Scindapsus pictus is the plant for you if you want a vining plant that is just as easy to cultivate as a pothos or heartleaf Philodendron but is a little more showy and distinct.
It’s easy to cultivate, so let me show you how to take care of this lovely houseplant. A vine of Scindapsus pictus or Satin pothos has silvery patterns on its dark green colored leaves.
Scindapsus pictus is a slow-growing dangling houseplant, often known as the silky silver pothos, is extremely easy to look after.
This tropically eye-catching plant is magnificent, which either grows in swinging baskets or climbs up a pole of moss.
If you want to grow this beautiful plant, you’ll need to know about the propagating methods and care tips so that you can have a thriving plant.
This article will discuss the propagation of Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann in two different growth mediums and some important care tips for its growth and maintenance.
Being a tropical plant, Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann is an evergreen climber that can reach a height of 10 feet in frost-free conditions when planted outdoors but only 3 feet when grown indoors, either in hanging baskets or climbing up a moss stick.
The young leaves are heart-shaped and become pinnately lobed as the plant matures. Although the plant seldom flowers when kept inside, little flower spathes appear in the summer, followed by tiny berries.
How to Propagate Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann in Two Different Growth Mediums
It’s simple to grow Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann as the plant rapidly roots. The following are the best methods for propagating the plant.
Using Stem Cuttings: Use stem tip cuttings or stems chopped off during the pruning process. Stem propagation also allows you to develop numerous new plants at once if desired.
Division: It divides the present root ball into different segments, each becoming a new plant. The greatest time to do it is while repotting the plant. It also allows you to bypass the rooting step, helping the procedure go faster.
Propagate Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann Using Stem Cuttings
- Remove a stem. Choose a stem that is healthy and has few leaves.
- Take a stem tip cutting nearer the vine’s end.
- Choose a longer stem if you want to cut it into smaller pieces.
- As a result, you’ll have a lot of stem cuttings.
- Each cutting must have a node as from the node area; the roots will grow.
- If the cutting lacks a node, it will never propagate.
- You can propagate your cutting in water or soil once you have it.
Using Soil as a Medium for Propagation
- Soil propagation is the quickest approach to growing a new plant.
- In a potting mix, plant the clipping.
- The node should be buried in the soil.
- Maintain soil moisture and place the cutting at a bright but out of direct sunlight spot.
- It will take approximately a few weeks or even a month for the roots to grow long enough to cling to the soil.
Using Water as a Medium for Propagation
- Fill a glass jar halfway with water and place the cutting in it.
- Submerge the node as much as possible.
- However, any leaves that come into contact with the liquid should be removed.
- The roots can be observed as they grow.
- When the roots reach 2 inches in length, you can pot them in soil.
A 6 Tips Care Guide for Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann
Let’s take a closer look at how to take care of Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann at home. This article will also teach you how to take care of the various aspects that contribute to the plant’s growth.
1. Water Requirements
- When it comes to watering houseplants, the best recommendation is to make sure the top two inches or 5 cm of the soil is dry. After that, water the plant thoroughly.
- Pour enough filtered water or rainwater until it drains out the bottom to water your pothos thoroughly. This method of irrigation guarantees that the roots receive adequate fluids to remain healthy.
- As soon as the soil’s top portion dries out, water the Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann.
- The Scindapsus pictus may require watering twice per week throughout the summer.
- It requires less watering in the winter.
- Watering is used to keep the roots moist all of the time.
- To determine if the plant needs water, the potting loam must be gently pressed for inspecting the dampness.
- Allow some days for the soil’s top layer to dry completely if there are any signs of wetness.
- Check the drainage holes in the container; the soil should be somewhat damp at the base.
- Allowing the soil to partially dry between waterings prevents the roots from becoming damp and unhealthy.
- You also avoid fungus gnats and white mold on plant soil, which are common problems with houseplants when the top layer of soil is always damp.
Several factors determine the frequency with which you water your plant.
- The temperature of the Air
In the winter, you’ll require to water the plant less frequently than in the summer. In the winter, plants breathe less and emit less moisture. Keep a check on the plant during the summer to determine if it requires water.
- Pot Type
Terracotta pots’ soil evaporates more quickly than the potting mix inside the ceramic or plastic pots. In clay pots that are unglazed, Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann may require more frequent watering.
- Soil Type
The density of your soil will affect how frequently the plant needs to be hydrated.
2. Temperature Requirements
- These plants thrive best in temperatures ranging from 65-85°F or (18-29 °C).
- Their original tropical climate is equivalent to the regular average room temperature.
- Protect your plants against rapid temperature changes if you want them to thrive.
- In the summer or the winter, finding the perfect temperature can be difficult.
- If the plant is kept near heated radiators during the winter, its growth may be slowed.
- If exposed to chilly breezes, its lovely silver and green leaves may also curl, wilt, and turn out to be brown.
- The hot sun hammering through the windows or the cool airflow via the air conditioner might produce temperature problems in the summer.
3. Humidity Requirements
- This plant is a tropical houseplant that thrives in medium-high humidity.
- For the fastest growth, aim for a humidity level of forty percent at least.
- Sprinkle the leaves every day, employ a humidifier or set them on a gravel tray to attain the proper humidity levels for Scindapsus pictus plants.
- Misting: Fill a nozzled sprayer with distilled water, spray an adequate amount of moisture over the plant’s top.
- Pebble Tray: To build a pebble tray, arrange small gravels in the tray and fill it halfway with water. Place the plant pot over the pebbles; in turn, the leaves will be humidified organically via evaporation.
- Room Humidifier: Use a humidifier to maintain a high humidity level in your home.
- Location: Place the plant inside a luminous and bright kitchen or bathroom, where the humidity levels are likely to be greater.
4. Fertilizer Requirements
- Silver pothos is a slow-growing plant that doesn’t require much fertilization.
- During the season of growth, feed your Scindapsus pictus plant with a properly diluted fertilizer once every month.
- Feeding should be stopped throughout the months of winter and resumed in spring with more vigorous growth.
- Its gorgeous foliage is vibrant and healthy with the correct quantity of fertilizer.
- If the color of the leaves starts to fade, ensure to feed it once a month.
- You could also use a fertilizer that releases slowly. As long as you keep watering the plant, the granules will provide a consistent supply of necessary nutrients.
- It’s crucial to note that applying increased fertilizer is as harmful as depriving the plant of essential nutrients.
5. Light Requirements
- Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann requires a lot of indirect and bright light to thrive.
- This hanging plant looks most suitable close to the west or east-facing window to catch some evening or morning sun.
- Keep them out of direct sunlight to avoid scorching the silver leaf Scindapsus Pictus.
- This plant thrives in low-light environments.
- However, the plant’s vines may become thin and slim, making it appear unkempt.
- The silver variegation may also lose its brilliance due to insufficient light.
- If your Scindapsus pictus’ leaves turn darker, Place them on a sunnier spot to facilitate snappier growth.
- These houseplants require a minimum temperature of 60°F or 15°C.
- Pothos plants can be grown outside as long as the weather is sunny and the temperature is over 65°F or 18°C.
- Place the potted Scindapsus pictus in a bright area to receive filtered light.
- Avoid placing it on a patio, deck, or windowsill where it will be exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day.
6. Soil Requirements
- To thrive, Scindapsus pictus requires a well-draining, rich potting mix.
- The finest potting medium contains organic materials to retain moisture and light enough water to drain freely.
- If the plant grows in moist, saturated soil, its growth will be slowed.
- An appropriate potting media for growing this tropical plant is simple to prepare.
- Equal parts of peat moss, potting soil, and perlite should be used. To help with drainage, you might use coco coir chips or charcoal instead of perlite.
- The peat moss not only nourishes the roots but also maintains the moisture level in the soil.
- Watering the soil completely is the best approach to determine if it is light sufficiently.
- You should aerate the soil if water collects on the surface of the soil or takes a long time to drain.
- If the soil dries out too fast and the Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann must be watered more frequently, you need to add extra sphagnum peat moss.
>> Related Post: Silvery Ann Vs Satin Pothos (Silver Pothos): Are They Really That Different?
Final Remarks
Hopefully, you now know everything there is to know about how to propagate Scindapsus Pictus Silvery Ann in two mediums and care for them using 6 tips.
This is a simple and gratifying plant to cultivate indoors if you get the fundamentals right. Just follow the care guide to maintain them and help them thrive.