Scindapsus is one of the most attractive plants genera and covers many beautiful species like S. aureus, S. argyraeus (Satin Pothos), Exotica, Silvery Satin, and Silvery Ann. Most of these have silver variegation on leaves, which is the main reason for their good looks.
Today, we showcase one of the rarest and unusual trailing plants belonging to this genus; the Jade Satin Scindapsus Pictus. It is a rare and expensive cultivar of Scindapsus pictus. It is a refined variation of the genus and is easy to propagate by stem cutting.
Now, this one is quite interesting and flourishes with a jade tintinstead of silver, making it unique from other family members.

As you can see above, the leaves have venation that looks like“Spider-man”webbings. This thing makes it avery cool-looking plant.
Pro Tip: Avoid touching the leaves more often to keep their texture safe.
Relation With Pothos
Although relatively different from other species members, this thing is closely related to Pothos plants, as both descend from the family Araceae.
Since these plants do not flower, if you see Jade Satin, Pothos, or any other plant with heart-shaped leaves together, you would hardly be capable of telling them apart if you have no prior knowledge about them. That’s why they are sometimes also called ‘Satin Pothos.’
Scindapsus tend to be a little thick than Pothos, but both species are pretty similar regarding caring needs and characteristics. Both carry heart-shaped leaves which curl up when under-watered.
Both can also dwell in lower light conditions. Both do not demand fancy fertilizers, but feeding them sometimes can boost up their growth. Both are vining/climbing species and are easy to propagate through stem cuttings.
You can also check this related article: Shangri La Pothos.
Before we jump into our ultimate nourishing guide, let’s take a brief look at some essential plant characters.

Jade Satin Characteristics
- They have thick, deep emerald-colored, heart-shaped leaves with a netted pattern on them and are saturated with chlorophyll.
- They can effortlessly grow indoors, with a broad range of lighting conditions ⎯ but not in complete shade.
- The best way to keep them is in hanging baskets so that they can trail down. You can also teach them to climb up using trellis or stakes. They usually compress themselves to the walls and can be an excellent choice for your garden walls.
- Considering the growth rate, they are more of a time-consuming species. Their roots also take time to show up.
- They are incredibly resilient plants; hence, they can take a little neglect.
- They are also a little toxic if ingested by pets and cause mouth irritations to humans if consumed.
- They are highly beneficial for purifying the air.
The Ultimate Guide
Some of the mostvaluable points you can apply to most of your Scindapsus plants, particularly the Jade Satin, are as follows.
1. Lighting
Most of the common indoor plants are native to tropical regions and share very close living conditions. Considering that the Jade Satin Scindapsus Pictus is also native to these areas, this plant requires medium to high lighting conditions.
It can also bear low lighting, but as it flourishes best in bright conditions, you need to place it almost 5-6 feet away from a Sun-facing window or 2-3 feet away from a Southeast-facing window so that it gets bright indirect sunlight.
It cannot thrive in shady areas; as it is a slow grower, an insufficient glow can cause its foliage to drop.Also, if you have other varieties of Scindapsus with silver diversifications, minimal lights can cause them to lose their beautiful variegation. So besure that you are giving them enoughradiance.
You can also use artificial lightings for indoor shades or during winters when there is hardly any sunlight coming at home.
Excessive direct sunlight can also scorch their leaves. Please provide them with at least 6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight. In the case of artificial lighting, you will have to double the amount of time.
2. Watering
Water is one of the most critical phases of plant growth and care. If you need your leaves to be fresh, shiny, and misty, you should be careful with water timings.
If your plant is sitting in a 6″ pot, one cup of water weekly will work just fine. It is also inclined to get over-watered, so try not to soak the plant in water.
Wait for the top third of the soil to get dried out before watering. You can check the aridness by sticking your finger in it; if it feels wet, then wait for it to get dry before giving it another shot of hydration.
If you drench the roots in water for extended periods, it will cause the root to rot. This thing also depends on the soil mixture, which I am going to explain next.
Wilting or yellow leaves can also be a sign of over-watering.

On the contrary, not watering enough will cause its leaves to become dry. The leaves in thesespecies tend to curl up when they are cravingwater.
They can endure one to two missed water sessions and get back to normal in one to two days after drinking.
3. Soil Conditions
For tropical plants that can withstand a wide range of situations and nurture in various conditions, soil mixture is crucial for their proper growth.Watering, in turn, also depends on it.
Your plants can only survive if they are rooted in the perfect territory. In this case, we need a combination that is sufficiently draining and packed with nutrients.
I will recommend going for an intermediate mixture between heavy and light, do not go too heavy; it retains more water resulting in root rot. Use a blend of general pot mix with perlite, peat moss, and pine bark.
You can also mix in some cacti, compost, and some organic stuff to increase the nutrient capacity of the soil.
4. Humidity
As I mentioned above that this plant belongs to tropical regions, areas like Southeast Asia, where the average moisture lies between 60 to 85 percent. That’s why the optimal humidity levels for Jade Satin lie between 50 to 70 percent.
Also, because of its thick leaves, the water transpiration is relatively slow. This thing can compensate for low humidity levels up to 30 percent.
If you live in dry areas where humidity is lower on average or when the air gets dried up during summer, you should position your plant in a bathroom or a kitchen or near other plants.
These places have more water vapors than the rest of the house and can help the plant thrive better in arid conditions.
You can also take your plant to shower; this will help you clean it up, as spraying with water or misting can cause the leaves to lose their texture. Doing this also keepsit humid.
5. Temperature
This plant loves warm temperatures close to 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit; it is a feature of all the tropical plants that flourish best in higher temperatures.
On the other side, Jade Satin cannot withstand frosty temperatures. It will tolerate 60°F but will not survive temperature ranges less than 50°F.
Temperature extremes can cause serious problems for any plant.
Generally, high temperature retards growth by limiting the rate of photosynthesis and decreasing the plant’s accumulation and uptake of starch. High temperatures can also retard enzyme activity which decreases plants’ metabolism.
In contrast, freezing temperatures can cause plant cells to freeze; primarily, this forms water crystals inside the cell that rupture the cell membrane, but plants manage this by increasing their unsaturated fats. Plants do not survive if the cell bursts.
Cold weathers also decrease enzyme activity resulting in reduced nutrient intake by the plants. This thing results in poor growth and wilting, causing the plant to die.
You can manage low temperatures by moving plants near a fireplace in a room where you can also work something out to give them a little bit of artificial lighting.
6. Fertilizers
Unlike most plants that need artificial chemicals, even to grow, this plant does not require any mass gainer and can work significantly well.
If you are still eager to add a little bit of it, use something with a 20-10-10 (or 2-1-1) ratio. Using this will notch up nitrogen levels during growing seasons.
Take a 50% water solution of the fertilizer and use it once a year during spring. Be cautious not to exaggerate it. It is used only to compensate for poor soil quality, help the plant grow faster, and keep it vibrant.
7. Pruning
Aforesaid, the variants of Scindapsus Pictusare mostly slow growers, soto boost their growth, it is vital to prune them regularly and re-pot them at the best time.
Vining/Climbing plants can grow up to 5-12 feet long if permitted to live inside a hanging basket or trained to climb up trellis, stakes, arches, or fences. Leaves also reach their full sizes if allowed to climb.
Once they reach 4-5 feet, they become saggy, especially in hanging baskets, so you will have to prune them. Pruning is essential to achieve bushier growth and to make the plant look full.
This thing will also provide you with stems to propagate; this plant is scarce, so it is beneficial to propagate some stem cuttings.
8. Re-potting
Due to its slowprogress, it does not require frequent re-potting. Mostly this can take 2-3 years for the first re-pot,but after that, it just picks up the pace.
It is best to re-pot before every growing season ⎯ if the plant needs it ⎯ to restore all the soil nutrients. You will get the idea of when to re-pot the plant by looking at the container.
See if the roots are coming out from the bottom. The plant becomes heavy when roots are curling up inside the container; this is also the time to re-pot it into a big container.
Add a maximum of 2 inches than before, do not go more than that. After moving the plant to theother pot, pack the extra space with the same soil mix and add water till it becomes moist.
I recommend cutting the plant in half and re-potting both of the pieces into the same-sized containers. In this way, you can also carry out its propagation.
9. Propagation
For rare, expensive, and unique plants like Jade Satin, reproduction is the most fundamental thing to carry out.
You can propagate them by cutting the stem where you can see aerial roots coming out, or you can stick to tip cuttings, as it will be easy for them to root from growing tips.
You can see steps for propagation through stem cuttings here, or you can also check out other ways here.
Other things that you should know before getting the plant are:
- Toxicity
These plants, same as Pothos, are also poisonous to pets like dogs, cats, chickens. They can also cause mouth irritation and numbness in humans if ingested.
An excess amount can induce vomiting and severe medical conditions. It is always better to call a medical professional in these situations.
- Pests and Diseases
This plant is unreasonably resilient against pests and diseases. However, this plant is occasionally prone to spider mites, mealybugs, and plant scales. They feed on plant sap and can affect its growth.
You can prevent all of these by cleaning your plant periodically.
Treatment includes washing the plant with water or using soap sprays, neem oil, or insecticidal sprays.
>> Related Post:
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A person should have all the essential knowledge regarding this stuff to implement it in their plants.
With that said, I wish you enjoyed todays featuring. Let us see in the comments which plant we should feature next; also, let us know your thoughts about today’s topic.
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