Hoya Macrophylla, also known as the wax plant, has become one of the most fan-favorite plants in recent years. These plants are epiphytic, so you can also utilize their ability to climb up your shelf to enhance their beauty.
The exceptional foliage color gives a whole new mood of excitement to you and your family if you place them inside your room.
These plants also produce flowers which further intensify the beauty of the foliage. We highly recommend you grow Hoya Macrophylla if you want a plant that fulfills all your houseplant needs without asking for a lot of maintenance.
We have provided you with a complete guide on how you can understand your plant better and handle it with ease. We have also discussed the best way you can propagate your precious plant.
Characteristics of Hoya Macrophylla
These plants have a unique foliage color. The leaves are sturdy green in the middle with yellow borders. They have tendrils sticking out trying to grab something along the way, so we recommend you place your plant where it has a proper medium to climb on.
These plants climb the tall green trees in their natural habitat, so make sure that you provide them with a similar environment to utilize all the plant’s capabilities.
Height and width
These plants can grow up to 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide in an average household condition. They can be used as climbing or hanging plants, so let them hang from the pot to present their beautiful foliage color or provide them support to twist and cover it all up with its leaves in no time.
The flowers bloom with a creamy white color. They can be seen on the foliage of these plants in clusters, which balances with the green foliage perfectly to set up a mesmerizing contrast of different colors.
These plants form star-shaped flowers, so keep an eye on them as soon as they start developing to enjoy every aspect of this beautiful plant.
Native lands
The natural habitat of these plants is Austral-Asia, which includes Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and a few other islands. These plants are getting lower in numbers because of constant deforestation, so make sure that you take good care of your plant to keep it healthy.
Hardiness zones
The hardiness zone of these plants is 10 and 11, so they prefer mildly warm climate conditions to grow well. If you live in an area where the winters are extremely cold, make sure that you bring the plant inside the house and maintain a good temperature inside the room for your plant to grow healthy.
Caring tips for Hoya Macrophylla
These plants are quite easy to care for, so make sure you grasp all the knowledge about the plant that we have provided you in this article. We have listed down a few requirements to help your plant thrive and flourish with its true colors.
They prefer to grow under alkaline soils, so we recommend you make a good potting mix with perlite, cactus, and organic orchid mix with high charcoal concentration.
Please do not use peat for the soil as it can affect the overall pH with its acidic nature. You can also use crushed eggshells or oyster shells to improve the quality of the soil and make the plant feel more at home.
We recommend you place your plant a few feet away from the east or north-facing window where bright, indirect light from the sun hits the plant’s foliage.
Avoid placing your plant under direct sunlight, as it can burn the sensitive leaves. Use a medium between the sunlight and the plant to filter the rays and make them less harsh.
Water the plant only if the top layer of the soil is dry. These plants require a good amount of water all at once but make sure you completely dry the soil before watering it again.
An ideal way of watering your Hoya Macrophylla is by watering it once every week. Please check the soil condition before watering; browning or yellowing of the leaves are mainly caused by overwatering.
These plants always welcome warm temperatures, so make sure that you keep them under a temperature range of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They go dormant as soon as the temperature drops below 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
A high humidity level is ideal for these plants. If you live in a dry environment, make sure to mist the plant to increase the humidity level. It would be best to keep around 40 to 50 percent humidity level, allowing your plant to grow well.
We recommend you feed your plant once every month in the growing season with a good organic fertilizer to boost its growth. Fish emulsion is one of the best fertilizers you can feed your plant, but make sure to dilute your fertilizer to half strength.
Once the winter season arrives, hold back on feeding because the plant goes inactive in cold environments.
Pests and other diseases
Mealybugs, molds, fungus, and aphids are the potential enemies of your plant, but they aren’t seen too often in these plants. If you detect any, ensure that you get rid of them by using a spray and applying neem oil for protection.
Propagating Hoya Macrophylla
You can easily propagate your plant by using the stem cutting method. Here are some tips to ensure that you execute the steps properly.
- Do not cut off the budding tendril.
- Cut the stem with at least a few leaves intact.
- Place the cuttings in the water for at least two weeks to allow the roots to develop properly.
- Place the roots in soil when they are at least a couple of inches long.
Hoya Macrophylla is considered one of the best epiphytic plants in the market. They are quite easy to care for, but you need to give them a little bit of your time and attention to grow strong and healthy. We have provided you with the best tips to handle your plant with care.