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Vegetables That Start With I – 7 Top Vegetables

Do you want the vegetables that Start with I? This makes it easy to sort them out. These vegetables have carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, and vitamins like A, B9, B6, C, and K.

Minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and phytonutrients beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein.

You will get peptides, carotene, and alkaloids that lower sugar levels and help people with diabetes. There is a normalization of pressure, tumor formations pass.

These vegetables have fats and oils that fight stomach and duodenum diseases. They soothe coughs, help purify the blood, dissolve kidney stones, and are powerful antioxidants. You can eat these vegetables raw, mixed with other dishes, and in most cases, they are boiled in water and added to food.

Vegetables That Start with I

1.       Iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce Vegetables that Start with I
Iceberg lettuce via Wikimedia

It is a vegetable that relates to head salads. This vegetable, which is one of the best vegetables that Start with I has light green leaves wrapped in small, dense heads with a juicy and crispy taste.

Essentially, iceberg lettuce is cultivated for its oil and seeds and edible and nutritious leaves. It contains a sufficient amount of folic acid, vitamins C, A, B, K, and choline. In addition, lettuce is rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and calcium. 

Fiber and dietary fiber found in Iceberg lettuce are indispensable helpers for those who seek to build weight. Iceberg lettuce assists in regulating the body’s metabolism, improving intestinal peristalsis, and improving blood composition. 

Due to the high content of folic acid, it helps to strengthen the nervous system and reduce stress and emotional disorders. 

It is recommended to eat iceberg lettuce during a difficult period of passing exam sessions, with active mental activity.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers include this vegetable in their diet to provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Iceberg lettuce is available all year round.

2.       Indian pea

Indian pea Vegetables that Start with I
“Indian pea harvest” via Flickr

Indian pea, also known as chickpea or chana pea, is one of the best vegetables that Start with I in many cuisines around the world. It has gained immense popularity in Russia due to its delicate nut-like flavor and easy digestibility. 

The benefits of Indian pea are great, and the calorie content is quite low. So, it becomes the basis for dietary dishes and is often included in the menu of overweight people. 

Indian peas contain protein, fiber, a minimum of fat, and vitamins A, E, P, and B. It contains methionine, a vital amino acid that helps lower cholesterol levels. 

Regular consumption of Indian peas normalizes the functioning of the liver. The beneficial effect of Indian peas on the state of the nervous system is known for it prevents skin diseases.

It has an excellent effect on potency, improves the condition of the eye tissue, and restores the microflora. The most important benefit of Indian peas is to increase the level of hemoglobin. 

Are you suffering from anemia? You can include Indian peas in your diet to solve the problem. If you want to become a vegetarian, hummus made from these healthy beans will completely replace your meat.

3.       Icelandic moss

Icelandic moss Vegetables that Start with I
Icelandic moss via Wikimedia

Icelandic moss is a well-known medicinal vegetable used in folk medicine to prepare some pharmaceutical medication. It is a living organism, a symbiosis of green algae and fungi. 

Outwardly, it looks like a low bush up to 15 cm. The aerial part has a greenish or brown color. Iceland moss is rich in calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, and vitamins.

The acids in Icelandic moss have an antibiotic effect. It is a mild antimicrobial and sedative agent that soothes irritated or inflamed mucous membranes. Icelandic moss is used to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat and treat colds, fevers, dry coughs, and bronchitis. 

It is also useful for people who tend to get infections. In addition, this vegetable help to cure thirsty digestion, loss of appetite, and gastroenteritis. Icelandic moss boiled in milk is a tonic for people recovering from illnesses. In addition, it is used to treat diabetes.

4.       Italian Red Onion

Italian Torpedo Onion Vegetables that Start with I
Italian Torpedo Onion via Wikimedia

As the best vegetables that Start with I, Italian red onion is a vegetable whose skin is dark, closer to purple. If you cut it into circles, thin purple rims will become visible. 

Its taste is different from onion, for it is softer and sweeter. The lovers of Italian red onion choose it for its strong, spicy aroma and taste. It tastes great when caramelized or added to the soup. 

This vegetable contains calorie content, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

The benefits of Italian red onion for the human body are explained by its complex composition, a large complex of vitamins, trace elements, and essential oils. Iron, manganese, fluorine, copper, vitamin K, C, B groups, beta-carotene, and selenium are available.

You will get useful essential amino acids like arginine, phenylalanine, leucine, tryptophan, and phytoncides that have antimicrobial properties.

Italian red onion is a versatile ingredient that can spice up sweet and savory dishes. It is amazingly good in salads, marinades, side dishes, soups, fish, and meat dishes. 

It can be fried, boiled, and sautéed. Likewise, it makes the most beautiful rings that chefs decorate for many dishes. Italian red onions make amazing pizzas with red-purple onions. This vegetable is used in the formulation of many sauces.

5.       Italian Sweet Pepper

Italian Sweet Pepper Vegetables that Start with I
Italian Sweet Pepper via Wikimedia

Italian sweet pepper is elongated, curved into straight pods, averaging 20 to 25 centimeters in length, and tapered to a tip at the non-stem end. 

The pods often appear twisted due to their length and noticeable wrinkles, and the skin is smooth, glossy, and waxy, maturing from green, yellow to red when ripe. 

Beneath the surface, the flesh is crisp and watery, covering a narrow cavity filled with small white shells and round and flat cream-colored seeds. 

Italian sweet pepper is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps the body produce collagen and boost the immune system. 

Also, it contains some potassium, vitamin A, folic acid, manganese, and vitamin K. Italian sweet pepper is best for raw and cooked dishes such as frying, roasting, and grilling. 

It can be added to sauces and salsa, cut into salads, diced for bruschetta, or sandwiches. In the same way, it can be sliced ​​and added to soups, mixed with pasta, sprinkled on pizza, or stuffed and fried. 

Italian sweet pepper is commonly roasted whole in Italy and served as a light, crunchy side dish with cooked meats or as an appetizer with cheeses. 

6.       Italian Parsley

Italian Parsley
Italian Parsley via Wikimedia

Italian parsley is a variety of common parsley with a stronger flavor and smooth, flat leaves deep green in color. This vegetable is rich in biologically active substances, vitamins A, B, K, and C, and valuable minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Regular consumption of small portions of Italian parsley has a beneficial effect on digestion and the cardiovascular system and gives immunity from cold diseases. 

In cooking, Italian parsley can be used along with common parsley to prepare various salads, pasta, meat, and vegetable dishes. The intense taste and aroma of Italian parsley are due to the high content of essential oils in it. 

In addition to excellent gastronomic qualities, they give the plant some valuable properties. First of all, it is an analgesic, antiseptic effect, and a faster decrease in blood glucose levels. 

In addition, the chemical composition of Italian parsley is characterized by a significant number of polyphenols and flavonoids. When ingested, these compounds improve the condition of the skin, vision, mucous membranes and prevent cancer. 

Likewise, Italian parsley stimulates blood formation processes and increases hemoglobin levels. Equally important, it positively affects bone tissue and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration of the eyes.

7.       Indian Cucumber

Indian Cucumber Vegetables that Start with I
Indian Cucumber via Flickr

Indian cucumber (Medeola virginiana or Indian pomegranate) is an unusual vegetable that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The surface of this vegetable is uneven, with many small bumps. The homeland of the vegetable is the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Australia, and Africa.

When you touch it with your hands, irritation or a small burn appears on a person’s skin. This is the presence of glandular hairs on the entire surface of Indian cucumber.

Indian cucumber is a very useful vegetable, as it contains amino acids, alkaloids, phenols, and oils. There are vitamins of groups B C and trace elements such as calcium and carotene in the fruits.

It is recommended for people with infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, flu, diabetes (reduces sugar levels), psoriasis, colds, and even some forms of cancer.


Now you know vegetables that Start with I. They are important because they come with important elements. You will get a small amount of vitamins C and B and silica that stimulate collagen synthesis and help the skin to look healthy.

Fluorine is available to treat stomatitis and participates in the construction of bones, making lichen very useful for teeth. Likewise, they are rich in iron, which the body needs for rapid oxygen delivery.