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Syngonium Mojito – 6 Things To Keep In Mind For Better Caring

Syngonium Mojito is one of the houseplants, which has remarkable attractive foliage. It produces creamy, dark green, and at times light arrowhead-shaped minty spots leaves, which produce arum-like flowers, rarely cultivated.

Syngonium Mojito has so many surprises to offer that can give you the best reward by taking care of them properly. It is the easiest growing plant, perfect for interior decor or other Syngonium collections. 

Syngonium Mojito adopts an environment with good humidity where most of Syngonium thrives because it is native from Mexico to Ecuador. This foliage can be trained as a vine that grows 3-6″ long. 

Syngonium Mojito
Syngonium Mojito – via Etsy

Care tips for Syngonium Mojito

1.       Soil

The soil composition is not fundamental, and the main thing is that the soil is air and moisture permeable. You can take a universal substrate. Such soil mixtures are suitable: 1 part of Soddy soil, perlite, or coarse sand with three parts of leafy soil.

Also, it can be mixed with equal proportions of Soddy, humus, peat soil, and sand. Make sure to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

2.       Lighting

Syngonium Mojito does not tolerate extreme heat and direct sunlight. The most favorable lighting will be its location on the east or west window.

But do not forget that growing Syngonium Mojito on the northern windows, as well as in rooms with minimal lighting, can lead to a deterioration in appearance. 

The leaves will fade, the shoots will become too long and not very beautiful. Variegated specks on the leaves may disappear completely. Therefore, it is best to provide diffused consecration, and then the plant will delight with the excellent appearance and beauty of exotic leaves.

3.       Temperature

In the spring-summer period, keep the air temperature at 30 °C. Do not arrange drafts: you should not take it out onto the balcony or outside. It is enough to ventilate the room by opening the window. In autumn and winter, the air temperature should not be lower than 15 °C.

4.       Watering

When watering, use soft water at room temperature. It is not needed often. Syngonium Mojito can survive the dry period. In spring and summer, it is enough to water every 4-5 days, in autumn and winter – about one time per week. Allow the topsoil to dry slightly between waterings.

On hot summer days, daily spraying is necessary. With the start of the heating systems, periodic water procedures will also not interfere. Sometimes wipe the leaves with a damp sponge bathe the plant under a warm shower.

5.       Top dressing and fertilizer

In addition to watering, it is necessary to apply universal liquid fertilizer in half the dose once every three weeks throughout the year. In the absence of additional lighting, it is needed to fertilize the plant only from spring to autumn. In winter, Syngonium Mojito does not need top dressing.

6.       Transplant

Young Syngonium Mojito (up to 3 years old) requires an annual transplant in the spring. Then you can transplant about one time in 3 years. The young plants should slightly increase the diameter of the pot. 

With subsequent transplants, an increase in the size of the container is often not required. In this matter, be guided by the size of the root system. During transplantation, cut and shorten unnecessary shoots.

Syngonium Mojito 3
Syngonium Mojito – via Etsy

Propagation methods

Syngonium Mojito, as a rule, is propagated in room conditions by vegetative methods, namely: apical cuttings, layering, and dividing the stem into parts.

a)      Propagation by cuttings

To propagate Syngonium Mojito by cuttings, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the stem, on which there should be 2 or 3 leaf blades. For rooting, the cutting is planted in a soil mixture, including sand and peat. 

Best of all, the segments take root at an air temperature of 22 to 25 degrees. During rooting, cuttings need systematic moistening from a spray bottle. As a rule, the roots of the cuttings grow back 15-20 days after planting.

b)      Propagation by layering

If you need layering, you need to put a container filled with soil mixture near the plant. A shoot is laid on its surface, which should be fixed in this position with hairpins. Then it is sprinkled with a substrate. You can cut off the layering and plant it in a separate pot only after growing roots.

c)       Propagation by division

The propagation method of Syngonium Mojito by division is the most difficult. Cut off the shoot and cut it into several parts, each of which should have at least one leaf plate. 

They are planted in small containers filled with a substrate. And then they are transferred to a place where it is always dark. Segments cannot be moistened with a spray bottle or watered. So that they take root exactly, they can be treated with special phytohormones.

Pests and diseases

Syngonium Mojito is low in resistance to various fungal diseases. Special attention should be paid when watering it. Do not keep the plant in the cold or add too much nitrogen to the substrate. If you do not adhere to such simple rules, rot may appear on the root system of the Syngonium Mojito.

Scale insects, spider mites, and thrips are pests that attack Syngonium Mojito. They can settle on this plant. Such pests suck the plant and bite on the leaf plate or shoot surface. 

If such pests have settled on the Syngonium Mojito, it becomes lethargic, weakens greatly, and yellowing and wilting of its foliage is observed. In addition, due to sucking pests, the plant can infect a dangerous virus.

To get rid of thrips and scale insects, you will need to treat the plant several times with a solution of a suitable insecticide. If spider mites attack the Syngonium Mojito, it will be possible to get rid of them with acaricide. All pesticides are sold in specialized stores.


Syngonium Mojito, in general, is a natural ornamental plant that does not require special skills or special knowledge from the breeder. 

It is suitable for both the living room and for decorating the kitchen’s interior. Like any other plant, with simple but proper care, Syngonium Mojito has been able to please its owners for many years.