Hoya Merrillii is a plant that originated from Philippines and becomes the most stunning plant from a Hoya genus. The plant is from the Apocynaceae family and a subfamily called Asclepiadoideae.
The plant is epiphytic, which means it requires support from other plants to grow upwards. Nevertheless, you can grow this plant hanging in the pots or grow it upwards. After that, provide it with the support pole.

Hoya Merrillii Care Tips
1. Lighting
This plant is not afraid of a shadow, so you can place it on the wall or where it will be good in the general interior. Of course, any grower will want to see a blooming Hoya Merrillii, but before trying to get it to bloom, you should think about where it can be placed for this period.
The fact is that Hoya Merrillii exude such a strong aroma, especially at night, that it must either be exposed to the open air or constantly ventilated the room. If you want the flower to bloom, add light to the plant.
2. Soil
The health of the plant and its flowering depends on the composition of the soil. Many gardeners successfully use soil for orchids. If you make it yourself, you need to take 1 part of peat, sand, and humus and two parts of sod land. The plant flourishes if you add sphagnum and charcoal.
3. Temperature
There are heat-loving species; for example, Hoya Merrillii is beautiful, the leaves of which fall off at low temperatures. But most species like low temperatures in winter and do not die even when the temperature drops to 10°C.
The most comfortable temperature for Hoya Merrillii is 15-20 °C. Higher temperatures are detrimental to the plant. In Hoya Merrillii, the leaves turn yellow and wilt, and the plant becomes more susceptible to pest damage.
4. Air humidity
The optimal level of humidity is high (55-60%). But even with a moderate level of humidity, Hoya Merrillii will grow and develop if sprayed regularly on hot days.
When spraying with warm, soft water, try not to get on the inflorescences. On hot summer days and during the heating period, place a container filled with water next to the pot.
5. Watering
What Hoya Merrillii does not like is excessive watering. It is much easier to accept drying out than water logging. Its roots start to rot very quickly. For irrigation, use water at room temperature. In summer and spring, Hoya Merrillii needs more water.
The soil should always be slightly moist. In winter, watering is reduced, and the plant is stopped being sprayed. If the winter season for the plant is cold, watering should be reduced to a minimum.
6. Top dressing
Hoya Merrillii requires top dressing once every two weeks during the flowering period. You can use ordinary fertilizers for indoor flowering plants, but be sure to dilute half the fertilizer than indicated on the package.
Experts recommend asking what kind of soil Hoya Merrillii usually grows on, and following this, choose mineral fertilizers for it.
7. Transplant
If Hoya Merrillii grows in a plastic pot, you should press a little on it and carefully remove the plant along with the earthy clod.
Carefully clean the roots from the soil and carefully inspect them for pests or rotten parts. If the plant is healthy, it can be transplanted immediately. You need to layout drainage at the bottom of the pot and pour some soil to do this.
The layer should not be substantial. Place the Hoya Merrillii on this substrate and fill the remaining space with the rest of the soil. The top layer of the earth should be well compacted so that moisture is better retained. After transplanting, the Hoya Merrillii should be well watered.

Propagation Method
I. Propagation by layering
This is the easiest way to propagate Hoya Merrillii. It is only necessary to pin the mother branch to the ground, always with a knot. After some time, roots form in this place, and a process appears.
It just needs to be carefully separated from the mother branch and planted in a separate pot or planted to the mother flower.
II. Propagation by cuttings
To propagate Hoya Merrillii by cuttings, you need to cut it to about 2 centimeters of the stem below the knot at the end. The stalk is cut off to have at least one knot with leaves.
In most cases, cuttings will root when placed in water. But if this is a type of Hoya Merrillii with a woody stem, it is better to root its cuttings immediately in the ground. For this, transparent plastic cups are best suited, where you can observe the growth of the roots.
III. Propagation by seeds
After flowering, Hoya Merrillii produces seeds. For planting, they must be ripe and well dried. They must be planted in the same year; otherwise, they will lose their germination.
Seeds are sown in loose soil, preferably in a mixture of sphagnum and earth. After the emergence of seedlings (about a week after planting), you need to follow the irrigation regime. The soil should neither dry out nor be too wet.
Move the pallet with seedlings to a bright and warm place. After about three months, you need to plant the sprouts when they give the first leaves.
Diseases and pests
Spots on leaves may appear due to excess sun, too cold water for irrigation, or overfeeding with fertilizers. Hoya sheds leaves, which indicates excessive plant feeding or over-drying. Likewise, the pale leaves may be due to insufficient nutrition or very bright light.
As for pests, Hoya Merrillii can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, aphids, or mealybugs. A sign of damage by a spider mite may be dropping leaves.
You can remove surface pests simply by wiping the foliage with a swab dipped in alcohol. If the lesion has gone far, it is necessary to treat the Hoya Merrillii with insecticides such as actara or confidor, watering the ground with a solution, and spraying it with a contact insecticide, for example, actellik.
Hoya Merrillii is known as the most adorable plant in the Hoya genus. It looks splendid in any garden setting, and it brings a spark to the plants’ collection. It needs very little attention; therefore, you won’t worry about the plant dying if you don’t remember to water it for some days.