Philodendron Spiritus Sancti has many names like philodendron, septentrionalis erythroxyloides, philoxeran, herbal philodoron, philocactus, and holy weed.
This plant grows to a height of 12 to 18 feet with bright green leaves marked by the red veins that run vertically down from each one. Philodendron spiritus Sancti has large and heart-shaped leaves, which grow to about 6 inches in diameter.
This plant can be grown in the indoor terrarium, on the balconies, indoors, or patios as the houseplant. It will do well regardless of its environment and is a well-known indoor-outdoor plant.
Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Care Tips At Home
1. Temperature
Philodendron spiritus Sancti belongs to heat-loving plants. It adapts perfectly to the summer heat if the room maintains optimal humidity. The plant does not require special temperature conditions.
It will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 19 to 24 °C. Temperatures above 24.3ºC in summer are undesirable. So that the philodendron spiritus Sancti does not overheat, its leaves are sprayed and washed with settled water.
In winter, the room temperature should not fall below 18.9 °C. The plant don’t withstand drafts, therefore it is good not to take it out into the street.
2. Lighting
For the philodendron spiritus Sancti to be lush and beautiful, you should choose the right place for it. Almost all species love the scattered rays of the sun. Direct sunlight on the plant should be avoided. This can stress the plant and may result in other problems on the way.
3. Watering
Philodendrons spiritus Sancti needs to be watered regularly, especially in spring and summer. The plant is watered as the top layer of the soil dries up.
The watering frequency depends on the air temperature in the room where the plant is located. Excess water in the pot should be removed. It is poured out an hour after watering. In winter, watering the plant should be done very carefully. At low temperatures in the room, watering is reduced.
Due to excessive watering, the philodendron spiritus Sancti will get sick, and its leaves will turn yellow. It is also impossible to over dry an earthen lump.
Due to drought, the philodendron spiritus Sancti will lose its attractiveness and shed its leaves. Water the plant with soft water (rain, boiled, settled). It should not contain lime impurities, so well’s water is not suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, stains will remain on the leaves of the plant.
4. Air humidity
Under natural conditions, the philodendron spiritus Sancti grows in the tropics, so it needs high humidity. The plant need to be sprayed regularly, particularly in the hot season.
If dry air is in the room, the leaves of the plant will be small. Young specimens will love the shower. You can dampen a stick using a coconut fibers with the aim of increasing the humidity that supports philodendron spiritus Sancti.
Wipe the leaves of the plant using a damp cloth. Spray it using soft and warm water. This hygienic procedure will improve the philodendron spiritus Sancti appearance and increases the humidity. It is better to refuse leaf polishes, for they may contain harmful substances.
5. Top dressing
In their natural habitat, philodendron spiritus Sancti prefers animal excrement, insect waste products, rotted tree leaves, and rainwater. Unfortunately, in-room conditions, this cannot be provided to it.
During intensive growth, the philodendron spiritus Sancti will not refuse top dressing. Fertilizers offer it a set of nutrients. They are brought in from March to September.
You can also feed the plants in other months, but less often. Once a month will be enough if the plant is in a warm room. For top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers.
Fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants are also suitable. For the philodendron spiritus Sancti to stretch in height, fertilizers with high nitrogen content are used.
6. Transplanting
The philodendron spiritus Sancti is transplanted in the same way as other plants. Young specimens should be transplanted every year, adults – as needed, approximately every 2-3 years.
A close pot serves as a signal for transplantation. Each time it should be a little more spacious than the previous one. A cramped pot will make the philodendron spiritus Sancti wither. Pretty mature plants can be rolled over and replaced with topsoil.
A tropical plant prefers nutritious, light, porous, slightly acidic, and breathable soil. To grow philodendrons, you can use an earthy orchid substrate, including charcoal, sphagnum moss, peat, and bark.
It needs a suitable soil mixture consisting of two parts of sod land, peatland and humus, and half of the sand. Older plants are grown in different soil.
Propagation Methods
Cutting propagation
The philodendron spiritus Sancti is mainly propagated by cuttings. The best time is spring and summer. You can use stem, and apical cuttings leave with a heel.
Preference is given to stems with aerial roots. After cutting, the sections on the plant and cuttings are immediately sprinkled with coal powder or ash.
Light soils are used for rooting. A good composition is a mixture of garden soil with sand and vermiculite. Moisten the soil before planting the cuttings.
Use a shelter – plastic wrap or a cut plastic balloon for quick rooting. The shelter is periodically removed, the condensate is removed. After rooting, they are transplanted into more nutritious soil.
Diseases and pests
- Bacterial spots are small watery spots that appear on the leaf blade. Occurs at high humidity and temperature.
Stem and root rot – A white fluffy mycelium forms on the affected area. - Young leaves grow deformed, a chlorotic pattern may form on them- In case of diseases, the plant is recommended to cut off the damaged areas treated with special preparations according to the instructions. In some cases, including severe damage to the bush, the only solution is to destroy the plant.
- Scale insects – Brown tubercles form on the leaves and stems. To remove them, they are washed off with a sponge dipped in soapy water or treated with an insecticide;
- Spider mite – A thin web can be seen on the plant. You can treat the flowerpot with a soapy solution or an insecticide solution;
- Aphids – On a philodendron spiritus Sancti, you can see green, gray, or black insects. Treat the plant with a soap solution or insecticide solution;
- Thrips – Small black insects are visible on the flowerpot, where a sticky coating appears. Treat with soapy water or insecticide solution.
Philodendron spiritus Sancti is valued by flower growers for its unpretentiousness and its decorative properties. It does not cause much trouble, and the appearance of the flowerpot is uplifting. Grow this plant, and it will bring light, beauty, and comfort to your apartment.