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Vegetables That Start with S – 6 Top Vegetables!

Vegetables are known for having different elements relevant to human health. Because of the many vegetables in the market, getting the one that suits your needs become a challenge.

We will compile vegetables that start with S. These vegetables contain B vitamins, vitamins A, C, P, E, PP, K and D12. The minerals contained are iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, zinc, silicon, chromium, fluorine, selenium, copper, manganese and cobalt.

These vegetables that start with S contain glycerolipids – substances that prevent new vessels from developing in neoplasms, nourishing the cancerous tumour and preventing it from growing further.

They contain substances that neutralize the negative effects of carcinogens in cooked meat and reduce the risk of developing cancer caused by eating meat. Thanks to the amino acid, which fight reactive hypoglycemia. This condition is associated with a drop in blood sugar to a very low level.

Vegetables That Start with S

1.       Scorzonera Humilis

Scorzonera Humilis Vegetables that start with S
Scorzonera Humilis via Wikimedia

Scorzonera humilis is the herbaceous plant of the genus Kozelets and the Asteraceae family. This vegetable is also called Spanish goat, sweet root, or black carrot. It has a rough, cylindrical root crop, usually painted black or brown.

The plant’s stem can reach a height of up to 65 cm, and the weight of the root crop is usually about 150 g. likewise, the flesh of the scorzonera humilis is white and quite juicy. It is an interesting and promising medicinal plant and tasty. 

In addition to its good taste, scorzonera humilis is highly nutritious and has dietary qualities. It contains vitamins B1, B2 and C, and it has a lot of carbohydrates, protein, and mineral salts. 

But its main advantage is the high content of inulin in root crops (about 10%), as well as asparagine, and levulin, which improve carbohydrate metabolism. 

Besides, scorzonera roots contain up to 2% pectin. It is very useful for obesity, beriberi, anaemia, atherosclerosis, and inhibits the development of gout, rheumatism, and polyarthritis.

Scorzonera humilis is widely used in folk medicine. For example, this vegetable is an excellent pain reliever, and it is also recommended to use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can stop the growth of tumors, and it also resists the occurrence of metastases. 

2.      Sea grape

Sea grape Vegetables that start with S
Sea grape via Pixabay

Sea grape is a real delicacy, which is often called green caviar. This seaweed belongs to the genus Caulerpa, but gourmets know it under the Japanese name Umi budo.

It has a very fresh, slightly salty, pleasant taste and burst in the mouth like real caviar. This vegetable is quite picky, for it grows exclusively in warm and ideally clean water. The use of sea grape is very effective in reducing the pain and inflammation of the joints that result from arthritis.

Vitamin A stimulates collagen production in our body in this vegetable, which helps maintain skin elasticity and regenerate the cell. It is also considered an effective antioxidant and has vitamin E involved in the synthesis of hormones.

Sea grape has a positive effect on vascular tone, which increases skin elasticity and is also one of the most effective means for preventing Alzheimer’s disease. There is vitamin K, which promotes detoxification of the body, neutralizing the effects of toxic substances.

The sodium present in the chemical composition of sea grape normalizes the nervous system’s activity and helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

Also, in interaction with potassium, it provides a water-salt balance, which is directly related to the activity of the heart muscle. Phosphorus is an element responsible for the normal state of dental and bone tissue. Also, it helps to maintain the nervous system’s activity

3.       Skirret

Skirret Vegetables that start with S
Skirret via Wikimedia

Skirret, which is also known as sium sisarum is among the vegetables that start with S, is important in our body. It is rich in healthy antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals and oxidative molecules that are heralds of disease. 

Normal cellular processes can produce free radicals, but their numbers increase due to pollution, smoking, and other harmful practices. Foods are rich in antioxidants, which is produced by skirret help to keep the body healthy.

There is vitamin B that prevents defects in growing infants and ensures the proper formation of the brain and spinal cord. Vitamin A in skirret plays an important role in visual health, and secretion is a good source of this product. 

The vitamin is important for supporting the outer membrane and surface of the eye and protecting it from viruses and bacteria.

As a rich source of vitamin C, This vegetable has anti-aging benefits. Skirret supports the production of collagen, which maintains the skin’s elasticity due to its health and wellness. 

The skin looks and feels supple with enough collagen production and is less prone to fine lines and wrinkles.  Zinc also helps reduce the duration of infections that affect the body, such as the common cold.

4.       Sorrel

Sorrel Vegetables that start with S
Sorrel via Pxhere

Sorrel is the herbaceous plant used as a food additive, soups, salads, and even medicine. The stem is straight, sometimes branched, or rough. 

Its leaves are large petiolate, and the flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences. There are over 150 species of this plant. In the wild, sorrel grows like a weed in wastelands, along river banks, near fences, in floodplain meadows, in gardens, vegetable gardens, and fields.

The sour taste of sorrel comes from the potassium salt of oxalic acid contained in its leaves. Likewise, the leaves contain mineral salts, organic acids (malic, citric), proteins, flavonoids, carotene, sugars, tannins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Also, it has vitamins B1, B2, K, C, and PP. All types of sorrel are rich in vitamins, but horse sorrel is especially rich in vitamin C.

Sorrel roots contain up to 27% of tannins, chrysophanic acid, rumycin, chrysophanein, and flavonoid nepodin. This vegetable is a vitamin and medicinal plant that can improve digestion, liver and gallbladder function, heal wounds, and stop bleeding.

It is useful for anemia cardiovascular diseases. The leaves and fruits of sorrel have an astringent and analgesic effect. Also, the leaves have a wound healing, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antiscorbutic effect.

5.       Soy

Soy Beans Vegetables that start with S
Soy Beans via Wikimedia

Soy also known as soybean is a plant in the legume family and a native to East Asia. The plant also grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. 

It is cultivated on the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. It is of great nutritional and technical importance for humanity. Soy is not eaten raw, but various products are prepared by fermentation. It holds the record for protein content.

It contains twice pork protein, three times more than eggs, and 12 times more than milk. Soy is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B3, B9, and C and has minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc.

Also, it has omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids and phytonutrients.

This vegetable is easily digested without providing the body with harmful cholesterol and saturated fats.

Easy absorption of soy protein quickly causes a feeling of satiety, and a person does not overeat, so soy is recommended for those who have problems with being overweight. Its fiber cleanses the body of toxins.

6.       Spinach

Spinach Fresh Vegetable Vegetable Food Nutrition
Spinach via Maxpixel

Spinach is the herbaceous plant widely used in salads and dishes. This leafy vegetable is one of the healthiest foods by weight.

Spinach leaves are a real storehouse of vitamins A, C, B1, B6, B2, PP, P, D2, E, and K. It is rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, saponins, and calcium that help the body to get rid of excess cholesterol.

Also, these minerals help strengthen the immune system and prevent heart disease. It has a high content of iodine, which contributes to the proper functioning and health of the thyroid gland.

Spinach is high in protein, carbohydrates and fiber. For comparison, the protein level is higher only in young fruits of peas and beans and in meat. The high content of fiber promotes bowel function. 

Fiber and coarse fibers of spinach are not completely digested but swell and thus cleanse the intestines. Spinach helps to get rid of constipation and normalizes peristalsis. Spinach also helps to remove toxins from the body.

The high iron content in the product helps to normalize the level of haemoglobin in the blood so that the body’s tissues are better supplied with oxygen. Spinach helps to establish metabolism.

People who eat spinach regularly have a healthy complexion, strong teeth, healthy hair, and fresh skin. This vegetable is useful during a recovery process after serious illnesses.


These vegetables that start with S have unique elements to make our body healthy. They are useful for heart disease, low blood clotting, and high blood pressure. 

These vegetables improve the condition of bone tissue, prevent the development of osteoporosis, and strengthen teeth and bones. Regular consumption of these vegetables improve cerebral circulation and memory and also help fight depression and insomnia.

Among other things, they help to maintain visual acuity and reduce the risk of developing cataracts.