There are times when you wonder if there are differences between similar-looking plants like the monstera pinnatipartita vs monstera Peru. It is not uncommon to have this interest and curiosity from time to time. But you’d be surprised how little unique they are.
Even though they belong to the same family, there are a couple of points that can make you drop your jaw. The importance of knowing the similarities and differences, as well as care tips, can have an impact on how you maintain their natural look and health conditions.
Now, the big question of monstera pinnatipartita vs monstera Peru is which one is better in terms of longevity, stress-free management, and benefits? Let’s compare these plants and see the significance for yourself.

Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Monstera Peru: The Similarities
1. Family
Both plants are perennial and belong to the calla family botanically known as Araceae. This family is also widely termed as the arum or the aroids. By its rare-producing flower, you can tell.
2. Origin
Monstera pinnatipartita and monstera Peru are climbing evergreens native to South America. These are very common in the rain forests of Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, and Colombia.
Nowadays, anyone can grow these plants regardless of the country. It is a relief to know that plants like these monsteras are more adaptive.
3. Color
Naturally, these leafy plants have green leaves. They can also have white flowers.
4. Toxicity
Although good decorative houseplants, both of these monsteras are toxic when ingested. It’s necessary to keep them away from little children and pets. These should be placed in an area where it’s not accessible or reachable to young kids. Growing them in hanging pots, walls, fences, and trellis, is a good idea.
5. Care
If you’re looking for a manageable, easy-to-grow plant, monstera pinnatipartita or monstera Peru is a practical option. They are both effortless to maintain and care for. You only need the right basic needs, which are discussed further in the next paragraphs.
6. Epiphyte
Both monstera pinnatipartita and monstera Peru are epiphytic plants. It means they derive nutrients and moisture from the air. They easily grow when placed with other plants as well. Although they have vining foliage, they are non-parasitic.
Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Monstera Peru: The Differences

1. Leaves
What makes these perennials attractive are the leaves. They highlight the deep green to light, almost-yellow green color. As they mature, the leaves begin to transform into a different shape and cut.
The fenestration and pinnation of the leaves of the monstera pinnatipartita start to appear as it grows larger. The slots or holes are more common in this plant and make it uniquely beautiful. Furthermore, its leaf has a smooth texture and is slightly thinner and elongated.
On the other hand, the monstera Peru grows with thick, ridge-like, wrinkled, teardrop-shaped leaves. The length of its rounder leaves extends up to 9 centimeters.
Overall, the foliage is one of the easily identified characteristics between monstera pinnatipartita vs monstera Peru. The former appears widely spread out as the leaves are larger and longer, while the latter is more compressed within each other.
2. Flowers
Monsteras, including the monstera Peru, rarely have flowers. The wild species bloom simple, white, often waxy, calla-like lilies. You are lucky if your monstera pinnatipartita produces one or a few. But generally, both plants tend for the flowers to develop if grown outdoors.
Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Monstera Peru: Requirements, Care, and Maintenance
To ensure each type of monstera achieve its optimal health and condition, let’s discuss the basic needs and learn the right ways of caring for them.
1. Soil
Well-drained soil and rich in organic matter are recommended for both monstera pinnatipartita and monstera Peru. It is also best to have slightly acidic to neutral soil, ranging from 5 to 5.7 pH levels.
2. Fertilizer
These perennial epiphyte plants depend on a mixture of organic matter from manure to barks. There are aroid mixes you can easily get at local garden shops. You may optionally use peat-based, perlite, or slow-release granular potting mixes.
It is preferable to consider a high level of nitrogen and magnesium in it as well. Regardless, it should have the formula of 20-10-20 or 20-20-20.
The best time to fertilize these monsteras is during the spring and summer. At least once a week and eventually once every 3 weeks or a month is recommended. However, do not fertilize it when the plant is dormant. This is usually during the winter season since it isn’t the growing period.
To produce blooms and maintain their healthy appearance, you may use an anthurium or orchid-based fertilizer. This can be applied once the plant has already matured.
3. Temperature and Humidity
It is not a matter of monstera pinnatipartita vs monstera Peru when it comes to temperature and humid level requirements. The temperature should not exceed lower than 50-degree Fahrenheit (10°C) or higher than 80-degree Fahrenheit (27ºC). The average temperature is 65-degree Fahrenheit (18ºC).
Since they are perennial, both plants thrive well in warm locations. Set your room temperature accordingly if you plan to grow them indoors.
There’s an effective option to naturally humidify these plants. Place them with other plants, such as the varieties of pothos and philodendrons. But generally, they can do well in moderate humid conditions and heavy rains. For indoors, the best areas are the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room.
Once the leaves turn yellow or brown, this indicates there’s not sufficient humidity. This is an urgent call to increase the humidity of the location. You may need to move the plant to a place where it gets warmer.
4. Light
One reason why both monstera pinnatipartita and monstera Peru are perfect indoor houseplants is that they tolerate low light conditions. They can absolutely grow in almost any part of your home. However, this could affect the growth at a slower pace. It can also cause the leaves to be smaller and darker rather than bright.
It shouldn’t be a problem if you habitually place it in an area where it gets direct sun in the morning even for 30 minutes only but not more than 2 hours. Remember too much lighting can cause the leaves to burn.
5. Water
The once-a-week watering schedule makes both of these monsteras low maintenance. You may do it twice a week if the soil is completely dry or when they’re placed in a warm and humid environment.
Another important tip to keep in mind is thoroughly watering the soil. This means the water trace should end on the drainage hole to ensure the roots get completely wet. Avoid watering directly on the leaves as this can cause breakage. Keep it moist but not too wet. You may use a soil moisture indicator to check this.
6. Propagation
Stem or tip cuttings are the best way to propagate your monstera pinnatipartita or monstera Peru. It is easy to expand their growth by starting new plants and replanting roots in this method. Make sure that every cutting you make has 3 or 4 nodes along the stems.
7. Common Problems
Over-watering, too much light, and insufficient fertilizers are common issues to deal with if you have monstera pinnatipartita and monstera Peru. The leaves turning yellow or the edges starting to brown indicates a problem.
Furthermore, there’s also a difference between having enough or insufficient sunlight. Yellow leaves mean the plant doesn’t receive a good amount of sunlight, while faded leaves signify too much light. By knowing this, you can provide the best and quick solution.
If the leaves drop or start to break away from the stem or node, then the plant must be either underwatered or overwatered. In this case, you better check the soil.
Another common problem to prevent is the infestation of pests and insects. Simply use a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal fertilizer to control their spread and infection. Neem oil and organic feed are also recommended preventive measures.
There’s no call for a debate between monstera pinnatipartita vs monstera Peru as they have more similarities than differences. You can easily spot the difference at a glance, but in terms of growing and care, there’s nothing much to break down and compare.
Basically, both these perennial monstera plants are ideal to grow at home whether indoor or outdoor. They add natural beauty to your surroundings. They can contribute to making your environment greener and healthier. A home for the whole family is much better this way, don’t you agree? These are obvious benefits you cannot deny.
Simply maximize the extra space in your house by adding a few pots of these cool summer plants. Imagine a monstera Peru hanging on the ceiling of your patio or a white pot of monstera pinnatipartita placed near your tub.
Wouldn’t this be enough to provide some relaxation and a bit of coolness at the same time as you sip a glass of wine on a fine day?