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The Philodendron Tenue – Care and Propagation Guide!

This article will be your guide to all of the caring and propagation tips you will need to successfully grow a Philodendron Tenue plant inside your home. Every gardener must know their house plants really well.

They must know what species the plant belongs to, what region the plant is native to (and hence accustomed to), the different nutritional and environmental needs of the plant, the different ways to keep a check on its health, and how to successfully propagate the plant inside one’s home garden.

Such information is essential to making one a successful home gardener. So, stick with us, and we will tell you everything you need to know to successfully grow this plant in your home.

Philodendron Tenue
Philodendron Tenue via Reddit

The Philodendron Tenue – Basic Information and Important Characteristics

Before we discuss how to properly care for the philodendron tenue plant, we need to be briefly acquainted with the plant and its most distinguishable characteristics. 

The Philodendron Tenue is an epiphytic plant famous for its climbing abilities. Many names know the plant. Two examples are Philodendron and Philodendron Sodiroanum.

The plant is native to the Nicaragua and Pacific slopes of Venezuela, and it is typically found in rain forests and therefore grows well with an adequate degree of watering, warm temperatures and high humidity.

The plant Comes from the philodendron genus and is categorized as a part of the Araceae family. It is found in a variety of forms in nature.

The two most commonly found types sport really narrow leaves or regularly spread out (wide) leaves.

The Philodendron tenue is a beautiful plant with deep green leaf colour and a rippled texture. So, you can be sure that this will make for an excellent addition to your crowd of houseplants.

As a bonus, you will get to enjoy the air purifying properties that this plant is famous for. These air-purifying abilities are the most powerful for the wider leafed variety of this plant.

How to Care for Your Philodendron Tenue

If this plant’s description has persuaded you into getting it for your home garden, it will be helpful for you to be aware of the different ways you can care for this plant.

Continue reading, and we will reveal all the caring secrets you need to know to take the best care of this plant inside your home. 

Philodendron Tenue 2
“My philodendron Tenue in morning light.” via Reddit


The Philodendron tenue requires damp soil to grow well. This is because the plant’s roots continuously draw fresh oxygen. If you do not take care of the plant’s soil needs, it is likely to die off really quickly due to rotting.

Additionally, ensure that your plant is kept in loose, fast-draining soil mixed with peat and perlite. The recommended soil pH for this plant is around 5-8. Be mindful of these pointers, and your plant will surely grow to health.


As mentioned earlier, the Philodendron is a rainforest plant. This means that it is accustomed to receiving an ample amount of water. Water this plant regularly, especially when it is in its growing stages.

In winters (or after the plant has fully established itself), you may reduce the frequency with which you water it. The plant’s roots have the ability to collect water that is present in its surroundings, so you don’t need to water it when it rains.


In rainforests, plants fight each other to seek the light. The Philodendron does this using its ability to climb up nearby structures. You may install a structure (like a totem or a wall) that your plant can climb upon to grow towards the sunlight.

Make sure, though, that your plant is not exposed to too much direct sunlight. Providing the plant with indirect light is the recommended way to care for it. Another warning should be issued here: if you place this plant in a place where it receives low light, it will quickly die away.

Temperature/ Heat

Since this species is a tropical plant, it does not do well in cold temperatures. Its surrounding temperature should not go below 12 degrees Celsius, or its growth will be stunted.

Furthermore, you should also make sure that the plant’s surrounding temperatures do not exceed 33 degrees Celsius (another reason why you should grow them under indirect sunlight). The temperatures for the optimal growth of this plant hover around 18-31.5 degrees Celsius. 


The humidity level in most rainforests is above 90%. This plant grows well in extremely humid environments; the optimal level is around 90%- 100% humidity.

If you can not naturally provide your plant with such levels of humidity, we recommend purchasing a humidifier. Alternatively, you could grow moisture-loving plants in the surrounding that would help create a micro humid environment in your home garden.


These climbers grow on top of structures really quickly and therefore oftentimes requires pruning to maintain a neat garden look.

While pruning, make sure your equipment has been properly washed to avoid the transfer of germs and infections. Also, make sure you prune this plant only when necessary; too much pruning can seriously harm its growth.

How to Propagate a Philodendron Tenue in Your Home Garden

There are two ways you can propagate a philodendron tenue plant inside your home. The first is the stem cutting method, and the second is the air layering method. We will limit our discussion to the stem-cutting method.

Start by sterilizing your knife and cutting a reasonably big part of the stem containing a rhizome. Then, put this cutting in a potting mix and water it a bit.

Next, place the pot in a warm and humid area and observe as its roots form. You may also make use of a rooting hormone to speed up this process. Finally, place your plant In a place where it is exposed to indirect sunlight and wait as your plant grows to health.

The Philodendron Tenue – A Quick Summary

The philodendron tenue is a climber plant that is typically found in rainforests. Overall, it does require a fair bit of caring and oversight.

Particularly, it requires sufficient watering, indirect sunlight, relatively warm temperatures and well-drained soil to grow properly. You can propagate this plant using the stem cutting method outlined above.