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Philodendron Serpens (7 Things To Keep In Mind For Better Caring)

The Philodendron Serpens is a beautiful indoor plant which belongs to the Araceae family. It is popular among plant lovers due to its toughness, low maintenance, and beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Its distinctive feature is the massive and heart-shaped leaves with long aerial roots.

The plant’s perennial life cycle makes it the outstanding choice for indoor plants. Philodendron Serpens has red and fuzzy petioles that have a satisfying sight. 

The hair-like structure for the petioles helps the plant in creeping. The fuzzy hair texture becomes more noticeable and vibrant as this plant matures up.

Philodendron Serpens 1
Philodendron Serpens – via Etsy

Philodendron Serpens Care Tips

1.       Soil

For young Philodendron Serpens, it is necessary to change the pot and soil annually with the advent of spring. This operation is carried out only once every 2-3 years when it grows up. 

The pot is taken 3-5 cm more than the previous one. If the plant grows in a tub, only 4-5 cm of soil from above needs to be changed. 

2.       Lighting

It is better to place Philodendron Serpens in a bright place, sheltering it from direct sun at noon. This plant grows well in partial shade. If it lacks light, it can be affected, which will be manifested in the leaves’ color and the decorative effect.

During winter, you need to add artificial lighting. Photo lamps are fit for this that prolong the daylight hours.

3.       Watering

Water the Philodendron Serpens moderately from spring to late summer so that the soil in the pot is constantly and slightly moist but not damp. The following procedure starts when the substrate’s top layer dries out. The plant reacts to lack of moisture with a loss of decorativeness.

The leaves of Philodendron Serpens begin to dry out (from the tips), and with a prolonged drought, they fly around. Excessive watering of the flower is also harmful. It causes yellowing of the lower leaves.

In dense damp earth, Philodendron Serpens roots cannot breathe, and this is a vital necessity for epiphyte plants.

4.       Temperature

Philodendron Serpens is thermophilic. In the summer, it will not be necessary to maintain a specific temperature in the room. Also, this plant will thrive in hot weather if you provide it with regular watering. The ideal condition will be if the thermometer stops at around 30 °C.

In winter, the plant is kept at a temperature of 18-22 °C. Its minimum value can endure without loss is 15 °C. Cold drafts are detrimental to the flower, so you need to ventilate the room with caution. The temperature in the room cannot be lowered.

5.       Humidity

Providing the plant with high air humidity is the main task of the owner of the Philodendron Serpens. Without this, care for the plant will not be complete, and it will not be able to demonstrate itself in all its beauty.

The leaves of the Philodendron Serpens will begin to shrink, and their shape will become simpler. Often these symptoms are observed in recently acquired plants. So, the flower reacts to a change in the humidity of the air that is familiar to it.

6.       Top dressing

To feed Philodendron Serpens, you can purchase a unique complex in a flower shop. The number of top dressings that the plant needs is small. It can be done one time per week in summer, and in winter, it can be done one time per month. 

Before applying fertilizer, the Philodendron Serpens must be watered. The plant will continuously grow and delight its owners with the right amount of fertilizer.

7.       Transplant

The root system of the Philodendron Serpens is strong and well developed, so the need for a transplant is a plant often arises. Young specimens need to change the pot annually. The optimal interval between procedures for adult plants is 2-3 years.

The best time to transplant is spring. Philodendron Serpens is full of energy during this period and will easily endure stress. The state of the earthy clod judges the need to change the pot. If the roots of the Philodendron Serpens have completely entwined, then it’s time to transplant it.

Philodendron Serpens 2
Philodendron Serpens – via Etsy

Propagation methods

        i.            Propagation by aerial roots

The simplest and easiest way to propagate Philodendron Serpens is by aerial roots. The selected piece of the shoot is placed on a wet substrate of peat or sphagnum moss and slightly buried in the ground. It takes root within a month, and then it is separated from the mother shoot. The plant is ready for a new life.

       ii.            Propagation by cuttings and leaves

A common method is propagation by cuttings and leaves. First, an escape with 2-3 leaves is selected. A sharp knife is used to cut it. The shoot should dry out within a few hours. 

Next, prepare the small pot filled with soil consisting of peat and sand and moisturize it. Spread the cuttings on top and lightly press down. It is crucial to ensure that the growth point is not covered. After sometimes the cuttings and leaves will root.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests can infect philodendron Serpens. It can be affected by bacterial spots, the small watery spots on the leaf blade. It happens at high temperature and humidity. You will get a brown-red or red border that formed on the leaves that are lower.

Also, it can have a root and stem rot where the affected area forms the white fuzzy mycelium. In case of diseases, Philodendron Serpens is recommended to be cut off of the damaged regions treated with special preparations according to the instructions. 

The Philodendron Serpens can often be attacked by pests such as scabs, in which brown tubercles form on the stems and leaves. They’re washed off with a sponge dipped in soapy water or treated with an insecticide to solve this.

You can get the spider mite, which can be identified by a thin web seen on the Philodendron Serpens. To treat it, you can use a soapy solution or an insecticide solution;


Philodendron Serpens is an indoor plant that is tough and has low maintenance. It features long aerial roots and beautiful heart-shaped leaves. In the same way, it has a fuzzy hair texture that makes it more noticeable and vibrant. With proper care, the plant will become vibrant and healthy.