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Parthenocissus Inserta (8 Caring Tips and 3 Propagating Methods)

Parthenocissus Inserta is a woody vine that originated from North America in the west of southern Manitoba and the U.S., from Montana to Maine west and east of Missouri, and south of New Jersey. It supports itself by twining the tendrils around anything available or just by inserting into crevices.

Likewise, it has obovate-lanceolate leaflets that radiate from the end with a long and slender common stalk. The plant differs from others because it has larger, brighter green above, greener beneath, and deeper and sharper roots. Also, the inflorescence is flatter and cymose.

Parthenocissus Inserta 1
Parthenocissus Inserta – via Flickr

Parthenocissus Inserta Care Tips

1.       Soil

Although Parthenocissus Inserta can grow on any soil, preparing a site in advance is preferable. 7-10 days before planting, the selected place must be dug up on a spade bayonet, and a landing hole of 50 cm deep should be prepared.

A drainage layer of broken brick, crushed stone, or coarse river sand is poured into the bottom of the pit.  The pit can be filled with a fertile substrate, consisting of leafy soil, compost, and sand. Instead of leaf soil, you can use garden soil.

2.       Lighting

Place the Parthenocissus Inserta in a brightly lit place, in the summer on the balcony, but it is also possible in partial shade. If its vegetation period has shifted by chance and the buds woke up in winter instead of spring, it can be kept under artificial light.

This can make it grows remarkably and have bright colors. With a lack of light, long internodes and small leaves with three leaflets are formed, or the leaves that have begun to develop are generally discarded.

3.       Watering

Due to the complete unpretentiousness with watering of Parthenocissus Inserta, there are no problems if there is enough rainfall moisture. But if the weather is hot and dry for a long time, it is worth watering it.

This means Parthenocissus Inserta should be watered twice a week during high temperatures. With a decrease in outside temperatures, watering is significantly reduced, but it is necessary to prevent the soil in the pot from completely drying out.

4.       Temperature

Considering that bright sunlight can harm the Parthenocissus Inserta, conditions should be created for its better health. The temperature during summer should be between 16–27 degrees Celsius, and in winter, it should not fall below 10 degrees Celsius. 

With the advent of spring days, experienced gardeners recommend cutting Parthenocissus Inserta, removing strongly overgrown branches. If frosty temperatures persist, it is necessary to inspect the roots. If they are bare, you will need to cover them with a layer of soil.

5.       Humidity

Parthenocissus Inserta is not whimsical to air humidity and feels calm both in rainy times and during periods of drought. In areas of its natural growth, air humidity ranges from 55–65%.

6.       Fertilizer

A necessary condition for the remarkable growth of Parthenocissus Inserta is the correct supply of nutrients delivered during fertilization. Rational fertilization should be based on data, taking into account the plant’s nutritional needs, the nutrient richness of the soil, and the nutritional status of the plant. 

Parthenocissus Inserta is particularly sensitive to lack of potassium (K) and calcium (Ca). But the lack of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limit growth to a small extent. 

However, proper phosphorus feeding improves the quality of the Parthenocissus Inserta. When feeding the plant, it should be remembered that not all nutrients will be available, but only partially.

7.       Pruning

For a year, Parthenocissus Inserta can give a length increase of up to 100 cm. If you want to maintain an optimally comfortable length of the vine, at which the Parthenocissus Inserta looks well-groomed and beautiful, carefully cut the shoots to the desired size every spring.

8.       Transfer

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant the adult Parthenocissus Inserta to another place. This process does not cause difficulties and is tolerated by the plant relatively quickly.

The plant is removed from the support and shortened with secateurs to such a length that it is convenient to transport it to a new place. 

The root system of Parthenocissus Inserta is powerful, so you need to dig around the plant in a circle, stepping back 60-80 cm from the central part. The lateral roots will be damaged, but do not worry; they will recover very quickly in a new place. 

A planting hole is prepared in the same way as the method described above; a transplanted specimen is placed in it to flush the root narrow part with the soil.

Parthenocissus Inserta 2
Parthenocissus Inserta – via Flickr

Propagation methods

a)      Propagation by seeds

Seeds can be planted in spring or autumn. Before autumn planting, they need to be soaked in water for three to four days, and before spring planting, they should be placed in the cold for thirty days.

The depth to which the seeds are immersed in the soil should be at least one centimeter. The best time for planting the resulting seedlings in open ground is the period from May to June. Water it moderately, and after sometimes, the seeds will root.

b)      Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings used for propagation should be cut in autumn or spring. To do this, choose thick but not very old branches, each of which should have at least four healthy buds. And soon, they will grow the young shoots.

c)       Layering

To obtain layering, it is necessary to bend one of the Parthenocissus Inserta to the ground and sprinkle with soil. When rooting occurs in this place, you can transplant the young Parthenocissus Inserta to a more suitable location.

Diseases and pests

Parthenocissus Inserta is characterized by high resistance to diseases and pests, but in some cases, it can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs. If this happens, cut off all the shoots, leaving only twenty centimeters from their length, and then treat the plant with fungicides.

The fungus can infect its leaves if Parthenocissus Inserta grows in a poorly ventilated and damp room. Sunburn leads to the appearance of light spots on them.

Well, the plant’s slow growth, the lack of flowering, which usually occurs in July-August, and the pale color of the leaves, may indicate a lack of lighting and nutrients.


Parthenocissus Inserta is an essential plant that is attractive when planted around the homestead. It comes with obovate-lanceolate leaflets that radiate and green color. Usually, with correct care, this plant cannot be affected by some diseases and pests that disturb most plants.