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Best 6 Vegetables That Start With H (Useful Information)

Many people do not know that some of the vegetables Start with H. For instance, there are many vegetables, which begin with this letter. Typically, these vegetables give you some motivation and assist in making the next snack or meal more enjoyable.

They are an exceptional source of potassium, which is crucial for good health. With vitamin K, magnesium, and calcium, potassium can promote healthy bones.

Also, these vegetables are packed with vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients. They have a slightly nutty taste, which is used in other spices and sauces.

Vegetables That Start With H

1.       Hamburg Parsley

Hamburg Parsley Vegetables That Start With H
Hamburg Parsley via Wikimedia

Hamburg parsley is the mother of the best vegetables that Start with H currently grown.  Its root is large, shortened, with creamy white flesh and fragrant. 

But this parsley is famous for its root and greens but is not inferior in tenderness to leaf varieties, though it is slightly less than the latter. The plant contains an essential oil consisting of pinene, apiol, and phenols. It contains vitamins like vitamin A, E, C, B2, B1, Wb, B15, and biotin.

It has foliacin, flavonoids, Ca, Re, and salts K. The plant contains apiin glycoside, resins, fatty oil, flavonoids, essential oil, glycosides, bergapten, and coumarins. 

Hamburg parsley is useful for belching and colic. It kills worms, expels afterbirth, and enhances potency. Hamburg parsley dissolves bloating, opens blockages, drives sweat, and soothes pain.

It is useful for cold pain and migraine. Its root helps with fox disease mastitis from cold, cleanses the abdominal organs, expels the fetus, and opens the kidneys, liver, and spleen blockages.

In the same way, it kills worms and excites lust. Its root is used for leprosy, lichen, eczema, and itchy skin. Seeds of Hamburg parsley help with poisoning by all poisons.

Fresh juice of the plant is locally used for bruises, tumors as an anesthetic freckle, and insect bites. It is believed that a decoction of Hamburg parsley roots, with external use, protects against sunburn.

The vegetable is prescribed for the prevention of visual impairment. In folk medicine in India, the root, seeds, and parsley herb are diuretic, laxative, and antispasmodic. 

2.       Heart of palm

Heart of palm Vegetables That Start With H
Heart of palm via Wikimedia

Heart of palm is a vegetable famous in cuisines worldwide, but in Italy, it is still not very common. It is obtained from the inside of the trunk of some plants like coconut, acai, babasu, juchara, and chontaduro.

In South America, even before the Portuguese arrived in Brazil, heart palms cooked in water were already consumed.

At present, 85% of the world production of this vegetable still comes from Brazil, but the great demand for this plant food worldwide has meant that cultivation has become intensive

This one of the vegetables that Start with H is rich in carbohydrates, mineral salts, potassium, fiber, vitamins, folic acid, and low in calories.

Heart of palms strengthen the immune system with the help of Vitamin C, which prevents colds, flu, and infections. Zinc is a mineral with healing properties that aids cell renewal and wound healing. Thanks to fiber because it helps promote the health of the entire digestive system.

Heart of palm is low in calories, but it is a food that immediately gives you a feeling of satiety. Therefore, with low-calorie diets, it is highly recommended to lose weight.

This vegetable reduces the risk of anemia, for it contains folic acid, which helps to avoid anemia, helps the cardiovascular system, and the overall proper functioning of the body.

The heart of palm prevents diabetes and has potassium, a heart-healthy mineral that helps to control blood pressure and regulates heart rate.

3.       Hijiki

Hijiki Vegetables That Start With H
Hijiki seaweed via Flickr

Hijiki, also known as hiziki is a member of the brown seaweed class and a very popular ingredient in traditional Japanese cuisine. It grows in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s Sea, and some inland seas.

Hijiki is not eaten when fresh because of the unpleasant pungent taste. To remove it, after harvesting, it is first boiled, then dried in the sun, and sent to the store in dried form. Among the components of this vegetable, protein stands out and has a small amount of fat and carbohydrates. 

Hijiki is especially appreciated due to vitamins A, group B, minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and, of course, iodine. It is worth noting that calcium in this vegetable is five times more than milk.

Hijiki is a product of low-calorie content and high nutritional value. This means that without greatly increasing the caloric content of the diet, it can significantly enrich its vitamin and mineral composition.

Because it contains at least iodine, a very common deficiency today, the product is considered medicinal in Japan. It is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, anemia and strengthen bone tissue.

This vegetable is recommended to get rid of excess weight and constipation and is even used in complex anti-cancer therapy.

4.       Horseradish

Horseradish Vegetables That Start With H
Horseradish via Flickr

Horseradish is a perennial herbaceous plant of the cabbage family, which is one of the best vegetables that Start with H. The stem is straight, 50 to 150 cm high, the leaves are green, large, and oblong oval. 

The root is fleshy and thick; it is eaten with leaves. It was cultivated by the Egyptians and Greeks, who already knew about its medicinal properties in ancient times. 

It spread throughout Europe in the middle ages and later came to Asia. Crushed horseradish root is widely used as a condiment because the taste is hot and spicy. It contains vitamins B, K, PP, C, and E.

Horseradish has minerals like potassium, calcium, sulfur, silicon, sodium, magnesium, boron, and phosphorus. Both the root and leaves have useful properties. The root has long been used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent for colds. 

Horseradish acts on the body as a stimulant and all systems and organs. With proper and not excessive use, it improves appetite, increases the acidity of gastric juice, and reduces blood sugar and blood pressure. 

Horseradish gives a diuretic and choleretic effect, increases male potency, strengthens the immune system, and enhances blood formation. The root tincture is used externally to remove freckles as a disinfectant for bruises and abrasions, dermatitis, and fungal diseases on the skin.

5.       Habanero pepper

Habanero pepper Vegetables That Start With H
Habanero pepper via Pixabay

Habanero pepper is one of the best vegetables that Start with H and popular types of chili peppers. The fruits are similar to small hearts, weighing 15 grams. 

This pepper belongs to the group of the hottest peppers in the world. It first appeared in Mexico, and from the 15th century, it began to spread throughout the world. 

Habanero pepper grows in South America and Mexico. The white habanero is a rare variety of pepper, considered less spicy than all the others.

Habanero pepper is incredibly rich in vitamin C. With just one pepper; it provides more than 100% of the recommended daily value of the vitamin.

At the same time, it contains only 18 calories and zero grams of fat. For its small size, habanero pepper contains a high concentration of potassium.

The only problem is to eat enough pepper. But even if you can’t get the recommended amount of potassium, this is still a healthy addition to any meal.

Habanero pepper contains a high concentration of capsaicin, which makes peppers spicy. This wonder alkaloid is a phytonutrient that has been shown to prevent and treat many diseases in medicine. In addition, capsaicin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent found in this vegetable.

6.       Haricot

Haricot Vegetables That Start With H
Haricot via Wikimedia

Haricot is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume family. It has an upright or curly stem. Depending on the shape of the stem, its height also varies. 

Upright with branches, it grows to a height of seventy centimeters. The seeds are high in protein. They are present up to thirty percent. Besides, it contains carbohydrates, amino acids, organic acids, citric, malic, raspberry, and vitamin C.

The leaves of the haricot vegetable have a large number of nutrients. These include betaine, choline, arginine, amino acids, flavones, and other trace elements. 

This is the product that is used in traditional medicine. The leaves of the common haricot fruit have various beneficial properties. Their use has antibacterial, dermotonic, and diuretic effects. 

In addition, this vegetable has a relatively rare property of hypoglycemic, which is important because it helps lower blood sugar.

Haricots leaf preparations are used in various diseases. They help to treat dermatoses and hypertension. 

In the same way, they positively affect inflammation of the kidneys and dropsy, which develop based on kidney disease. What is more, these drugs can alleviate the condition in mild forms of diabetes.


The above vegetables that Start with H are crucial to the body and other functions. They come with different elements.

You will get proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6), and vitamins like A, B9, K, and C. minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. The importance of these vegetables is that they help improve the stomach’s functioning and slow down the aging process. 

They have a natural antioxidant, help cope with colds, increase the body’s resistance to stressful situations, and help to get rid of pain in the back. What is more, they help to treat arthritis.