Scindapsus Silver Lady is a unique Aroid with a breathtaking leaf appearance! The huge silvery foliage has vivid green streaks, lending it a fascinating appeal. Scindapsus Silver Lady seems to be an ideal choice if you want a creeping thyme plant that is both peaceful and attractive.
It is straightforward to propagate Scindapsus Silver Lady in a hung pot, and it is also enticing to do it anyway. Instead, let the plant climb something like our brass plant support if you want it to reach its maximum potential and produce enormous leaves.
The objective is to provide the plant with an organic matter-based climbing platform. It permits the plant to develop its roots into the poles, and only then should the leaves achieve their full potential.
Scindapsus Silver Lady is a simple-to-grow plant that thrives in significant indirect light but can withstand dim light.
Use a well-draining medium like our Aroid potting medium and only water whenever the top 3 centimeters of ground feel extremely dry. This shrub is good at conveying its requirements, but when it’s genuinely thirsty, its leaflets will fold.
Interesting fact
Each varietal of Scindapsus Pictus has the power to generate a leaf that resembles other cultivars at any time. We’ve seen ‘Silvery Ann‘ produce ‘Argyraeus’ foliage and ‘Silver Splash‘ produce an ‘Exotica’ striped leaf, but do not ever say this genus is not unpredictable.
1. Origin
This shrub was spotted in a beautiful garden and was determined to have excellent silver-grey colored crystal leaflets that sparkle when turned at an angle in the sun. Since both platinum metal and these trees are silver metallic in color and rare in nature, named ‘Platinum.”
2. Source
International Aroid Association. (Since then, this source has been removed.) I checked back to see if the author was referring to what is currently referred to as Silver Hero as well as Platinum, but I’m not sure. If I start figuring it out, I’ll let you know!)
3. Varieties of Scindapsus
Scindapsus Pictus
Scindapsus Pictus is a popular perennial plant for purchasing. It is pretty easy to care for, similar to the regular Pothos (Epipremnum aureum). Pictus signifies painting, and it got that name because of the lovely silvery spots of the variant allele that splatter across its foliage.
There are four main kinds to choose from. Below, I’ve included photos and a summary of each. Scindapsus Pictus ‘Argyraeus’ (also known as Satin Pothos) is one of the most prevalent types. The title refers to the variegation upon its leaflets, described as silvery.
‘Exotica’ Scindapsus Pictus: Another popular variation is ‘Exotica,’ with more giant leaves with more pronounced variegation and a varied border around every leaf.
‘Silver Satin’ Scindapsus Pictus: The structure of a ‘Silver Satin’ leaves are identical to that of an ‘Exotica,’ there is much less variegation upon every leaflet.
Exotica’s leaves have a variegated edging and a splashdown in the middle; Silver Satin’s leaves have more random splashes and speckles throughout each leaf and no variegated border.
Scindapsus Pictus’ Silvery Ann’: (also known as Silvery Ann Pothos and Silver Pothos) has leaflets comparable in size and appearance to Scindapsus Pictus’ Argyraeus,’ but and with far more variegation. Silvery shine covers at least half of the leaves, with color fringing or splashing on the remaining area.
Scindapsus Treubii
Scindapsus Treubii is a species of Treubii. Moonlight and Dark Form are the two types of Scindapsus trouble that are now available for purchase.
The leaf blade of S. trouble is slimmer than the leaf shape of the S. Pictus variants, but it still has a distinctive look at the side of the leaf. It isn’t as evident as a hook, especially in the trees I’ve seen, but it does exist.
A milky-green leaf hue with a silver splashing along the center of the leaf, following the vein, distinguishes ‘Moonlight.’
After reaching commercial extinction in the United States in 2021, Scindapsus Treubii ‘Moonlight’ will no longer be considered unusual.
Over the last few months, one of the world’s largest producers began mass manufacturing and marketing the plant in significant quantities. People are now able to find them in box stores and supermarkets.
Scindapsus Treubii ‘Light of the moon’ thrives when the plants are permitted to curl before irrigation, just as Scindapsus Pictus variants do when the foliage is left to bow before presentation Scindapsus Treubii ‘Dark Form,’ on the other hand, does not twist its leaf in the manner of the S. Pictus cultivars.
The best approach I’ve found to hydrate is paying attention to how luscious the leaflets are. It is easy to tell if a plant is properly hydrated when robust and glossy foliage. It’s a sure sign that the plant needs water when the leaves grow a little less powerful and appear wrinkled and dull in presentation.
Scindapsus Hederaceus
Scindapsus hederaceus is a type of herbaceous plant. Scindapsus hederaceus is regarded as having a solid resemblance to Scindapsus officinalis – that also, to my understanding, is not frequently managed to keep as a houseplant and yet is used in medicine!
Scindapsus hederaceus is a species of Scindapsus that is native to China. We will go into greater detail about S. Officinalis later on.
Thus, S. hederaceus is a plant resident in Thailand, Indo-China, and Malaysia and has glossy foliage. It has been discovered in forests, tree climbing, and mountains to get to the top of them.
I can not locate any knowledge on how to care for or where to buy this species, but we may see more of it in the coming years as a curiosity in uncommon Scindapsus species grows.
I was under the impression that Silver Hero or Platinum comprised two different names for the same plant. It turns out that I was completely wrong!
Scindapsus Silver Hero
In addition to silvery leaves, Silver Hero is believed to feature silvery flowers that are matte and dazzling, and its foliage is greyish in hue.
According to legend, Platinum has lustrous, waxy leaflets which are more green in color than grey. Silver Hero has a more rounded leaf form than the gold hero.
Platinum has a more thin leaf form than gold. Both are referred to as nicknames because neither is a recognized cultivar. Finding accurate information becomes extremely difficult as a result of this.
Scindapsus Mayari
It is a unique Scindapsus variety that was approved as a distinct breed. The following is the explanation from “This hybrid is a whiter mottled sport of several of the kinds of Scindapsus Pictus that has a white variegated background.
Approximately ten years ago, the one-leaf plant was discovered at a small plant expo in Manila by its discoverer. When first planted, that was a single-node plant with a white variant allele that has remained in plants grown from it through cuttings.”
Scindapsus lucens
S. lucens is a species of lucens (often confused with Anadendrum affine). Scindapsus lucens is easily associated with Anadendrum affine, a different species.
Therefore, the plant in the image is not Scindapsus lucens but instead Anadendrum affine (Anthracnose). According to my knowledge, the veins of Anadendrum affine are darker.
If anyone has a couple of photos of the genuine Scindapsus lucens, We would greatly appreciate it if you could share them with us.
4. Size
Each plant is around 5 cm tall and has three leaves. Please remember that you will acquire a plant that bears a striking resemblance to the one pictured.
The plant being sold is immature and rooted. However, it would not be pot-bound. Combine it with a marbled greens pot from NAHK or a black planter from Fóbe.
5. Leaves
Scindapsus Pictus ‘Silver Lady’ leaves are broad and narrower in shape, and they are wrapped with a green sheen, with subtle silver shading or splashing on the remaining parts of the leaf surface. The leaf has green variegation, similar to that of Silver Leaf.
6. Growth
It is epiphytic and epileptic, which means it grows up and throughout trees and rocks, respectively. We came across this characterization of Scindapsus Pictus while investigating, and it struck us as being just what we were looking for.
The attachment of Scindapsus species to an object causes them to change their growth pattern.
This type of behavior is referred to as shingling, and it occurs when the leaflets stay flat even against the developing surface. As these plants progress upward in elevation, they grow more mature.
Larger leaves and occasionally a change in leaf shape are characteristic of a mature plant as the plant grows in size and maturity. Others may have developed lobes on the borders of their leaves, while others have grown longer and thinner as they have progressed through their lives.
Care tips for Scindapsus Silver Lady
Scindapsus prefers indirect light that is medium to bright but will tolerate considerably lower light levels. Be aware. However, too little light may cause the leaflets to lose their lovely variegation. Avoid exposing the Scindapsus to direct sunlight, which may cause the leaves to sear.
When the upper half of the sand seems dry to the touch, water thoroughly. Scindapsus can take being submerged but not being overwatered.
Therefore be careful not to overwater it, and it will wilt quickly. To keep the plant from sitting in water, remove any extra water from the saucer. If the foliage of your Scindapsus begins to curl on all sides, your plant is underwatered.
Place these houseplants near a light window for optimum growth and health. Close to a doorway that receives bright, indirect light (less than 1-2 ft).
A prominent Northern or Eastern window would be perfect in this situation. Insufficient light would cause the plant to grow slowly and lose its lovely variegation, but too much direct sunlight would burn the leaves and cause them to become brown.
In the case of exceptionally bright Western or Southern openings, consider pushing the tree back a few inches to ensure that it doesn’t absorb too much direct sunlight, or consider obscuring the windows with shades or a sheer curtain.
When the soil becomes too dry, one of the most obvious signs is that all leaves begin to curl inward on themselves. If you see this, take a feel of the ground. It’s likely wholly devoid of moisture.
Give it plenty of water, and it will bounce back quickly. Another problem if the soil becomes fully dry for an extended period is that the older leaves will change color. If the soil is too dry, remove the yellow leaf and offer the plant a big drink of water to revive it.
Because Scindapsus seems to be tropical plants, they thrive in high humidity and will reward you with increased growth. They make excellent houseplants, though, since they do not need it to flourish. For most Scindapsus, modest moisture of 40-50 percent is ideal.
Like tropical plants, Scindapsus prefers temperature changes between 17 to 30 degrees Celsius. They should ideally be cultivated at average household temperatures.
Medium Scindapsus thrive in a porous, well-draining base like our Aroid Potting Medium, initially designed for shrubs in the Aroid group. If you prefer to mix your soil, try a combination of 1/3 barks, 1/3 perlite, plus 1/3 coco coir.
When your Scindapsus is in full bloom, fertilize it using a liquid fertilizer designed for potted plants regularly during the growing season. Unless you use grow lights to feed your crop, you should avoid nourishing your crop throughout winter.
When consumed, Scindapsus is hazardous to both humans and livestock.
For most potted plants, whether you are satisfied with your indoor circumstances (temperature and humidity), your houseplants will be, as well. It is OK to have a typical humidity level of 45-50 percent.
If you feel that your indoor environment is too dry (especially in the winter if you have forced air heat), investing in a good humidifier would be a wise decision.