Red flowers are one of the most attractive flowers in the yard. They grab the attention more than other flowers, which can be in the garden. Red is the desire and passion color for many.
On Valentine’s Day, many lovers give red roses as a sign of love, devotion, and admiration. In Hawaii, there are different types of these flowers. A red tropical flower will make you love the flowers more. These are Hawaii’s most precious and fantastic flowers.
Best Red Hawaiian Flower
1. Anthurium
It is also known as Anthurium Andraeanum. It has small flowers, slender, finger-shaped or tail-shaped, on a very colorful, shiny, waxy, and tangled heart-shaped cushion.
Sometimes, the flowers are followed by small succulent berries. Likewise, its leaves are large, glossy dark green or, in some varieties, alternate, leathery, and elongated heart shape. The plant is epiphytes, but you can grow it on loose rock, fiber, and bark soil.
2. Heliconia
Heliconia is another favorite red tropical flower. It is commonly called bird of paradise, parrot beak, or lobster claw flower. You can quickly grow Heliconia in Hawaii.
Nevertheless, it can become a pest that spreads out of control and takes over the whole garden. Some species of Heliconia can reach 15 to 20 feet. It stores nectar inside this brightly colored flower, attracting bats, birds, and insects.
3. Orchid
Orchid is the largest flowering plant family in the world. In Hawaii, this plant is a major cash crop, contributing to millions of dollars for the state’s economy.
The annual orchid show becomes the highly anticipated event on the Big Island, attracting thousands of spectators from different parts of the world. Essentially, the orchid has the dizzying array of shapes, sizes, and amazing red color you can imagine.
4. Hibiscus
It is a state flower of Hawaii. Hibiscus is a popular scenic plant in parking lots, home gardens, and beach parks. Essentially, this flower loves well-drained soil and sunny and hot climates.
Some varieties of hibiscus are edible, and the seed pods can be used in making tea, jerry, herbal remedy, and jam. Other types produce flowers with unusual shapes, such as red poodle hibiscus or Hibiscus schizopetalus.
5. Bougainvillea
Bougainvillea is the favorite landscaping red Hawaiian flower due to its brilliant color and abundant blooms. The variegated part of its bloom is the modified leaves.
It has a small white tubular flower with 5-6 lobes, surrounded by three variegated floral branches, and egg to triangular-shaped petals. The leaves are usually green or variegated cream, pale pink or yellow, alternate and heart-shaped, elliptic, or egg-shaped.
The mature branch is brittle, woody, and have fine spines on the axis of the leaves. The plant is straggling and climbing. Unlike other plants in the tropical, Bougainvillea prefers a dry climate and is resistant to drought. Some of these varieties have attractive variegated leaves.
6. Red Plumeria
Red Plumeria is commonly grown in Hawaii. To many visitors, the classic necklace Plumeria is worn around a neck. Plumeria flower, also known as frangipani, has a unique and intoxicating scent.
This flower is associated with female fertility and sexuality in some Eastern cultures. In Hawaiian tradition, if a woman wears Plumeria behind the left ear, that means she is married, and when worn behind a right ear, it means she is open to courtship and single.
7. Red Passion Flower
It is also known as grape leave passion flower or perfumed passion flower. Its leaves resemble those of a grape. This ornamental plant proliferates, and you can cover a fence, rock wall, or trellis in no time.
The exotic-looking, carmine-red flowers last only a day, after which they turn into green fruits that smell and taste like ripe strawberries.
8. Royal Poinciana
Royal Poinciana is also known as a flame tree or flamboyant tree. Its flowers are clustered on the leaves are; many virtually cover the tree creating a beautiful floral display.
The different flowers have five spoon-shaped, crinkled petals, ten stamens, and five small colored sepals, yellow on the outside and red on the inside.
Even though it is typically curled and appears red, with white and yellow color on top of the banner petal, the flowers follow flat pods up to 70 cm long with woody, hard, blackish to brown and large seeds.
Essentially, the leaves are bi-pinnate, feathery, alternate, and green, with uniform leaves. The bark is greyish-brown and smooth, and the tree has an extensive crown and grows much wider than when it is tall.
9. Ixora
Ixora is the tropical flower shrub in the family of Rubiaceae. The tubular flower clusters are lightly scented and appealing to butterflies. Ixora is usually grown as a potted plant or hedge on lanai or patios in Hawaii.
Also, it is popular in flower and leis arrangements. Associated with the Eastern religions, Ixora is mainly found in Hindu or Buddhist temples in Thailand, India, and Vietnam.
10. Bromeliad
It is famous for storing rainwater at the leaves base. In Hawaii, where it rains a lot, every bromeliad supports its mini-ecosystem.
The mosquitoes lay their eggs in a leaf pool and hatch to larvae, which attract frogs. Also, the eggs hatch into tadpoles that attract spiders, birds, and lizards.
The bromeliad belongs to the large and diverse family of Bromeliaceae, best known for their unusual foliage. Some of its species produce impressive flowers, such as Billbergia piramidalis.
11. Florida Acorn Flower
This flower is also called Emilia fosbergii. The flower heads are bell or cylindrical-shaped, with pink to red disks and no rays.
Likewise, there are round seed heads with hairy, white, silky seeds carried by the wind, which follow the flowers. The leaves surround the stems and have spike-like basal stripes, green, oval, or alternate sessile to violin-shaped.
Stems are erect, unbranched, or branched, usually hairy at the top of a plant and long cream-colored hairs near the plant base. The flower is grown in sunny, busy, open areas and along the low-lying roadside.
12. Field Indian paintbrush
Field Indian paintbrush, also known as Castilleja Arvensis, is a greenish flower with elongated, hairy spikes and red-tipped petals.
The leaves are sessile, green, alternate, triangular and linearly elliptical, rounded, or lanceolate. Typically, the stems are densely hairy, erect, and unbranched. This plant is a partial parasite on the roots of the neighboring plants.
13. Barleria repens
This flower is tubular with 5 round lobes of different sizes spreading and light purple anthers. After the flowers, club-shaped seed pods are formed, which explode open when they are dry, burst and eject the seeds at a considerable distance from the mother plant.
This plant’s leaves are smaller than a showy flower and are glossy green with a smooth and oval shape. This adaptable and variable plant can grow as a short, rounded young plant in sunny and open locations as a groundcover.
14. Costus comosus
This is the red Hawaiian flower with the yellow flowers that emerge singly from shiny and waxy red petals that are spirally arranged and folded into large coniferous inflorescences at the end of the stem.
The individual flower remains virtually closed and looks like flower buds. Its leaves are shiny above, green, spirally arranged, fuzzy below, narrowly elliptic in shape and drooping.
The juicy, leafy stems arise from the underground rhizomes and curve vertically. This plant looks a bit corn, measuring 3 to 8 feet tall.
15. Indian head ginger
This flower is also known as Costus woodsonii. It has the tubular, red-orange, or orange flowers that appear solitary among bright red petals round, oval, or cylindrical-tipped inflorescences at the end of the stem.
Each flower remains virtually closed and has a barely visible yellow lower lip petal. The young plant emerges from the bottom of old inflorescences and can take root when it hits the ground.
Besides, the leaves are shiny, hairless, dark green, spiral, drooping, and elliptic. It has a cane-shaped stem that emerges from the underground rhizomes and hangs vertically.
The flower grows in shady or sunny gardens with moist soil. Also, it is propagated by rhizomes, stem cuttings, and plantlets.
16. Torch ginger
Torch ginger, also called Etlingera elatior, is a large torch-like, twisting flower stalk of about 1.5m tall, which grow from succulent underground rhizomes.
Its inflorescences have red or pink waxy bracts edged with white pine convex and larger leaf flap. The individual flowers appear between the colored bracts and dark red labellum with the bright yellow border.
The green or reddish fruits follow the flowers. The leaf blades are hairless, green, lanceolate, and are 32 inches long. The pseudostems arise from under the rhizomes and are arching and tall.
Torch ginger can escape from the gardens to humid in wet to moderately moist regions. The flower is attractive long-lasting for tropical flower arrangements.
When many visitors visit Hawaii and step off the plane, fresh air becomes the first thing one will breathe. The red Hawaiian flowers make the state look attractive and capture the tropical beauty and romance of the place.