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Hoya Latifolia (5 Important Caring Tips)

Hoya Latifolia is a plant, a group of epiphytic flowering plants from Southeast Asia and Australia. It is easy to grow because it can quickly adapt to the local tropical climate.

This plant is known for its disc-shaped and large leaves, measuring about 25cm in length. Its fleshy leaves have the striking venation, which turns slightly red when exposed to the direct sunlight.

Hoya Latifolia has clusters of about 50 green-yellow flowers, producing a sweet scent. Because of flowering, it can be used as suspended animation.

Hoya Latifolia
Hoya Latifolia via Reddit

Care Tips For Hoya Latifolia

1.      Lighting

Hoya latifolia loves light, and bright lighting is necessary for its full growth and development. It is desirable to put a pot with a vine on the window on the south side.

Here it will feel as comfortable as possible. Hoya latifolia can also grow on the north side, but, as a rule, it does not bloom under such conditions. 

With a significant change in the length of daylight hours, the succulent can freeze for a while. During tying the buds, it is not recommended to transfer the container with the plant to another place or turn it. Even minor changes will cause the vine to drop buds.

2.      Watering

The important caring tip for hoya latifolia is moderate watering. Water should be separated, at room temperature, ideally rainwater or melted ice.

It is recommended to water the flower after the topsoil dries to a depth of 2-3 cm. In summer, two watering per week is enough; in winter, 3-4 times a month. After each watering, the soil must dry well. It is very easy to check this without the presence of special equipment. 

Since the soil of the Hoya latifolia is quite soft and airy, the finger quickly penetrates two centimeters deep into the pot. If it is dry to the indicated depth, it is time to add water again, but it’s worth waiting a couple of days if the ground is still wet.

Hoya latifolia loves water because it grows in the natural tropics but does not like swampy soil. That’s why it’s so important to use a pot with drainage holes and place a tray underneath to catch excess moisture. 

Cold water can slow growth or delay flowering. Often it is the cause of the appearance of fungal diseases. It is worth using only bottom watering.

A watering can with a long and narrow spout is ideal for this. This design prevents water from getting on the foliage. You can try placing a wick in the ground so that the plant can take in as much moisture as it needs here and now while keeping the soil dry.

3.      Temperature regime

It depends on the season: the summer temperature should be moderate, not rise above 24 degrees. In winter, a decrease is necessary, ideally 16 degrees.

In the summer, you can put a pot of Hoya latifolia in the fresh air, and this is on a balcony or veranda. But it mustn’t stand in extreme temperature because it is dangerous for this plant.

4.      Air humidity

Hoya latifolia grows in humid climatic conditions. You can increase the humidity by regularly spraying the plants, but this must be done very carefully. And it would be best if you made sure the moisture does not get on the buds and inflorescences.

5.      Fertilization

Feeding Hoya latifolia is recommended in the summer. If it grows in a quality substrate, 1-2 times per month are enough. 

Before fertilizing, it is advisable to water the flower well and apply the product to the soil to avoid falling on the foliage and stems. Most of all, liquid fertilizer is suitable for this succulent, which should be diluted with water before application. 

But top dressing containing many nitrogenous substances should not be used. In winter, the flower rests, so it does not need fertilizer.

Hoya Latifolia 2
Hoya Latifolia via Reddit

Propagation of Hoya latifolia

a)    Propagation by cuttings

Hoya latifolia is propagated by cuttings. It would be best if you took last year’s shoots from the tops with several pairs of nodes and leaves for this action. Cut off the selected branches below the node and root them in the prepared substrate.

The substrate should consist of sand or peat mixed with phytohormones to improve root formation and growth. After that, push some water, and after some months, a mature hoya latifolia will form.

b)      Propagation by layering

Hoya latifolia can also be propagated by layering. In March, a vine branch is placed on another pot with prepared soil.

Cut it at the place of contact with the earth, dig it in, cover it with moss, and fix it with a stone or a wooden hairpin. After sometimes the roots appear, the plant can be transplanted to a place where you wish.

c)      Propagation by seeds

Hoya latifolia is also be propagated by seeds, but they must be fresh for this. The appearance of the first sprouts, which are a thin stem with a pair of leaves, occurs quickly. 

And here, they need special care protecting them from death. Keep the shoots in a warm and well-lit room and water them regularly. 

Pests and diseases

With proper care, hoya latifolia does not have problems when growing. If care is neglected, it can become a target for pests or diseases. With a lack of moisture, a mealy worm can affect leaves and stems. 

This pest is easily recognizable by its whitish coating. To get rid of the mealy worm, wash the affected parts under water, treat with soapy water, and increase the humidity in the apartment.

If the room temperature is too high and dry, hoya latifolia can be infected by the spider mite. It can be recognized by a light bloom resembling small cobwebs.

The processing rules are the same as for the defeat of the mealybugs. Move the pot to a room with optimal temperature and humidity.

Sometimes hoya latifolia is also faced with viral diseases. When they appear on the leaves, thickenings and spots appear. Fighting a viral disease is hard. It requires isolation from other indoor flowers and treatment with special preparations.


Hoya Latifolia is an interesting plant with the leaves thick and large leaves. It looks different from the normal Hoya leaves. 

Hoya latifolia can grow fast in the summer season under perfect conditions, but in winter, it does nothing but gives supplemental humidity and lighting. So, by providing caring tips, this plant will flourish very well.