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Philodendron Nangaritense – Care & Propagation Tips

If you are a home gardener who wishes to learn more about how to properly care for and propagate a Philodendron Nangaritense Plant in their home, we’ve got you. Stick with us, and we’ll teach you exactly how you can successfully grow this plant inside your house.

Home Gardening is an extremely fruitful activity that brings you a lot of peace and satisfaction and significantly improves the aesthetics of your house.

Of course, taking care of plants is not as easy as it might seem. It can be an incredibly delicate activity that demands a lot of time, effort, energy, and precision in many cases.

Above all, though, it requires the gardener to know their plants and how they must be cared for. This is because plants can not just withstand any environment you put them in. They are native to different regions of this plant and are therefore accustomed to different growing environments. 

Without the proper knowledge and awareness, you will not be able to identify each plant’s individual needs and, therefore, will not be able to cater to them through natural or artificial means. As a result, your plant will either experience stunted growth or simply die away.

Philodendron Nangaritense
Philodendron Nangaritense via Reddit

Philodendron Nangaritense and Its Important Characteristics

First, let’s begin by acquainting ourselves with the plant itself and learning about its important characteristics. 

The philodendron nangaritense is a tropical perennial which belongs to the Araceae family. That originates from Ecuador, so it is accustomed to a humid environment. The plant boasts thin, bright green, glossy, heart-shaped leaves with visible veins and matt undersides.

The leaves of the plant are supported by a fuzzy, red-coloured stem which slowly turns into a shade of green. The plant’s leaves (when fully established) reach a width of up to 60cm.

The newer leaves are deep pink with a red petiole. The philodendron nagaritense is known for its scrambling habit, so make sure you plant it in a wide enough pot. 

How to care for your Philodendron Nangaritense

Now that we know a bit more about the philodendron nangaritense plant, it is time to discuss the different ways you can care for the plant.


While growing this plant in a pot, the best results come from using rich, loose potting soil mixed with organic matter. One way to achieve this mix is by using garden soil, compost, and mulch.

If you do not have access to well-draining sand, perlites are good alternatives. Overall, this plant is suitable for growing outdoors without using a pot; grow them directly from the ground.

Another way to facilitate water drainage in your plant is by planting it in a raised location. This way, the water in the soil will naturally begin to drain.

Philodendron Nangaritense 2
Philodendron Nangaritense via Reddit


This species of plant is typically found in the rainforests in Ecuador, where it receives a lot of shade. This means that your philodendron plant will do just fine even in low light conditions. Our recommendation, though, is that you expose this plant to indirect sunlight of medium intensity.

If you think you cannot provide it with sufficient light, the use of fluorescent lights is a good option to consider. Make sure that your plant does not receive prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, or its leaves will burn out.


Watering is an extremely important aspect of taking care of a plant’s growth. It can make the difference between a plant growing too perfect health and a plant rotting from its roots and dying away.

The philodendron is especially susceptible to rotting from overwatering and can easily die out when that happens.

So, make sure you keep the soil moist and water the plant about once a week, but never too much. Once the upper layer of the soil is drained and it begins to dry out, you are free to water your plant again.

In winters, though, we recommend you exercise caution by lowering the frequency of watering. During this time, watering the plant every 10 days should be a decent enough rate.


Temperature is yet again a really important thing to be mindful of while growing houseplants. For the Philodendron nangaritense, the optimal temperate for growth lies between 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Since the plant has Ecuadorean origins, it makes sense for it to thrive in relatively warm temperatures. If your region experiences really cold winters, though, you should move your plant indoors or provide it with artificial heating.

This plant species is extremely sensitive to cold temperatures and can easily die out if it does not receive enough heat from its environment.


These plants thrive in extremely humid environments. This makes sense since rainforests (where the plant is naturally found) are naturally very humid.

If your region does not have a naturally humid environment, you can artificially provide these plants with humidity through the use of humidifiers or moisture friendly plants (which you should grow in its surroundings).

How to successfully propagate a philodendron Nangaritense in your home

The Philodendron nanagaritense reproduce via monocotyledonous inflorescence, which naturally gives seeds. The propagation for these plants is fairly straightforward.

First, cut out a piece of the stem from an existing plant. The stem should contain at least 3 leaves and ensure the aerial roots are present. Wrap this stem with the aerial root using some sphagnum moss (moist).

Place these in a pot with a mix of perlite and peat and place the pot in a fairly bright location (but away from the direct sun). In its growth stages, make sure you keep the soil moist at all times. Follow these steps, and your plant should grow out in no time. 


The philodendron nanagaritense is a rainforest plant that will make for an excellent addition to your home garden. To keep this plant in good shape, remember to provide it with sufficient water, keep it in high humidity environments, provide it with ample heat and expose it to indirect sunlight.

The plant can be easily propagated in just a few steps using stem cuttings. The process for this is outlined above.