Philodendron Subhastatum is a perennial evergreen of the Araceae family. It originates from tropical forests of Central and South America, found in Australia, Mexico.
The epiphytic plant attaches to the support with its aerial sucker roots, most often to the tree trunk. The shape of the leaves is different, and this is mostly for young leaves, which differ from adults.
The sizes of the leaves range from 10 cm to 2 m, and the width reaches almost 90 cm. It slowly or quickly grow and this will mainly depend on the type of care you need to give Philodendron Subhastatum.

Philodendron Subhastatum Home Care
Philodendron Subhastatum does not require the creation of special conditions for their cultivation. Caring for them at home is not difficult, but there are important nuances.
1. Soil
A window sill that faces east or west with diffused light and no drafts is suitable for the location. Loose soil with good air and water permeability is suitable for cultivation.
It is important to note that the soil’s acidity should be medium to low. Otherwise, the Philodendron Subhastatum will grow slowly or stop blooming. You can make up the soil mixture yourself by mixing leafy soil, peat, and rippers for this.
2. Lighting
Philodendron Subhastatum is a unique plant. Likewise, it can grow in artificial light and on a suitable windowsill. There is no need to be afraid of additional lighting.
It is better to use this property for landscaping where the light is almost always on, but there is no natural light source. In the bathroom, corridor, foyer, transitions between rooms, offices, philodendron will give a good design.
3. Temperature
When growing Philodendron Subhastatum, you can find the lowest allowable temperature of 13 degrees. Typically, it is good not to bring any situation below it.
Limit this temperature range in the winter to about 16 degrees. And then, you will prevent most of the problems and difficulties that can arise in cultivating Philodendron Subhastatum.
As for the air temperature from spring to autumn, the room values for philodendrons will be comfortable (from 10 to 30 degrees). Higher rates, however, are not.
For Philodendron Subhastatum to maintain high decorativeness in the heat, you will have to control more abundant watering and an increase in air humidity.
But the main thing is to protect the plants from temperature extremes. Do not place any heating devices near this plant to protect the plants from air conditioners and even ventilation in cold weather.
Just by stabilizing the temperature and observing the minimum indicators, you guarantee yourself that the leaves on the Philodendron Subhastatum will not shrink, and growth and development will occur evenly.
4. Watering
The substrate for any philodendron should always be slightly moist regardless of species. Stable soil moisture will guarantee the Philodendron Subhastatum does not present you with any unpleasant surprises.
The main rule for watering is carried out after 1-2 cm of the substrate at the top of the pot dries out. This rule is valid for both summer and winter.
But since the rates of drying (and consumption by the plant) of moisture will be different, accordingly, the watering frequency will change significantly.
Make it a rule to water the Philodendron Subhastatum less abundant in the cold season, use less water than summer, and the phase of active plant development. The water from the pallets is constantly drained immediately after watering.

5. Fertilizers
Philodendron Subhastatum is fertilized frequently and for extended periods. Top dressing for this plant is carried out every two weeks, between March and September. But if it is transplanted, then feeding is not carried within 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure.
The first feeding is carried out with a halved dose, and then, until the regular schedule of these procedures resumes, another pause of one month is made. To find the perfect schedule, you need to keep track of the plant.
With a lack of fertilizers, the Philodendron Subhastatum becomes smaller, the leaves turn yellow and dry, growth is slowed down, and the trunk is thinner than usual.
When overfertilizing, the tips of the leaves turn yellow and turn brown, the leaves become lethargic and lose their elasticity.
An excess of nitrogen, which causes rapid growth, is especially dangerous for the philodendron (respectively, and vice versa, if you reduce the feeding with nitrogen, the plants can be controlled in growth).
6. Dormant period
With the onset of autumn, the plant enters a dormant period. At this time, it is recommended to move it to a room with a temperature of at least 15 °C. At this time, feeding is not performed. The frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time per month.
7. Pruning
To give the Philodendron Subhastatum an attractive appearance, dry shoots and leaves must be cut off as needed. Pruning is recommended during spring and summer.
In this case, it is impossible to cut off the aerial roots completely, but only to shorten them. To stop the plant’s growth, it is pinched over the internodes, where the growing point is.
8. Transplant
Philodendron Subhastatum belongs to those indoor crops that do not need to be replanted annually, even at a reasonably young age.
The growth rates of the aerial parts do not always correspond to the growth of the rhizome. Increasing the pot size by 3-4 cm during transplanting ensures that the philodendron will need to be transplanted only after a year. And more mature plants can be transplanted once every three years.
The optimal period is not February – early March, but late March-early April. When transplanting, carefully monitor that the penetration level remains the same and lay new drainage.
And for climbing philodendrons, any transplant is completed with a straightforward procedure – pinching the ends of all elongated or simply too long shoots.
When no philodendron transplant is carried out, replace about 5 cm of the top of the substrate.
When choosing a substrate for a Philodendron Subhastatum, preference special mixtures for decorative deciduous crops. Other neutral or slightly acidic, coarse-grained, nutritious, loose, and light soil mixtures are suitable.
Reproduction of Philodendron Subhastatum
1. Reproduction by vegetative
Vegetative is performed in spring or summer. To do this, you need to cut off the apical shoot, which has 2-3 internodes. Treat the cut points with charcoal. Cover the pot with foil after placing the cuttings in a prepared soil mixture of peat, leafy soil, and rippers.
The container should be in a well-lit, warm place. Besides, the shelter is removed as needed. This is necessary for airing and watering the soil. The cuttings will take root in 25-30 days. After that, they can be transplanted into a new pot with an equipped drainage system.
2. Production by apical cuttings
The rooting of apical cuttings or parts of the stem with lateral shoots is the easiest way to get a new Philodendron Subhastatum. With the second cuttings method, make sure that leaves develop on the side branches.
At the first cut, no short cuttings, but the tops are 12-15 cm long. In any case, rooting of cuttings is best done in wet peat or peat substrate in greenhouse conditions and with stringent temperature control: the permissible range is from 20 to 22 degrees.
Diseases and pests
Philodendron Subhastatum is susceptible to pests and the development of diseases. They include:
- Rot
The root system will rot, and dark spots note this appears on it. To combat the disease, it is necessary to remove the plant from the soil and clean it without damaging the roots.
Use a razor blade to remove damaged parts of the root and sprinkle the cut with charcoal. After that, plant the Philodendron Subhastatum in new soil.
- The development of the virus
The outer part of the leaf blade is covered with black spots, and the stem is covered with brown stripes. It is challenging to cure Philodendron Subhastatum, but it must be destroyed to prevent the virus from spreading to other plants.
- Shield
The leaves are covered with brown spots. To destroy the scabbard, it is recommended to use pesticides such as Permethrin, Phosphamide, or a soap solution.
A small green midge appears on the surface of the stem and leaf blades. Treat damaged areas with an infusion made from lemon juice.
The stem and leaves are covered with a thin white web. Treat the plant, for example, with Fitoverm.
The leaves are covered with a white waxy coating. Remove damaged parts and insects, then treat the plant with Mospilan or Calypso.
Philodendron Subhastatum is a unique plant in terms of rich, beauty green, shiny, and carved leaves. Finding a culture so suitable for room placement is very difficult.
Philodendron substratum loves attentive care and demonstrates all their qualities only under the ideal selection of conditions.
Although growing it has several secrets and rules, it can quickly become an excellent durable addition to the collection, will fulfill the function of dividing space and creating large green accents.