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Philodendron White Princess – 7 Caring Tips & 2 propagating Methods)

Philodendron White Princess is a fantastic and rare species that originated from the tropical rainforest in South America. It is a climbing plant with white variegated spots and green pointy leaves. The indirect light is best for it.

You cannot mistake Philodendron White Princess because the shape of the foliage is elegant and long, and the stems are fresh-looking and green. The plant has aerial and underground roots, which enable it to acquire nutrients from the environment.

Philodendron White Princess 1
Philodendron White Princess – via Etsy

Philodendron White Princess care tips

1.       Soil

The soil mixture should be neutral or slightly acidic, moisture, breathable, and loose. It is recommended to take leafy soil formed after the decay of fallen leaves. You mix it with high-moor peat add vermiculite, moss, or pine bark. 

2.       Lighting

Light is the primary condition for every plant’s life, respiration, and development. The natural habitat of Philodendron White Princess is a dense tropical forest, where under the crowns of tall trees, the plants get only a fraction of the diffused sunlight, which makes them shade-tolerant.

The plants do not tolerate the sun’s rays, and even variegated varieties can only grow under artificial lighting. Philodendron White Princess can be placed even in the back of the room, but it will produce small light leaves, and if it has enough light, it will make healthy, dark green leaves.

3.       Watering

Philodendron White Princess needs frequent and plentiful watering. For irrigation, it is necessary to use well-purified and warm. After the watering process, all excess water must be immediately removed from the pot.

The soil in the pot should not be waterlogged but should always be slightly damp. If there are low air temperatures in the room, then watering should be reduced.

4.       Temperature

The air temperature in the room during the spring-summer period should be 18°C to 25°C. When the temperature goes high, make sure the watering of Philodendron White Princess is plentiful. Otherwise, the flower will lose its decorative effect from the heat. 

In winter, the temperature should not fall below 13 °C in a room with a flower. Philodendron White Princess does not tolerate sudden temperature changes at any time of the year. Do not place a flower pot near heaters, air conditioners, or windows while airing the room.

5.       Humidity

The critical rule in caring for a Philodendron White Princess is maintaining high humidity. Under natural conditions, the plant develops at 80-85% air humidity.

The Philodendron White Princess can tolerate air humidity of 60-55%, but not lower when grown at home. When the air is dry, brown spots appear on the leaves along the edges and tips.

6.       Top dressing

Philodendron White Princess needs top dressing, which is carried out 2-4 times a month with a highly diluted organic composition. For this, it is customary to use about 50% of the usual dose. 

Philodendron White Princess needs to be fed two times a month with mineral fertilizers for the rest of the year. As for young plants in fertile soil, their top dressing is carried out much less frequently. 

7.       Transplant

It is necessary to transplant the Philodendron White Princess when the roots become crowded in the pot and completely entangle the earthen clod.

Usually, the signal to transplant is to stop the growth of the Philodendron White Princess. A transplant is also needed if the earth is compacted, saline, and acidic, and a whitish coating or green moss is formed on the upper layer.

When transplanting a Philodendron White Princess, the soil is supposed to be loose, but at the same time, moisture-retaining soil is prepared. The substrate should consist of soddy land, humus, peat, and sand.

Philodendron White Princess 2
Philodendron White Princess – via Etsy

Propagation methods

a)      Propagation by cuttings

Propagation of the Philodendron White Princess is easy through cuttings. You need to cut young cuttings 10-15 centimeters long. Young stems of the plant are suitable for shoots, and then it is necessary to layout the stem horizontally in peat soil at an angle of 35-40 degrees.

The container where the landing is carried out must be kept warm so that the temperature does not fall below 25-27 degrees. 

b)      Propagation by stem

A cut is made on the stem, which is desirable to burn with coal or ash. So, gray rot cannot form from excess moisture in this place. For breeding, a mature stem is perfect on which there are already several aerial roots.

A leaf with a heel must be put in a plastic bag for several days for the root forms at the cut site, and the stem strengthens with a leaf. As soon as the leaf and root are attached to the stem, it must be planted.  

Diseases and pests

Pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases can infect philodendron White Princess. Bacterial diseases include bacterial spots, which are small watery spots on the leaf blade.

This occurs at high humidity and temperature. A red border or a brown-red border is formed on the lower leaves. Fungal diseases are stem and root rot. A white fluffy mycelium forms on the affected area.

Also, the viral diseases include young leaves growing deformed, where a chlorotic pattern may form on them. In case of diseases, Philodendron White Princess is recommended to be cut off of the damaged areas and treated with special preparations according to the instructions.

In some cases, including severe damage to the plant, the only solution is to destroy the plant.

Most often, Philodendron White Princess can be attacked by such pests as scale insects, the brown tubercles that form on the leaves and stems. They are washed off with a sponge dipped in soapy water or treated with an insecticide to solve them.

Spider mite can attack the plant, a thin web seen on the Philodendron White Princess. You can treat the flowerpot with a soapy solution or an insecticide solution.

Also, aphids can attack Philodendron White Princess, which you can notice by green, gray, or black insects. Treat the plant with a soap solution or insecticide solution.


Philodendron White Princess is the desired and rarest tropical houseplant, which is beautiful.  The stems are marked in stunning red with white variegation, and the leaves are bright white.  To get the best coloration, the light is supposed to be brighter side.