Philodendron Red Emerald is a thing of beauty. As the name suggests, the red vines combine with emerald green leaves to produce one of the most mesmerizing foliage you will ever experience. These houseplants can climb to showcase the true beauty of nature.
These plants are evergreen, so don’t worry about their stems fading color or foliage losing its charm. No matter in which season you grow these plants, they will always produce striking colors to capture your heart.
We advise you to provide them with a good climbing moss pole or wall to showcase their beautiful foliage.
Characteristics of Philodendron Red Emerald
They are often confused with Imperial Red Philodendron, which is another sensational plant with deep red vines. The main difference between the two plants is their growth habit.
Red emerald is known to be a good climber, while Imperial Red has a bushy growth. There are some characteristics that will help you learn more about your plant’s growth habits.
They have emerald green foliage with red stems. These plants are quite popular because of their unique foliage pattern and size. There are very few plants that have colored stems, which makes them such awesome-looking plants that you will never find in any other plant’s genus.
They produce deep red flowers, which is an excellent addition to their never-ending ornamental features. These flowers are pretty rare, so do not expect to see these plants producing flowers every year.
However, providing them with the right conditions similar to their natural habitat will increase their flowering probability.
Height and width
They can grow more than 60 feet high in their natural habitat but can’t grow more than 12 feet in normal household conditions.
They are native to Colombia. Read about their native lands and the temperatures they have for the most part of the year to understand what these plants prefer.
The leaves of these plants can be poisonous. They have calcium oxalate crystals in them, which can cause swelling of the mouth and throat if consumed. We recommend you keep your plants away from your pets and children’s reach.
The foliage of these plants remains evergreen despite changing temperature conditions. Extreme temperatures may negatively affect the plant’s growth, but their foliage color will never fade away.
Caring tips for Philodendron Red Emerald
These plants can be handled pretty easily if you carefully follow all the caring tips provided in this guide. We have mentioned almost all of the requirements that can make your plant flourish and thrive with its maximum health.
These plants prefer medium, indirect sunlight. Please avoid placing your plant in direct sunlight as it can scorch its beautiful leaves.
They will grow faster if you put them in partial shade with moderate lighting conditions; however, bright lighting conditions would produce larger leaves at the expense of a slow growth rate.
Prepare an ideal soil mix by using an adequate amount of organic matter and perlite. Their combination makes the soil well-draining which protects the plant from various diseases. We recommend adding sand to the soil mix if it’s too heavy.
Water these plants only as much as the soil requires to become moist. Overwatering can be quite dangerous for these plants, so please make sure that you follow a good watering routine that does not leave standing water on top of the soil.
Yellow leaves and root rot indicate that the plant has been overwatered.
The temperature must be at least 18 degrees Celsius for these plants to grow with mesmerizing colors. Please try to maintain a stable temperature to make the plant comfortable, allowing them to thrive at full speed.
They prefer high humidity levels for ideal growth. Therefore, you need to increase the humidity level near the plant.
You can place the plant above the pebble tray with water to increase the moisture level, ensuring that the plant sits on pebbles instead of water. A humidifier can also be used to keep humidity levels high at a stable percentage, but it can be pretty expensive.
You can fertilize that plant to boost its growth rate. Feeding them once a month between the spring and summer seasons would be ideal. However, please do not over-fertilize your plant, as it can burn the roots.
Pruning helps control your plant’s growth. Some plants grow faster than others, so pruning can be used to make the plant look more appealing to the eye. Moreover, remove all the dead and damaged leaves as soon as you detect them.
Pests and other diseases
Pests such as mealybugs and scales can be removed with the help of neem oil sprays. You can also use insecticidal soaps for more protection.
Root rot is one of the most common diseases that can infect your plant. It is mainly caused due to excessive watering, so make sure that you water them only when required.
Propagating Philodendron Red Emerald
Propagating your plant is the best way to increase your plant collection with similar-looking spectacular plants. Philodendrons are pretty easy to propagate, so you can also use their stem cuttings as a gift to your friends and relatives.
Propagating through stem cuttings does not require a lot of effort, but following these few tips would ensure its proper execution.
- Cut the stem a few inches under the leaf node.
- Leave a few leaves intact at the upper part of the stem.
- Place the cut in water for a few weeks to develop roots from it.
- The rooting hormone helps reduce the root’s development time.
- Plant the new roots into the pot with well-drained soil in it.
Philodendron Red emerald is a magnificent climbing plant that can change your whole planting experience with its striking leaves and stem colors.
However, it is always important to take good care of your plant, allowing it to show its true beauty. We have provided the best possible guide for you to follow and make your plant live longer.