Knowing the vegetables that start with F is important because it saves you time sorting them. They are rich in minerals essential for human health.
These minerals include potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, sulfur, magnesium, and copper. Their leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, rutin (vitamin P), thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and essential mustard oil, which gives food a specific smell and taste.
Most of these vegetables’ roots and aerial parts contain the essential substance to cure certain diseases in pharmaceuticals.
Similarly, these vegetables stimulate a healthy appetite, improve sleep, promote effective detoxification of the body, and lower blood pressure. They are excellent for preventing anemia, strengthening the immune system, and having an antimicrobial and diuretic effect.
These vegetables that start with F positively affect the work of the cardiovascular system, helps to overcome colds more easily, and are used as an antioxidant.
6 Vegetables That Start with F
1. False daisy
False daisy, commonly known as (Eclipta), is a vegetable that belongs to the sunflower family. It is commonly found in tropical areas and warm temperate areas worldwide.
However, it is widely distributed in India, Thailand, China, Nepal, and Brazil. It is also known as Bhringaraj. False Daisy is a highly branched annual plant about 90 cm high. The vegetable grows mainly in poorly drained lands prefers moist conditions.
It is a healing herb that helps to treat liver and kidney diseases. It is good for dermatitis and eczema, helps with cancer, promotes hair growth, and is an excellent antimicrobial agent.
Normalization of the stomach is also excellent due to the wide variety of chemicals and organic compounds contained in the plant extract.
False daisy helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver, and it has been used for thousands of years to ensure normal liver function.
This vegetable has many antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it highly effective in preventing and treating infections. False daisy leaves are high in carotene, considered an essential antioxidant for eye health.
2. Fava bean
It is an annual vegetable that belongs to the legume family. Its root system is a taproot, strongly branched, deep penetration into the soil.
The stem is simple, has the shape of a tetrahedron, and the leaves are elliptical. In spring, sacs with white moth flowers form in the axils of the leaves. The culture grows up to 1.5 m in height. The fruit is a bean, the color of the seeds is brown.
Fava bean is rich in such vitamins and minerals as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, choline, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin PP, potassium, and magnesium. Also, you will get phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, and zinc.
Vitamin B1 is the important enzymes of energy metabolism and carbohydrate, offering the body with energy and the metabolism of the branched-chain amino acids, and plastic substances. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.
There is vitamin B2 involved in redox reactions, increasing the susceptibility of color to the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light, and twilight vision.
Choline is part of this vegetable that plays a role in synthesizing and metabolizing phospholipids in the liver.
3. Feijoa
Feijoa also known as pineapple guava is an evergreen vegetable of the Akka genus of the Myrtle family. The plant’s homeland is the subtropical zone of South America, from where the species was brought to Europe at the end of the 19th century.
Now feijoa is actively cultivated in southern European countries, as well as in Turkey and Azerbaijan. The leaves are dense, rich green above and silver below. Feijoa fruits are oval, the size of a small lemon, with a dark green matte skin.
Fruit ripening occurs in mid-autumn, but it is impossible to distinguish them from unripe ones by external signs since they are the same green. By planting feijoa seeds at home, you are unlikely to succeed.
It contains a high proportion of vitamin C – 20 mg per 100 g. Due to the folic acid contained in the berries, feijoa is an excellent prevention of anemia. And due to the high proportion of iron, there is an increase in hemoglobin levels.
Also, the components of feijoa help stimulate the circulatory system, reduce the risk of hypertension, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse them of cholesterol, and make arteries and veins more elastic, thereby normalizing blood pressure.
Fruits help fight some musculoskeletal system diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis). And the diuretic and antibacterial properties of berries allow you to cope with diseases of the genitourinary system, kidney failure, and cholelithiasis.
4. Fenugreek
Fenugreek also known as Shambhala is one of the best vegetables that start with F, which is an annual plant of the legume family. Its height is in the range of 40-70 cm.
Fenugreek leaves have a complex shape of three rounded parts about 4 cm long. The flowers are yellow, and the stem is branched. The plant’s fruits are pods with 5-10 golden brown beans each.
They have a bitter taste and maple aroma if eaten raw, but if they are roasted a little, the taste becomes much less bitter.
Fenugreek is a natural folic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, enzymes, zinc, and antioxidants. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, and C.
The chemical composition is not diverse, but in addition to vitamins and trace elements, fenugreek contains flavonoids and fatty essential oils, which are rarely found in plants. One of the valuable properties of fenugreek is that it can increase lactation.
This is due to the natural analog of prolactin. A tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water will significantly increase the amount of breast milk (taken 2-3 times a day), which is priceless for nursing mothers.
Fenugreek is a natural phytoestrogen. It helps normalize the hormonal background during puberty, after childbirth, and menopause. It is recommended for breastfeeding mothers to stimulate milk production.
The plant helps fight acne and other skin diseases. Fenugreek also has value for men’s health – the plant stimulates the production of testosterone, which is responsible for potency and libido.
It also normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs and reduces developing prostate adenoma. A stable sexual desire and increased body tone are guaranteed with regular use.
5. Field mushroom
This is a large white mushroom with a wide umbrella-shaped hat, a straight stem, and a distinctive ring. The hat is between 7 and 20 centimeters in diameter, at first bell-shaped cone-shaped, then straightens and becomes convex.
It contains vitamins B, E, A, C, PP, and beta-carotene. You will trace elements like iodine, cobalt, zinc, chromium, iron, rubidium, fluorine, and molybdenum. Likewise, it has micronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, sodium, and phosphorus.
Due to their rich composition, field mushrooms have a healing effect. It is used to make medicines and is recommended for use in the following diseases: diabetes, headache, obesity, problems with the kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous system, anemia, and tuberculosis.
Also, it is used in typhus, bronchitis, skin diseases, and allergy.
Field mushroom as one of the vegetables that start with F is most loved because they suppress appetite, accelerate metabolism, improve visual acuity, normalize an unstable psyche, regenerate damaged tissue, and excrete cholesterol from the body.
Likewise, it neutralizes bacteria and viruses and activates the brain. A special extract is isolated from field mushrooms, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth, strengthens hair follicles and nail plates, and improves the condition of the skin of the face and body.
Lotions, balms, creams, serums, etc., are made from the extract, and the cost of such products is high.
6. Field lettuce
Field lettuce (Valerianella spikelet) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Valerian family. It has slightly elongated oblong leaves of rich green color, collected in rosettes.
This vegetable has taken root well in Europe, although Asia is considered the origin of field lettuce. Tender leaves of field lettuce are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals.
They contain ascorbic acid, rutin, carotene, vitamins B1, B6, E, B2, PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus.
For therapeutic nutrition, the tender leaves of the field lettuce are chosen and consumed raw as a sedative, with hypovitaminosis. It is and is recommended for people with kidney diseases. The low-calorie content of field lettuce makes it an indispensable ingredient in diets of any complexity.
Vitamin C, which is part of the salad, will help the body resist colds, a strong antioxidant. In addition, it is necessary for the circulatory system and regulates metabolism.
The flavonoids that field lettuce contains are necessary to ensure the elasticity of blood vessels and the prevention of sclerotic processes.
Eating these vegetables that start with F is helpful to the human body. They relieve overwork and headaches and contain fiber, which helps to improve digestive processes and improves intestinal motility.
In addition, the sedative effect of these vegetables that start with F help you calm down, set yourself up for weight loss and not break loose during the diet.