Hoya Australis Lisa is a Hoya from the Lastovnev family, which in nature reaches 7-10 m. At home, it grows up to 2 m. Hoya Australis Lisa belongs to weaving plants but branches a little.
The shoots become woody with age, so the plant can be tied to high support, braiding and striving upwards. Its leaves grow in pairs on the stem. The leaflet is oval, dense, glossy, with a pointed tip. In the center, the leaf is light green with yellowish spots and darker along the edges.
Hoya Australis Lisa has small flowers with creamy white corollas collected in lush spherical inflorescences. The petals are hard, with wavy edges and a slightly curved tip.
The middle is pink-raspberry, the inner crown is white. Dense and glossy, like wax, the flowers look artificially made with elegant decorations. They exude sweetish nectar and a pleasant delicate aroma reminiscent of chrysanthemum when flowering.
Hoya Australis Lisa Care Tips
1. Soil
Hoya Australis Lisa loves loose, neutral, and well-drained soil. A soil mixture of leafy soil with the addition of peat, perlite, pieces of tree bark, and coconut peel is suitable for it.
As ready-made substrates, you can use compositions for orchids and succulents. The broken bricks, expanded clay, or small pebbles are laid at the bottom.
2. Temperature
Hoya Australis Lisa prefers average temperatures, in summer 80 °F, in winter 60 °F. But it does not tolerate a temperature below 50 °F, where it can lose its elegant leaves.
3. Lighting
Hoya Australis Lisa grows well and develops in bright light. Although less intense lighting is possible, it can grow exclusively in artificial light. In open areas, it calmly tolerates partial shade.
However, direct sunlight is essential, and this should be for some a couple of hours a day. An extended stay in such conditions can provoke thermal burns on the foliage.
4. Fertilizers
Apply fertilizers with a high potassium and phosphorus content but without nitrogen during the active growing season. With an excess of the latter, the flower becomes soft and watery. Mineral fertilizers are applied about two times a month.
5. Humidity
Fortunately, the Hoya Australis Lisa does not need high humidity for many growers. But this does not mean that it will not respond with violent flowering to a warm shower.
If we are talking about spraying from a spray bottle, this should be done if the air temperature heats up above twenty-five degrees or in abnormal heat or drought that lasts for a long time. This will help prevent the decline in leaf turgor and keep the plant in good shape.
6. Watering
Watering should be such that the roots have time to absorb water from the last watering but do not dry out.
If water remains in the pot during watering, it is worth waiting about half an hour until the plant absorbs additional water, and all that is left must be poured out to prevent rotting of the root system.
Like many other plants, Hoya Australis Lisa needs to be watered with settled water, which is heated to room temperature.
Do not water the Hoya Australis Lisa with cold water in the summer during the daytime. Cold water will have a bad effect on the earth steamed from sunlight.
7. Top dressing
Hoya Australis Lisa is fed twice a month with fertilizers for succulents. The dose prescribed on the package is halved by diluting with the indicated amount of water. The solution is applied after watering in well-moistened soil.
8. Transplanting
Hoya Australis Lisa transplantation should be carried out when the plant’s roots are visible or come out through the holes to drain excess water. Transplantation can be carried out by transferring from one pot to another, washing the roots from the old soil, and transplanting them into a new substrate.
Hoya Australis Lisa propagation methods
I. Propagation by cuttings
The cuttings are best taken in spring and autumn. They are suitable for one or two pairs of leaves and longer ones. You will have to wait for 3 to 4 weeks for the plant to have roots.
When they appear, it’s time for the plant to a pot. When watering, you need to change the water once a week. If the cutting is small, you cannot cover it, but put a bag on top of the leaves that are wilted.
Rooting the cuttings in vermiculite is also convenient because this mineral maintains constant moisture. It is necessary to moisten the soil after drying so that the water does not stagnate.
II. Propagation by seeds
Seed material should not be older than one year. Dry the purchased seeds and plant them in loose soil. For the soil to absorb moisture well, mix artificial fabrics into it – felt or burlap. Seedlings will sprout in some days.
Pests and Diseases
Hoya Australis Lisa is quite susceptible to mealybugs, Aphid, and whitefly. Therefore, if these pests infect the roots and stems, it is worth taking urgent measures to save them.
To do this, remove the affected parts of the flower. Transplant it into new soil, treat with insecticides, and also for the prevention of fungicide.
Powdery mildew attack Hoya Australis Lisa. It is very easy to detect it in the early stages of the disease. The signs can be a whitish coating, similar to flour.
Young shoots and stems are the first to suffer. To rid the vine of the powdery mildew, you need to perform several actions. Isolate the affected plant from other house flowers, as the infection is quickly and easily transmitted. Then the leaves with a white coating must be removed.
Hoya Australis Lisa is grown as a decoration for residential and publicbuildings. It attracts flower lovers with its glossy green leaves and creamy cherry-core buds.
The arrangement of the Hoya Australis Lisa is opposite; the structure is dense, leathery, oval or round. The ends of the leaves are pointed rounded, and the edges are curved.
The base of the leaf is smooth or with a fine thin pile. The color of the Hoya Australis Lisa depends on the lighting, in the sunlight green, and the shade – a dark green color.