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6 Best Vegetables That Start with O

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Getting the vegetables that start with O make it easy to sort them out. They are amazing when eaten raw, cooked, or mixed with other dishes.

They help quickly cure haemorrhoids, remove internal parasites from the body, and get rid of alcohol addiction. Due to their very low glycemic index and ability to lower blood sugar levels, they are used in type 2 diabetes. 

Likewise, these vegetables that start with O are used for respiratory diseases and oral cavity inflammation. These vegetables contain phytoncides, which have a bactericidal effect. 

They inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi, help fight infections, and stimulate the immune system. Essentially, these vegetables are important to every household.

Vegetables that start With O

1.       Okra

Okra Vegetables that start with O
Okra via Wikimedia

Okra, also known as gombo or ladies fingers is one of the vegetables that start with O, which is a green dietary vegetable, which in appearance is somewhat reminiscent of green beans or small cucumbers.

Its fruits are oblong, elastic and, at the same time, soft. Okra is long, green and slightly hairy. It has the same shape as chilli but belongs to the same family as hibiscus.

The unripe vegetable is prepared in the same way as green beans. The most popular dishes are vegetable soup with okra, okra in tomatoes, and okra lecho.

The Japanese fried okra in tempura and served with soy sauce. This vegetable is also delicious when raw. It is enough to rinse it since they do not require peeling.

In addition to being cooked in dishes, okra can be marinated or dried. It is good to use it when frozen. To freeze okra, scald for a minute, peel, cool under cold water and dry. Each stem should be cut lengthwise and placed in a freezer bag.

Okra grains contain healthy unsaturated fats such as omega-6 type linoleic acid. They can be consumed immediately after roasting as a coffee substitute.

This fat, once extracted, is also suitable for the production of margarine. During cooking, this vegetable secretes mucus, which is why it is especially useful in making soups and sauces for people suffering from stomach pains. If you want to get rid of mucus, scald and peel the okra.

2.       Onion

Onion Vegetables that start with O
Onion via Pixabay

The onion is a perennial plant where the bulb develops mainly in the plant. In green onion, it is very small, and there is a lot of greenery.

It comes with different elements, which are crucial and depend on the variety, conditions and terms of storage, and the place of growth. The most popular onion contains essential oils, vitamins B1, B6, B2, PP, E, and C.

It is rich in glycosides, carotene, protein, flavonoids, chlorine, calcium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and iron. 

Green onions contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, B9, E, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, and molybdenum. 

The calorie content of onion ranges from 30 to 70 kcal per hundred grams, while it contains 8-14% sugar and proteins (1.5-2%).

The beneficial properties of onion are due to its rich chemical composition. It is used as a tonic, anti-influenza, anti-inflammatory, and laxative for health purposes.

3.       Olive

Olive Vegetables that start with O
Olive via Pixabay

Olive is another one of the vegetables that start with O. It should be noted that there are more than 300 varieties of olives in the world.

The Greeks make them a real feast of taste where they salt, dry, marinate in olive oil, and brine them with aromatic spices. Olive forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet, recognized as the healthiest in the world. It contains many substances.

It has a unique set of phenolic substances like simple phenols, secoiridoids, and lignans. You will get squalene that protects against the development of skin cancer and monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, which lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Likewise, they protect the blood vessels from atherosclerosis. Thanks to oleocanthal because it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and lower cholesterol and protect against hangovers.

The legendary Avicenna considers olive a cure for almost all diseases, which is amazing and useful for the body. But all varieties of olives have one thing in common, and they cannot be eaten fresh.

The fruit, freshly plucked from the tree, is very tough, and if you still manage to bite off a small piece, an inexpressible bitterness awaits you.

Therefore, to get a delicious snack, olives are soaked for a long time and then salted or pickled. At the same time, salted ones are tougher than pickled ones.

4.       Oregano

Oregano Vegetables that start with O
Oregano via Pxhere

Oregano is among the vegetables that start with O, which is a flowering plant species in the Lamiaceae mint family. It was native in the Mediterranean region but broadly naturalized away in a temperate Northern Hemisphere.

Typically, oregano is the woody perennial plant, growing 20–80 cm tall, with opposite leaves 1–4 cm long. It contains 9g of protein, 68g of carbohydrates and 4g of fat. 

The calorie content per 100 g is about 270 kcal, and the glycemic index is 5. In addition, the plant contains the following substances like vitamin C, fatty acids (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated), and alimentary fiber.

You will get tannins, phenols, choline, vitamins of groups K, B, and A, essential oils, and a whole complex of minerals, which include calcium, iron, and magnesium predominates.

For food purposes, oregano flowers are used and oblong-shaped leaves (green at the top and greyish at the bottom). With its unique herbaceous aroma and spicy, bitter taste, oregano is an ingredient in many Italian, Greek, Mexican, and American dishes. 

This vegetable is an integral part of the famous spicy Provencal herb and chilli sets. The plant can be consumed both dried and fresh. 

The oregano oil, obtained by the distillation method, is used in the cosmetic perfumery industries and medicinal purposes. The extract is suitable for relaxation, getting rid of headaches, flavoring toilet water, soap and toothpaste.

Stems, leaves, and flowers contain many useful substances. Essential oils are obtained from the herb, rich in sesquiterpenes used to treat parasitic diseases and carvacrol, antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Also, it has thymol, which helps to relieve toothache, runny nose, and sore throat. 

5.       Oil palm

Oil palm Vegetables that start with O
Oil palm via Flickr

The source of oil is the oil palm, whose Latin name is Elaeis guineensis. Oil palm, whose homeland is the territory of equatorial West Africa, is edible, which is prepared from palm fruits. 

The vegetable has perfectly taken root in a new place. The fecundity of the oil palm tree allows oil production in volumes exceeding the production of oil from other oilseed crops.

The cost of its production is much lower. Most likely, this fact gives rise to competitors to criticize the quality of oil palm and its threat to human health.

Oil palm is rich in vitamins A, B, D, C, and PP. It also contains minerals like potassium, copper, calcium, iron, and sodium, which are important for the human body.

Oil palm, like palm kernel oil, is used to produce personal hygiene products and cosmetics. It makes household chemicals like soap and detergents, lotions, creams, and toothpaste. 

Also, it is used as a raw material for the production of biofuels. With almost equal energy value (calorie content) in vitamin E content, oil palm is practically second to sunflower oil.

6.       Oriental persimmon

Oriental persimmon Vegetables that start with O
Oriental persimmon via Flickr

It is a perennial vegetable that was originally grown in Asia. It belongs to the Ebony family and is now found almost worldwide, as many zoned varieties have been eaten away.

Oriental persimmon has a high content of glucose and fructose, which contributes to the normalization of muscle function, nourishes the brain, and participates in glycogen production.

It comes with a significant amount of water that makes it an excellent tonic and improves the physical and mental state of the body.

Oriental persimmon as one of the vegetables that start with O has macronutrients that include potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium that allows you to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, muscles, and kidneys.

There is a huge amount of vitamins that strengthen the immune system (vitamin A, C) and participate in hematopoiesis (vitamin B4).

Oriental persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and nutrients, antioxidants, and tannins useful for the human body. Due to its unique natural properties, it is used in folk medicine to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

There is fructose, which provides nutrition without increasing total sugar and gastrointestinal diseases. Here the pectin contained in the fruits is included in the work. What is more, oriental persimmon has magnesium that prevents nephrolithiasis.


Now you know the vegetables that start with O. essentially, they are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals like manganese, potassium, copper, and phosphorus. 

In addition to these elements, they contain a lot of mineral salts. They normalize the water-salt balance. The taste and smell are unique, making these vegetable ideals for use in different dishes.

These vegetables that start with O have dietary fiber that awakens the appetite, stimulates digestion peristalsis, and are useful for poor appetite, constipation, and weakness.