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21 Flowers That Start With W! These Are The Most Wonderful!

Nature’s Poets

Of all flora, flowers may just be the poets. Whenever they are present, flowers will uplift the spirit and romanticize any garden, pot, or occasion.

What’s more, flowers enlighten not just through their beautiful appearance, but also through the wonders of what they represent. These five flowers that start with W are indeed full of exactly that.

What is it about these modified shoots of arranged stamens and carpels that they have succeeded in entrancing the entire world?

Indeed, love and appreciation for nature’s blooms go way beyond borders, cultures, countries, or race to the point of gaining religious, cultural, ornamental, culinary, and even medicinal value.

Clearly, a rose is more than just a rose; and a wallflower is more than justa blossom. It’s what they represent, what they convey, and what they mean to the people that appreciate them.

21 Wonderful Flowers That Start With W

1. Wallflower

Wallflower - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Erysimum
  • Plant Class: Perennial and annuals
  • Bloom time: Summer to wall

A plant to cherish due to its short lifespan, the Wallflower is a timeless beauty as it blooms month after month after month. The bright and fragrant orange-yellow flowers are a refreshing sight.

Also, the wallflower is ideal for beginners as they are hardy and easy to maintain. So, though wallflowers are short-lived, growing them will be well worth your time.

Wallflowers represent mortality and life itself, including the beauty of impermanence.

2. Wattle

Wattle - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Acacia pycnantha
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Spring

Wattles, the short-lived yet fast growing plant is the national flower of Australia and rightly so as the plant covers most of the continent and has continued to spread in the last 35 million years.

Besides finding wattles almost everywhere “down under,” they are also widespread in Australian culture, including a coat of arms, national colors, national and sporting events and much more.

To quote Sir William Patrick Deane, a former judge and governor-general of Australia, “The Golden Wattle has become our cherished symbol of celebration, of joy, sadness, and remembrance.”

3. Woodruff

Woodruff - Flowers That Start With W
Via Pxhere
  • Botanical name: Galiumodoratum
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Summer

It’s always exciting when the botanical or scientific name of a flowering plant contains the word odorata or odoratum, the former being the formal name of the Woodruff.

It’s exciting because this most surely means its blooms will emit the sweetest fragrances. However, what’s particularly interesting about the woodruff is that its smell becomes more potent when the flower has dried.

The Woodruffrepresents the power of a refreshing scent to invigorate.

4. Wisteria

Wisteria - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Wisteria
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Spring

The fragrant Wisteria’s cascading blooms of blues and purples are perfect for garden and pergola draperies. However, establishing the wisteria may take years, so, you will need some patience. Don’t worry; they will be worth the wait.

The sweet smelling wisteria flower represents good fortune and new stirrings of love.

5. Wild Rose

Wild Rose - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Rosa acicularis
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Spring to fall

Here it is, the great grandfather of the roses we know today. The Rosa Acocularis, or the wild rose, has been flourishing for the last 70 million years. That’s right! When the dinosaurs still roamed the earth, the wild rose was already spreading.

Although the old wild rose does not have the same elaborate trappings as its modern kin, its sweet fragrance, and pure beauty reminds you that it doesn’t take much to be wonderful.

The wild rose symbolizes elegance in simplicity.

6. Wake-Robin (Birthroot)

Wake Robin Birthroot Trillium - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Trillium
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: May to June

Belonging to the Melanthiaceae family, Wakerobin is a genus of flowering plants native to southern and eastern North America. It is well recognized by its three-petalled white flowers.

This is one of the species of Trillium. It is most commonly known as Birthroot, or spelled as Birthwort, and Tri-Flower. It is a perennial herb that grows from rhizomes that have large leaf-like bracts and eventually bloom flowers.

Apart from the common white color, this plant also produces variants of other colors, such as pink, red and light purple.

This flowering plant symbolizes elegance and precision.

7. Willowherb

Willowherb Epilobium - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Epilobium
  • Plant Class: Annual/Perennial
  • Bloom time: May to September

Willowherb, known by the scientific name Epilobium, is a flowering plant belonging to the Onagraceae family. This commonly grows in the temperate, subarctic and subantarctic regions.

The willow-like leaves are the reason why many species of this is called Willowherb. Its flowers in magenta or purple colors are radially symmetrically arranged or actinomorphic.

Each flower head has 4 petals. Some species are pink, red, yellow and orange. This flowering subshrub is herbaceous, and either perennial or annual.

8. Woad

Woad Isatis Tinctoria - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Isatis Tinctoria
  • Plant Class: Biennial or Perennial
  • Bloom time: April to June

Also known as Dyer’s Woad, Asp of Jerusalem and Glastum, Woad is part of the Brassicaceae family.

Native to Asia (central and wester parts), eastern Siberia and Caucasus, it is a flowering plant that is known for its leaves used in making a blue dye. But this is also a good plant to have in any garden because of its olive yellow flowers.

9. Windflower/Wood Anemone

Windflower Wood Anemone Anemone Nemorosa - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Anemone Nemorosa
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Early Spring

As a spring bloomer, Windflower, also called Wood Anemone, is a delight. It definitely adds extra charm to any garden as it produces beautiful white flowers. Each head has 6 to 8 tepals (petal like segments) with yellow stamens.

This herbaceous perennial plant belongs to Ranunculaceae, a buttercup family, and is native to Europe. Other names known are Windflower, Smell Fox, and Thimbleweed. It is very common in shady woods, but also a good choice for sidewalks and pathways.

The name windflower derives from the Greek word “anemone. Based on Christianity and Greek mythology, the flower symbolizes death as well as the act of forsaken love.

10. Wood Sorrel

Wood Sorrel Oxalis - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Oxalis
  • Plant Class: Annual/Perennial
  • Bloom time: May to October

Wood Sorrel is a genus of flowering plants in the Oxalidaceae family. In fact, it is a large one having almost 600 species. It is cultivated throughout the world, but most common in South Africa, Brazil and Mexico.

Depending on the species, plants can be perennial or annual. The leaves can be mistaken for clovers as they are similar. But the flowers can reveal their plant name.

The flower heads have stripes on the petals (5 in total) with a different colored throat, and yellow stamens. From May to October, different colors of flowers are produced. There are white ones, yellow, pink, red and orange.

This symbolizes joy and good heartedness.

11. Wandflower

Wandflower Sparaxis Tricolor - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Sparaxis Tricolor
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: May to October

For a more unique and strikingly beautiful flowers, Wandflower is a good choice. As its scientific name, which is Sparaxis Tricolor, suggests, the flower of this plant has three colors: orange, yellow and black. Native to southern areas of Africa, this perennial plant is also known by other names, which are Sparaxis and Harlequin Flower.

These bulb-forming flowers bloom all throughout summer. They thrive well in sandy soils but can also tolerate well-drained or moist soils.

12. Water Lily

Water Lily Nymphaea - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Nymphaea
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: April to October

Water Lily is a perennial floating aquatic plant. It is also called Blue Lotus or Star Lotus, Manel Flower, and Red and Blue Water Lily. It’s a very unique flowering plant as it grows in water as deep as 8 feet.

The flowers bloom for a long period of time. It produces purple flowers, whereas some species bloom yellow, white, orange and bi-colored ones.

This aquatic plant symbolizes purity, peace, hope, celebration, pleasure, innocence, peace, wellness, rebirth and fertility.

13. Watsonia (Bugle Lily)

Watsonia Bugle Lily - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Watsonia
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Late Spring to Summer

Watsonia or Bugle Lily is a genus of plants belonging to the Iridaceae family, and is native to Africa, especially the southern areas. It was named after Sir William Watson, a well known British botanist during the 18th century.

Starting late spring, this plant blooms with trumpet shaped flowers arranged in long racemes. Depending on the species, colors vary from purple to red, orange to pink and also white.

Watsonia represents purity, innocence and chastity.

15. Wedelia (Singapore Daisy)

Wedelia Singapore Daisy Sphagneticola Trilobata - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Sphagneticola Trilobata
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: July to October

Named after the German botanist George Wolfgang Wedel, Wedelia is a plant belonging to the sunflower family Asteraceae. It is known as Singapore Daisy, as well as Trailing Daisy and Bay Biscayne Creeping-Oxeye. This is native to the Caribbean, Central America and Mexico.

From summer to autumn, this plant produces lovely yellow flowers. Each head has 8 to 13 ray florets or petals. They make a great flowering border.

16. Weigela

Weigela - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Weigela
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: May and June

Part of the Caprifoliaceae family, Weigela is a genus of only 10 species of flowering plants. This is native to eastern Asia. It was named after Christian Ehrenfried Weigel, a German botanist and scientist.

Its inflorescence creates a showy trumpet-shaped flowers. They are produced mostly in late spring to early summer. Each flower head has 5 lobes in pink, red or white corolla. All are formed in small corymbs.

This perennial shrub represents grace and faithfulness.

17. Whirling Butterfly

Whirling Butterfly Gaura Lindheimeri - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Gaura Lindheimeri
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Early Summer to Early Fall

The white butterfly looking flowers dangling and dancing along the thin stems can be attractive. This is why it’s called Whirling Butterfly.

This perennial plant produces four-petalled flowers in white shade during summer and extends blooms up to the first few weeks of fall. This is able to tolerate heat and humidity. It thrives well in well-drained, sandy and loamy soils.

18. Winter Aconite

Winter Aconite Eranthis - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Eranthis
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: Early Spring

Winter Aconite is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. This is native to east Asia and southern Europe.

When it grows with an average height of 4 inches to 6 inches, the plant produces lovely and bright yellow flowers. It is an early spring bloomer so it can definitely create a whimsical vibe in a garden. The scientific name of this genus is Eranthis, which means spring flower.

19. Winter Jasmine

Winter Jasmine Jasminum Nudiflorum - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Jasminum Nudiflorum
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: January

As early as January, Winter Jasmine comes out in yellow blooms. It is very common in China as its origin, but this can be cultivated in places where winter exists.

In Chinese, it is named as Yingchun (迎春), which translates into “the flower that welcomes spring” because the beautiful flowers bloom right after the winter season.

The flowers of this perennial shrub have 6 petals per head. Often in yellow, some species have white colored flowers. It grows in hardy soil with partial or full sun.

20. Wishbone Flower

Wishbone Flower Torenia Fournieri - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Torenia Fournieri
  • Plant Class: Annual
  • Bloom time: June to Frost

Wishbone Flower is a beautiful flowering plant that belongs to the family Linderniaceae. It is an annual plant native to Southeast Asia and Africa.

The flowers are charming in blue, violet, pink, yellow or white color. Some are bicolor or tricolor. The head has a trumpet-like shape with two lips.

Regardless of the color, there is a yellow marking on the throat. Often referred to as the Bluewings, it is also called the “Clown Flower” because some flowers with different colors resemble the face of a clown.

Its genus name Torenia Fournieri was taken from the Swedish botanist Olaf Toren, while its English name refers to the flower’s stamens resembling a chicken wishbone and Bluewings to the wing shaped petals.

This symbolizes charm and happiness.

21. Woolly Violet (Common Blue Violet)

Woolly Violet Common Blue Violet Viola Sororia - Flowers That Start With W
  • Botanical name: Viola Sororia
  • Plant Class: Perennial
  • Bloom time: April to June

Common Blue Violet or Woolly Violet is a herbaceous perennial spring bloomer. It is native to eastern North America. Other names are Hooded Violet, Purple Violet, Meadow Violet, Wood Violet, and the Lesbian Flower.

The most common flower is blue violet that is attached to a short stem. There is also a variant that is called “Freckles” as the petals have stains that resemble skin freckles.

Besides being a garden plant, this is also used for ornamental display, medicine and food. Yes, both the flowers and leaves (contain vitamins A and C) are edible, which can add a special look to certain gourmet. There are also candies and jellies made from this plant’s flowers.


Surprisingly, there are many flowers that start with W. Unless you have been studying different flowering plants for so long, a lot of these genuses may not be familiar to you. But after finding out a little facts about them, it might be much easier to pick which ones to add to your garden.

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