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Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos: Which Plant Should You Get?

Distinguishing between these two plants is complex, and it is possible to make a mistake. You might be wondering what these plants are and what separates them from one another.

When comparing these plants, the significant distinctions to examine are foliage, growth rate, lighting requirements, and so on.

This guide will help you compare Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos thoroughly and make a suitable purchase for yourself. Let’s get started!

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos
Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos via

Overview Of Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos

1. What is Snow Queen Pothos?

Snow Queen is also known as Devil’s Ivy and has the botanical name Epipremnum Aureum. The plant is a well-known member of the Pothos family. It has long cascading vines that make it ideal for hanging.

Snow Queen has glossy, heart-shaped, leathery leaves, mainly emerald green with a hint of white on each leaf. Under standard conditions, the Snow Queen can reach a height of over one meter and has strong roots that stick to surfaces.

Snow Queen Pothos Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos
Snow Queen Pothos

2. What is Marble Queen Pothos?

Marble Queen pothos is a plant in the arum family Araceae with the formal name Epipremnum aureum. Other common names for this plant are golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, money plant, silver vine, and taro vine.

Like most plants in the pothos family, Marble Queen pothos has glossy, heart-shaped, green leathery leaves with slight touches of white.

Marble Queen pothos has long cascading tendrils and looks lovely as a table or hanging plant. However, Marble Queen Pothos is poisonous, so keep it away from pets and children.

Marble Queen Pothos Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos
Marble Queen Pothos

Things In Common Between Snow Queen & Marble Queen Pothos

Since they are both Pothos plants, they prefer natural light. Unfortunately, they cannot be grown outdoors. You can only grow them indoors. To make the most comfortable, make sure the temperature is from 65°F to 75°F. In cooler temperatures, they will grow more slowly.

It’s much simpler when it comes to humidity. Both plants can withstand the average humidity inside of a house.

Taxonomy is the second thing they have in common. Snow Queen and Marble Queen are both members of the same species, Epipremnum aureum. This species is found everywhere around the world in warm climates.

And the last thing is the petioles. Petioles are the components of the plant that bind the leaves to the vine. The petioles of both kinds are almost the same length and form.

Snow Queen, on the other hand, can have white petioles because it has more chlorophyll-free tissue. At the same time, the Marble Queen pothos’ petioles are usually green.

7 Key Differences Between Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos

1. Foliage

Snow Queen has a lot more chlorophyll-free tissue than Marble Queen. This signifies that 70-80% of the leaf is white, and the remaining is green.

The green color is usually distributed in small areas on the leaf. It also has a light green color and a clearer white. The leaf can be slightly translucent at times.

Marble Queen has a green-to-white ratio of around 50%. Large green islands show on a creamy white background. The green of the leaves has become darker and richer.

Furthermore, the white color contains a gray and other color admixture, making it creamy rather than white. The leaves are likewise entirely non-transparent.

2. Growth rate

Marble Queen pothos grows faster than the Snow Queen because its leaves contain more chlorophyll. This has the potential to be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The Marble Queen is a fantastic choice if you want a vigorous plant. If the proper conditions are met, it can grow to be six feet long. In the wild, the length can be 6.5 feet.

The Snow Queen is approximately the same size. The difference is that it will take a lot longer to get to that size. And if you like compact plants, this could be the one for you.

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos 2
Hand holding a Pothos plant without a pot via Unsplash

3. Immunity against fungal diseases

Because the leaf has less green pigment, the plant not only grows more slowly but is also more susceptible to disease. This is especially true for fungal illnesses. As a result, snow Queen is more vulnerable to fungal spore damage.

4. Container size

The Marble Queen requires more soil to form its roots because it is a more strong plant. Simultaneously, the Snow Queen may grow for a long time in a tiny amount of soil.

The Marble Queen requires a pot at least 8 inches wide and deep for normal development. In a 6 by 6-inch container, the Snow Queen will thrive.

If you want a larger plant, use a larger pot, but the Snow Queen will always require a pot that is 30% smaller than the Marble Queen pot.

It is critical for both plants that the containers include drainage holes to drain excess water; otherwise, root rot can occur. Next, put some stones in the bottom of the container to improve drainage.

5. Lighting requirements

Marble Queen, as previously stated, is more vigorous and requires a lot of light to grow properly. Therefore, it is advisable to set it near an east or west-facing window, but not directly in the path of the sun’s rays.

However, if you set them in a location where there will be little sun, the plant will be less variegated. In other words, the leaves will be green rather than white.

Simultaneously, the Snow Queen is slower but requires the same or even more light. This is because the amount of light is what causes the variegation to be more evident.

If you provide the Snow Queen with less light, like in a northern room, it will grow faster and greener. However, the leaves and stems may become elongated and fragile, making them more prone to disease.

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos 3

6. Water needs

During the growing season (spring to fall), Marble Queen has to be watered every 7 days on average. When the weather is hot, the plant requires more water. And when the weather is foggy or moist, water is less needed.

Water Snow Queen when the soil in the pot is more than 2 inches dry. The difference here is that it will dry out slower than the Marble Queen because it grows slower and consumes less water. During the summer, the Snow Queen should be watered once every 10 days on average.

7. Fertilizer

Because it is growing more vigorously, the Marble Queen requires a little more fertilizer. Apply a small dose of slow-release fertilizer in early spring to achieve the best results. It is preferable to select something with a higher nitrogen content than phosphorus and potassium.

As a result, the plant will acquire the energy it needs for improved foliage development, which is why this pothos is so valuable.

Fertilizing Snow Queen is pointless because the lack of chlorophyll does not cause it to grow quicker. You may observe some results after fertilization, but not much.

Therefore, a small amount of slow-release fertilizer with equal levels of all major components (NPK 10-10-10) will suffice once a year at the beginning of the season. This will provide some extra energy throughout the season.

The Andersons PGF Balanced 10 10 10 Fertilizer Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos
The Andersons PGF Balanced 10 10 10 Fertilizer via

Which Is Your Go-to Choice: Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos?

First and foremost, if you like white pothos plants, choose the Snow Queen. If not, you can choose a Marble Queen pothos for yourself.

Choose Snow Queen pothos if you want a pothos plant that grows quickly but doesn’t require much care. This plant is relatively simple to care for.

However, if you believe you have the time and resources to care for a slow-growing pothos plant, Marble Queen pothos is your best choice. Hopefully, now you might have a good idea of which plant is suitable for you.

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1. Can a Marble Queen turn into Snow Queen?

Marble Queens that have been picked and grown to be more white are known as Super Whites, and the truly white ones are known as Snow Queens or Snow Whites, but they are all the same plant at heart.

Theoretically, any whiter Marble Queen may revert to Snow Queen, but we have multiples of each and haven’t seen it yet.

2. What is the rarest pothos?

Harlequin pothos is the rarest pothos to obtain. It resembles Manjula and appears to be a cross between marble and snow queen pothos, with a little more variegation on the leaves. Pair it with jade or silver pothos to bring out its beauty.

3. How do you whiten a Marble Queen pothos?

Sometimes, your marble queen pothos might not have enough light to keep its white variation in the leaves. If you move the plant to a brighter spot, the young leaves should be white and green once more.

Final Thoughts

That’s all we had on Snow Queen vs Marble Queen pothos!

To summarize, we have proven that, despite deriving from the same species family, Epipremnum aureum, these two plants differ in some ways. However, we believe that both of these plants are simple to care for and provide a charming touch to any house.