely contains nutrients.
- It can also help the plant adjust to its new surroundings before being flooded with nutrients.
- Allow a few months before fertilizing the Monstera with a good organic houseplant fertilizer.
- The Swiss cheese plant may outgrow its surroundings.
- The plant can grow up to 10 feet (3 meters) tall in its natural habitat.
- This is usually excessively tall in the home, but it responds well to trimming, and any cuttings can be saved and used to start a new plant.
- Wipe the leaves clean and keep an eye out for spider mite infestations.
- With proper care, this glossy foliage plant can live for many years and reward you with its lovely lacy leaves.
- Repot often enough so that the roots of your Monstera deliciosa do not become cramped. If this is done, the plant will never reach its fullest potential size, and it will remain small. To repot your Monstera deliciosa properly, use the instructions outlined above in the article.
- It is not necessary to stake Monstera plants.
- Rather than sprawling, horizontal stems, staking the Monstera fosters vertical development.
- Some places can support a wild, horizontally growing Monstera, but tighter spaces may profit from upright growth.
- It looks like the trees Monstera plants grow on in their natural habitat when a nice moss pole stake is used.
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Final Remarks
Monstera deliciosa is a great plant to grow if you love having plants in your home. It is not only easy to take care of, but it can also grow very big if you provide the right conditions.
With proper lighting and humidity, it will produce big and beautiful leaves. Container-grown plants require repotting. Monstera Deliciosa requires special attention to thrive.
Fresh soil encourages the stiff roots to spread, providing the thick-stemmed vines and broad leaves more support. Now that you know how to repot a monstera, you can enjoy your plant to the fullest.